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286643 No. 286643 ID: e19bd4

Good morning Item 7.
Well...... It seems we're in quite a bind huh?

I'm sure you all remember the tons of crap going on.
20 posts omitted. Last 50 shown. Expand all images
No. 286889 ID: ab117e
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I didn't do anything.....
No. 286892 ID: 25d645
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No. 286894 ID: 00d3d5

Ok, start tracking down everybody we had contact with and touch us to them. Again.
Start with Sharaes, Su, and Tikka.
No. 286895 ID: f88f02

YOu'll do what you want anyway, it doesn't really matter what I say.
No. 286899 ID: 8c73c8

since Sharaes is in a coma anyway tell Laisisia to munch on her instead.
No. 286941 ID: b6ca92

The thought eater. It's not been feeding on our thoughts, its been feeding on our connection to the thoughts of others!
This is an emergency, bigger than being hunted, bigger than the soul stealers, bigger than the original god from which the 118 items came himself!
Get yourself a mage, or someone, and get teleporting NOW. We need the network; YOU need the network if we want to succeed, or at least LIVE.
If you have anything or know anyone who ca put things into stasis or hibernation, do to the thought eater ASAP!
No. 286944 ID: b6ca92

Touch Shareas now. NOW.
Also, do not feed the thought eater.
No. 287044 ID: 251a14
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Gram quickly grabs hold of Sharaes for a moment and reestablishes their connection.
He runs out of the room and sees Tikka in the hall.

"Tikka! Quickly I need to touch you!"

"Wh-what? N-not that I mind but we're in the hallway."

"I need to do this to live!"

No. 287047 ID: f88f02

FOr fuck's sake you can just grab her shoulder. THere's no need to announce it.
No. 287048 ID: 00d3d5

Just put us on her head or something.
No. 287049 ID: 8c73c8

just grab her face and then run off to the next. will take forever if you ask people that already know you.
No. 287060 ID: 40cb26

Just touch her cheek softly, she'll appreciate it more. But hey have you two had any further... practice? You'll never be the legendary golem pimp king if you don't.
No. 287071 ID: f88f02

No. 287167 ID: b6ca92

Damn it gram, you social skills will be the death of you I just know it.
Just yell out "ITEM SEVEN!" and grab them when you encounter them. It's simple enough for you not to screw up, and they might get it after a moment of thought.
No. 287254 ID: 04b3ea
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Uhm... No, not recently at least.


He gently touches Tikka's cheek.

"G-Gram.... I...."

"Okay that should be good enough. I'll see you later."

Gram spends some time rushing around establishing as many connections as possible.

He sits down in his room.

That should be everyone in the castle... Laisisia, Tikka, Sharaes, that one light elf girl, Su.... Yep I think that's everyone.
No. 287255 ID: 40cb26

Alright we'll get the situation on everyone. Now Gram what we're going to need from you is to start thinking like a Big Damn Hero, not just going along with being forced into it by us or others or by fate itself. If you want to live through this you'd better really fucking want a lot more than that.

Well he's still mostly clueless but he can manage to be gentle now, nice job with that. Good to see you again, how are you holding up?
No. 287260 ID: 1854db

Alright then. Where is the thought eater? We need to make it go away.
No. 287261 ID: 8c73c8

you could just page it directly with
No. 287500 ID: e19bd4
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Pretty Good. Been rather busy though.. It seems the catfolk want to meet with Sharaes to discuss what to do with the Tigerfolk. I propose having a meeting with all the world leaders though.

Lirail thol. Cyrn eisi o sydae?
No. 287503 ID: 00d3d5

@Tikka: I have a better idea. Use that species disguise to become a tigerfolk, defeat their current leader as gently as you can manage, beat the wannabees with as much force as you like, and declare yourself leader. Appoint the current leader as your proxy, bring their people under control, end the hostilities (Perhaps by providing evidence that it was a false-flag attack), and start checking in with them every few days.
No. 287504 ID: f88f02

I know you can understand us on some level. We need to find a food that isn't us.
No. 287505 ID: 1854db

Okay. You? You can't eat us without fucking us over, and eating our party members is just as bad. You can't stay with us. Well... I guess you can ask Sharaes if she minds if you feed on her. I'm not really sure if that's a problem for a dragon.

If she gets fucked up by your feeding requirement, you're just going to have to go back to the wild.

Also what the heck is that language? How come we can't understand that...?
No. 287506 ID: 00d3d5

@Gram: OH! Go reconnect with Rose!

@Teri: We've been out of contact for a few days. How are you holding up?
No. 287511 ID: e19bd4
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>I -would- but they can sorta smell/sense I'm not a native. They surround me en masse if I tried.

>On it

Can understand. Sorry () drained your power. ()'m actually quite full. Probably will not need to eat for another 4 months or so.
If you want I will go...
No. 287513 ID: f88f02

Wow, that long? We must have been damn tasty!

... As a practical question, how fast can you drain if you really tried, and does it need a brain for you to do it?
No. 287514 ID: 00d3d5

@Tikka: Wash yourself, then put on some hunting musk. Your scent will masked in a way that won't arouse suspicion.
Besides, as long as you don't smell like a different race they'll assume you come from a settlement somewhere.

@Laisisia: No, it's fine. Feeding you had side effects we didn't anticipate, and so some of us got scared. You're welcome to stay, don't worry about it.
No. 287667 ID: 04b3ea
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>Use what?

Well Laisisia can't really eat anything with teeth broken. In prime of life it took 2 days to fully drain. Miss those days. Boring now.
No. 287668 ID: f88f02

>2 days
Hrm. Okay, nevermind then.

...Say, would you like to go on an adventure, Lasisia?
No. 287670 ID: 04b3ea
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..... What kind?
No. 287671 ID: f88f02

See, Gram had a master. SHe died. Mu, his sister, is mad at him about it. So we are gonna bring her back! But we need the body. Which is far away, and Gram needs to do stuff, and so does Mu. So... YOu're a prime candidate, because you're bored.
No. 287674 ID: 00d3d5

Tigerfolk are a predatory species, and you can't always hunt from downwind. In order to maintain the element of surprise predators mask their scents with those of prey animals.
In nature this would come from rolling around in animal urine or other strong scents, but intelligent species can harvest the scents directly from glands.

That is what you would use to disguise your scent.
No. 287676 ID: 04b3ea
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Seems interesting.
Nothing else to do.
How will Laisisia get there?
No. 287680 ID: f88f02

That... is an excellent question. Find a cart and hide in the hay?
No. 287681 ID: 04b3ea
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>yeah, no. Going with plan Metting With World Leaders. I'll file yours as plan Z.
No. 287690 ID: 00d3d5

Laisisia, you could take a boat. It's not like we're in a rush.

@Tikka: Plan C; "Summon the Demon Lord" isn't even as far down as plan Z.
Plan B, so you know, is propping up the Tiger queen from the shadows.
No. 287691 ID: 8c73c8

hmmm, we know you can say 'food' but how are you at the rest of the language? may be able to pay for a boat ride.
No. 287701 ID: 40cb26

Well as a plan B, meeting with all the leaders except the tigerfolk. If everyone else works something out, like a plan to recover their damn sword, the lot of them can go down there and talk to them. Ideally they can be convinced to participate before the meeting, but you still may need nonhuman diplomats to do so.
No. 287886 ID: 3d1ab3
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Boat ride.

"(Girl. Going out. Be back later.)"

>"Hmm? Uhm.. Okay Laisisia. I'll see you later."

Laisisia leaves.

>Actually we have a few of the leaders here already. We're waiting on the Catfolk and the Light Elves..
No. 287905 ID: 00d3d5

Can you name all the leaders and their entourages?

The Tigerfolk queen is already there, I take it?
No. 288275 ID: 8c73c8

[switch to anyone we haven't talked to in in the last day]
No. 288281 ID: d4d3dc
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>I can't name em all! And yeah she's here already.


Mu is slammed into another tree knocking loose more paper from her body.

Hm. At least I can not feel pain.
Still... I need to hold out until Teri comes back.
No. 288289 ID: 00d3d5

Oh, crap!
Mu! Sitrep!
No. 288357 ID: 40cb26

Whoa! Ok quick, do you need a blast of random power or is it too risky?
No. 288786 ID: d4d3dc
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Oh. Hello. I'm glad you're back.
Yes, I could use some power, thank you.
No. 288788 ID: 00d3d5

Where are you? We might be able to get some help out to you.
No. 288789 ID: 8c73c8

make sure you have us stick out and hand is pointing towards him in case the effect shoots from us.
No. 288790 ID: 40cb26

Is that the collector? Oh we really need to kill that guy before he gets used to all our random powers.
No. 288804 ID: d4d3dc
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Havoc activates bringing Item 7 down to 2 charges.
Mu is turned into a smoke wisp along with all her items. The Collectors hand passes through her and hits a tree.

No. 288806 ID: 00d3d5

You know you can use our abilities, right?
Shove your smoke leg into his lung. That way he'll have a lung full of paper when this wears off.
No. 288809 ID: 8c73c8

good idea, for anything else that would be a bad idea since on reform you would need to be in default shape but you can change.
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