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File 134110858252.png - (1.50MB , 2088x2390 , suicide quest.png )
427676 No. 427676 ID: c8c8e9

You sit on the rooftop, ingesting carcinogens with the other items in your usual deadly arsenal sitting next to you.

Today you’ll finally put a use to them.

But before that, we should probably figure out your name, shouldn’t we?
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No. 428043 ID: 6808dd

Well, there's gotta be a normal way you get off the roof - service stairway or fire escape or something.
Getting someone to overdose on Xanax against their will would take some figuring out, but if we do it right, it'll also be a lot less conspicuous than outright stabbing or shooting someone. Let's leave the dramatic killings for later.
...why are you so hung up on this, anyway, Claire? What made you suicidal in the first place?
No. 428046 ID: 99090a

Go to a bar. A pretty girl like you's bound to get lots of drinks. Make sure you sit next to a guy, and every time he looks away from his drink, slip a Xanax in his drink. Repeat until he's dead.
No. 428056 ID: b2f225

> No college education for you, no sir, not many homeless kids can afford that.
Your country sucks.

> You want the most gorgeous death.
Huh, an exhibitionist. Out with a bang, yeah? Not so fast, first you need to pave your way to stardom. Only then you may find someone to kill with those cigarettes. It will take just fifty years or more. Easy stuff.
No. 428074 ID: 196d1b

Why do you have a "usual deadly arsenal", anyway? And why are you planning murder-suicide?
No. 428078 ID: d7e757

Wait I got it

Shoot yourself in the thigh. Then open your wrist with the blade. Dose up on the xanax, light your hair on fire, and jump from the building, assuming it's of decent height.

No. 428081 ID: 1e72ae

Do you know anyone else that wants to die? Or any you think deserve to die? Why do you think you deserve to die?
What type of knife is it? (serrated gets stuck easier, but leaves a larger wound) How many bullets does the gun have? What resources aside from weaponry do you have?(skills, cash, favors owed)
The most gorgeous death is always done when surrounded by people you are close to; it leaves a bigger impact.
No. 428103 ID: 3c8b7d

Clarice you shouldn't be doing such bad things! They are no fun for you and the people around you. I'm sure you can find some other fun things to do that wouldn't end up hurting someone.

If you must though, I suggest trying >>428056 's idea, and not because I'm secretly trying to prevent you from killing someone. Oh no. Not at all.
No. 430119 ID: c8c8e9
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>Well, there's gotta be a normal way you get off the roof - service stairway or fire escape or something.
Getting someone to overdose on Xanax against their will would take some figuring out, but if we do it right, it'll also be a lot less conspicuous than outright stabbing or shooting someone. Let's leave the dramatic killings for later.
>slip a Xanax in his drink. Repeat until he's dead.
Oh. Well. There is an exit right over there. Better use that to go down the obnoxious amount of stairs and leave the building.
Seems like the best idea would be for you to go and try to slip someone a few Xanax, particularly in a bar setting. However, it will be hard for you to be seen as alluring, or even approachable. You kind of give off the impression of being an Ice Monster.

>Do you know anyone else that wants to die? Or any you think deserve to die? Why do you think you deserve to die?
>...why are you so hung up on this, anyway, Claire? What made you suicidal in the first place?
Doesn't everyone want to kill themselves?

>What type of knife is it?
It's a bit smaller than a butcher knife, but not serrated. It's perfectly smooth and sharp; you sharpen this baby every night.
>Why do you have a "usual deadly arsenal", anyway? And why are you planning murder-suicide?
The "usual deadly arsenal" is made up of a couple of things you've found and felt would be useful for this purpose. Why? Why not?
No. 430141 ID: 886a4d

Nope, generally people will do everything they can to live. Thats why murderers get the death sentance.
No. 430144 ID: c5e1e1

> Doesn't everyone want to kill themselves?
Its rather hard to achieve any goals or pleasures when dead.
No. 430157 ID: bf0300

>Doesn't everyone want to kill themselves?
Most people would do *anything* to prolong their life. Some are fine with dying once they've completed what they feel is their life's goal, and others want to die to escape from their burdens and responsibilities.

>It's perfectly smooth and sharp
Nice, it seems you know what you're doing then; where'd you learn how to take care of them like that?
No. 430184 ID: 01f6f1

> Doesn't everyone want to kill themselves?
No, most are too ignorant to understand the situation and those who understand don't have the guts. You are one of them, apparently.
No. 430205 ID: b85f8c

...what situation?
No. 430213 ID: 3e1fcb

Um, you have a gun. Obviously that buys you a myriad activities if you have nothing to live for.

For starters, go to a bank or shop, and hold it up. Suddenly you're not so poor anymore. If that doesn't liven you up, shoot someone while you are there. Shoot everyone. Leave nobody.

Take the money and buy a very fast car in which you can die a gruesome death amongst twisted metal and fire.

OR, you can buy a bigger gun and die in a badass shootout with the cops.

OR you could prod the elderly with that toothpick of yours until they beat you to death with their walking sticks.

OR if you're too faggy for those if that's not your style, you can just overdose on the Xanax and lie down in a gully where nobody will ever find you (and wouldn't care to anyway).
No. 430217 ID: cf49fc

You are a pathetic abomination. Live a little, or else I shall follow your rotten soul to the afterlife and taunt you for always and eternity. This is pointless murder. If it were only yourself I would have little problem, but killing innocents because you are bored is wrong.

Also, NO NOT EVERYONE WANTS TO DIE. Why would you even think that? How could you explain old people, and people saying, "I want to live!"
No. 430227 ID: 997ce7

Kill yourself already you attention whore
No. 430262 ID: 01f6f1

Boring, boring, boring.

> You kind of give off the impression of being an Ice Monster.
It doesn't matter. You are a woman, you'll get all the unwanted attention you don't need. Don't know why so much importance is given to this kind of thing, but I gave up on understanding people like you. Yeah, I get it. You're a woman. You and half of the world. Why should I give a fuck, really? Eh. Sorry, let's get down to business. Do you have a place where you can clean yourself and get some clothes? Otherwise, at least take off this cap, comb your hair and get a better expression. Think of interesting things, like people taking their time just to curse you. Look, we already have some douchebags here. Doesn't this improve your mood a bit?
No. 430319 ID: 68852c

oh shit! a shitstorm in a quest about suicide! le fucking gasp! someone better do a dis thread.


walk barways.
No. 430321 ID: 1e72ae

Dude, having an argument in text is not really gonna help (even though everyone else is really negative); neither is a paragraph long response on why she should feel better.(if it was accepted, it would seemingly lessen the impact of the rest of the commentators)

The best things we can do at this point are to try to remind her what use she has (skills, tools), find out why she wants to die(and fix the problem), or get her to someone who will care for her. The only way we can do these things are by *nudging* her in that direction, not trying to inspire her by way of a speech.(epiphanies are always more dear if they are figured out by ones self)
No. 430437 ID: c8c8e9
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Alright. Alright. Order in the court.
You guess that there are a few things to address.
[Author's note: The biggest one for me is be fucking polite to each other, please, or at least civil. You are all here for the same purpose. Also, stay relevant to the quest. If you want to talk more, I made a discussion thread. Now, back to addressing things in the actual quest.]

You will be killing people tonight. Or, at the very least, injuring them. If you fail to do so, you will kill yourself, bam bam. But that's so dull, so let's avoid that, shall we?
As for the issue of "morality," you think you'll show off a favorite little definition in the dictionary for everyone:
Etymology: L, socius, companion; Gk, pathos, disease
a personality disorder characterized by a lack of social responsibility and failure to adapt to ethical and social standards of the community."
And if they can't understand that: "Individuals with this disorder have little regard for the
feeling and welfare of others."
Basically, you do not give two shits what happens to anyone else. You just want your fucking research for your suicide.

Anyway, moving on.
>Nice, it seems you know what you're doing then; where'd you learn how to take care of them like that?
You've been taking care of weapons since you were young. Where you were raised it was sort of common, at least towards the end of your childhood.
>NO NOT EVERYONE WANTS TO DIE. Why would you even think that? How could you explain old people, and people saying, "I want to live!"
Everything humans do seems to you to be a means of getting closer to death. They eat so they can get fat and develop heart disease and die. They don't eat so they can waste into bones and die. They work so that they can have the most money when they die. They don't work so they can become dust. They buy clothes so they can look the prettiest when they die. They get adrenaline rushes so they can prepare for death. Everything is for death.
>walk barways.
You walk until you approach the closest bar to you. It seems to be fairly packed, which may prove to be an advantage. More people, more faces for you to be confused with.
No. 430450 ID: b85f8c

People eat so they don't starve and die. People don't eat too much so they don't get fat and unhealthy. People work so that they can have money to buy food and shelter, which avoids death. People don't work all the time so that they don't get too stressed out, which is unhealthy. People buy clothes so that they are warm and protected, which helps them avoid death. Adrenaline surges are an amazing physical and mental boost that helps you deal with dangerous situations and avoid death.

In fact, living things evolve to avoid death and reproduce more effectively. It's cold hard science.

It's a bit beside the point though. You have your reasons for killing people and killing yourself apparently so let's get to that. Just go up to the bar and sit next to some guy. Order a drink and mostly ignore him- let him make the first move.

You have money, right?
No. 430512 ID: 68852c

look for some ugly lonely guy who looks really desperate for some boning. order two beers. approach him. chat. go to his place.
No. 430544 ID: 01f6f1

Are you trying to understand the world around you, to attach meaning to things? Stop trying to justify your actions, you're just grasping at straws. You want to kill someone for your own amusement, you want to test methods of dying because you fear pain and uncertainty, you want to die gloriously because you dread insignificance and oblivion more than anything. However, I don't care. What you do and what you feel doesn't matter. Shut up and get inside that bar.
No. 431915 ID: b26bd8

this is likely to be extremely effective, it has my upvote.

as for all the moral conundrum and pitifulness of this miserable slime that calls itself human, i figure its just amusement either way. this is not a character we are really meant to get attached to, an it isn.t capable of development. frankly, the fact that its not so much of a moral grey area as it is complete lack of morality somewhat bores me, as there is no actual emotional involvment for us or the character, but the show must go on.

find a mark that looks desperate, act perfectly ready to put out, and go along with him to his house. you can kill him afterwards, in his sleep, or perhaps prepare him a early morning breakfast laced with Xanax.
No. 439938 ID: c8c8e9
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>Shut up and get inside that bar.

Alright, alright. You get inside and sit down on a grimy barstool. You glance left and then right; two desperate guys sitting right next to you. One of them is looking at you kinda funny... he has a little smirk on his face and one eyebrow is raised... does that mean he's "checking you out" or whatever?!
You quickly turn away on instinct, but not before giving him a little sly smile in return. You're about to call over the bartender to order yourself a drink. You need to loosen up, girl.

"Hey, whaddya know! It's Claire!"

The voice comes from behind you. You instinctively grab your knife. Should you kill this fucker before he gets in the way of your plans?
No. 439940 ID: 6808dd

you cannot just stab people in public places
No. 439946 ID: 4a328b

do it.

stab the fucker.
No. 439951 ID: b85f8c

I want to see what happens if you get the cops called on you, so stab him.
No. 439953 ID: 997ce7

Whirl around and scream like a banshee while slashing your own throat.
No. 439957 ID: bf3f27

Shut up this fucker. Kiss her and/or him passionately.
No. 439960 ID: 6808dd

wait i second the kiss
No. 439969 ID: 8042f4

Do not stab! You will get blood all over the bar floor, and someone will have to clean it up later and it will make their day that much worse.
No. 439975 ID: 6395a4

going to be hard to kill yourself nice and pretty if your getting chased down by K9. try and leave him be for now. or better yet, why dont you incorporate *him* into your plans?
or are you just too stupid to figure that out?
No. 441658 ID: c8c8e9
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Wait... wait... wait...
No. 441660 ID: c8c8e9
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"Heyyy, Claire, can I buy you a drink?"
Oh god. That was a bad idea. A really bad idea. You... You guess you just have to accept that it happened... um. What now? That guy next to you is still giving you THE look.
No. 441665 ID: 89499d

No, no. You're the one buying a drink.
No. 441671 ID: c8c8e9

What's the point of kissing him if you're just going to ignore him right afterwards?
No. 441675 ID: bf54a8

get the most expensive thing.
No. 441697 ID: 9718f3

"THE" look? You have anything particular against that kind of look?
No. 441711 ID: ce47da

free booze!
No. 447014 ID: 8dbc01
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You sigh and say yes to him buying you a drink. He calls the bartender over, orders something for you two, and then turns to you.
"I haven't seen you in a while, Claire. How's the dry cleaners going?"
"It's going fine," you say, avoiding his gaze. "Same filthy place it's always been."
He chuckles, "Aw, well it can't be as bad as the apartments we lived in as kids. I mean, those were shit holes."
You close your eyes tight, "Yeah, I guess."
You don't like those memories.
No. 447015 ID: 8dbc01
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The memories start to flood your brain. You haven't thought about this shit in a while. Your eyes dilate and little black dots flood your vision.
No. 447016 ID: 8dbc01
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Your name is Claire. You're 10 years old. You've just moved into this city with your mother, into this piece of shit apartment.
You hear your mother talking to herself in her room again.
What should you do?
No. 447033 ID: d6c330

Quickly! Kill yourself! Steal your future self's glory and cause a time paradox.
No. 447034 ID: 8dbc01

Listen in, of course. Unless she always talks about the same things.

How long has your mother been batshit?
No. 447038 ID: fa9f7e

Yep. Just punch out that window and make a few nice, bleedy wounds on your wrists on the edges of the jagged hole.
No. 447410 ID: 8dbc01
File 134590457320.png - (178.83KB , 700x600 , uhno.png )

>Quickly! Kill yourself! Steal your future self's glory and cause a time paradox.
>Yep. Just punch out that window and make a few nice, bleedy wounds on your wrists on the edges of the jagged hole.

What? Kill yourself? Mom says you're not allowed to do that.
Besides, it's too early. That'd be against the rules.
No. 447411 ID: 8dbc01
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>Listen in, of course. Unless she always talks about the same things.

>How long has your mother been batshit?

She's not batshit, but she's been talking to herself a lot since the move...
You go to the door and listen in. You can hear her pacing back and forth, as she always does.

"Oh my god why did I leave I shouldn't have done that I'll never get salvation now and Claire never will either oh my god what have I done to my baby she'll never be saved she'll go to hell I'll go to hell but there was no way I was going to through with that... no no no no."
No. 447495 ID: 4a328b

Uh, where did you live before now

Did they teach you about suicide there?
No. 447496 ID: d6c330

Your mom specifically made it a rule that you're not allowed to kill yourself? That's a little messed up. Like she expects you to.

What is she babbling on about? It sounds like she's letting some kind of religious indoctrination get to her.
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