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File 135214957842.png - (166.10KB , 1000x900 , Chapter 1-A.png )
468856 No. 468856 ID: 6650ed

Hello, you voices out there? can you hear me?

'tis the God of Adventuring talking, the world's in danger right now, and im summoning you to help save it!

...Why is it so damned dark anyway?
32 posts omitted. Last 100 shown. Expand all images
No. 469215 ID: 738a4a
File 135225196328.png - (123.88KB , 900x1000 , Chapter 1-G.png )

waitwaitwaitwaitwaitwait what
No. 469219 ID: bf54a8

yeah, hi.
No. 469220 ID: b6edd6

Nothing to see here. Carry on.

So you were talking about a Charged Accelerator Gun? By that do you mean a gun that directly launches energy, or a gun that launches projectiles using energy in something like electromagnets?
No. 469227 ID: 70c0f2

>waitwaitwaitwaitwaitwait what
I told you, you're just hearing us friendly voices. Don't worry, you're not crazy. We're really actual distinct voices that have decided to drop by and talk to you- not your own mind breaking down. I promise.

I explained the whole deal here, >>469153, if you want me to repeat myself.
No. 469235 ID: f2c20c

A tesla coil, huh? Sounds like you guys are about on the level of tech we're familiar with, if not higher.

Please explain how your charged accelerator gun works. Does it induce a powerful magnetic field in quick steps to propel a ferrous projectile through the barrel? I would call that a railgun or a coilgun, depending on what mechanism is used.
No. 469275 ID: 049858

Lienzo, right? Here's what's going on.
By means we're probably not allowed to reveal, your mind has been put in contact with a group of entities who like to give advice. That's really the only thing we all have in common.
Some of us are virtuous paladins, who will advise you to the best of our capability, in the hopes that you succeed. Some of us are complete jerkwads who will deliberately give you bad advice for the evil giggle of seeing you fail. Some of us are romantics, who will try to help you to fall in love with someone we feel is right for you, because we are hopeful that everyone has someone. Some of us are perverts who will try to get you laid for the voyeuristic thrills and watch you try to deal with the consequences. In short, we're people.
We're here to help you...well, most of us...and we're ready to get started. Whether you view this as a blessing or a curse is up to you, but I think I can get away with emphasizing something you've probably already realized: Your life is not going to be boring.
No. 469466 ID: cb2f10
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Uh, okay, yes, i, uh, well, hm, k.

Allright, first of all, i will not mind you, uh, "voices" on my head as long as you don't do creepy chanting or do ANYTHING even remotely magical inside of my head at all, i am, uh, sure you have good intentions, right?

Second, about my inventions... well, they don't exactly work, per say, as i have ben lacking the right tools and parts to get the damn things to work.
uh, for the charged accelerator gun we planned to make it shoot balls of energy, but im not sure about that yet, and the tesla coil was just a little experiment.
No. 469468 ID: cb2f10
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and freakin' third, i don't need no head voices to help me with attracting girls or thinking about boobs, i got that covered, trust me.
No. 469473 ID: 98378e

Let the creepy chanting commence!

Ia! Ia! Cthulhu Fthagn! Ph'nglui mglw'nfah Cthulhu R'lyeh wgah'nagl fhtagn!

Also, why call it a tesla coil, is nikola a thing in this reality as well? I mean sure he's a multidimensional god but still.
No. 469475 ID: 33c165

Ia! Ia! Cthulhu Fthagn!

Chanting aside, tell us everything about yourself.
No. 469480 ID: 70c0f2

...silly move, dude. We're kind of a contrary bunch. Tell us not to do something, and there's a reasonable chance we'll do it- just to mess with you. We're kind of childish that way.

>i don't need no head voices to help me with attracting girls or thinking about boobs, i got that covered, trust me.
So... you're either a player, gay, uninterested, or a pervert?
No. 469481 ID: 12c19f

Crazy chanting? Naw.

Running naked through the street though!
No. 469540 ID: d10f72

Nah man, we have bigger fish to fry, Tsathogua is where it's at!
No. 469566 ID: f2c20c

Don't worry bro, I don't think we can really do anything magical aside from speak to you.

It's a pity about the lack of proper tools. Do you at least have some form of gun around?
No. 469689 ID: f70dea
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Good to know you guys have a sence of humor, and it's just a random name that scientists and other inventors use.


I'll just say im the kind of guy that can conquer a girl without any help, just sucks that there aint any actual good ones in this city.


Oh, thank goodness, i was a afraid that i-... uh, i'll explain later.

I was going to just get to that, we have almost nothing now, at least when we started we got a few costumers when we first arrived, but now we're kind of, like, breaking down here, yknow?

And i belive this is where you guys come in, i suppose, i need to know what i can possibly do in order to get this thing running, or at least SOME way to get out of here and go somewhere that smells better, if you know what i mean, im actually considering the latter option.

And yes, i have a pistol, but it's rusted and weak as crap, i'd rather get a revolver or something like that.
No. 469701 ID: 70c0f2

So... now that we've introduced ourselves, let's get to questioning you: (if you want good advice, we need to know the situation, after all).

What are your goals, short and long term? You want to invent something? What kind of thing? Is it a lack of physical resources, information or time that's preventing your inventing? You want this business to do better? What is this business, exactly?

What resources do you currently have at your disposal?

What's the problem with magic? You seemed awfully concerned at the prospect we might be magical. Does magic comes with horrible side effects? Is magic anathema or taboo where you live? Are magic users or those touched by it persecuted?
No. 469705 ID: 98378e

Wait what, that didn't clear up ANYTHING. What resources do you have at your disposal, why did you stop getting customers, how expensive would it be to move, can you take out loans, are the tools you need available for purchase at your current locale? Do you have any living family or friends you could cash a favour in from? Is the rest of your family also inventors or not? Last name? Sherrif? That suggest a small backwater town? Right or wrong? Question mark?

In short give us some EXPOSITIon
No. 469835 ID: f2c20c

Why's Gerald going to the sheriff?

Also, please tell us what goods or services your shop usually sells, and what resources you have to make new stuff with.
No. 470046 ID: f90e3f
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>What's the problem with magic?
No no, it's nothnig of that, and absolutely not a PERSONAL problem, per say... i'll explain later, if you don't mind.

>In short give us some EXPOSITIon

Well, to begin with, since as long as i can remember, i've allways ben a... watchamacallit,"fan" of technology, allways wondering just how far could the steam engine get, or just what could be done with it, i know this is pretty much sounds every inventor's toughts, but i just know that there is something else to it, and one day i'll... i don't know, invent something never seen before , quite litteraly, maybe it'll come true one day if i work hard enough, it did work for some other popular inventors, like the dwarves that made the steam engine to begin with, but for now...

Keeping it short and not-so-sweet, we have nothing, all the resources we had got used up faster than we expected, we still have some tools, like a wrench, a hammer, an old pistol, wich actually may or may not have some value, aaaand, dunno if it counts, but a crap ton of pickaxes just laying around at the entrance of an abandoned mine not too far from this city, also, it's not a backwater town at all, there's actually many sheriff's-sheriffses-sheriffii, whatever, i myself don't know how that works, and don't care much as long as it doesn't bring me trouble.

>Do you have any living family or friends you could cash a favour in from? Is the rest of your family also inventors or not? Last name?

They're too far from here, on a small fishing village, my mother's a farmer and dad is a gunsmith, dad makes a nice amount of money out of that, but i really wouldn't want to bother them with that anyway, and last name's Abart.

>Also, please tell us what goods or services your shop usually sells, and what resources you have to make new stuff with.
>What are your goals, short and long term? You want to invent something? What kind of thing? Is it a lack of physical resources, information or time that's preventing your inventing? You want this business to do better? What is this business, exactly?

This whole store thingie idea was just the simplest way for me to make money, wasn't so simple after all, as you can see, this was gonna be a Tech shop, yknow, little things that people on a technology-oriented city like this would use like lightbulbs, guns, you get the deal.
what i am lacking is actual materials and parts to use on my own stuff, I'd also like to have some schematics for other inventions, it's how i started the construction the T.Coil and the CA Gun.

As for a long term goal?...
No. 470047 ID: f90e3f
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...well, becoming a beloved inventor made the cure for all known diseases, or eliminating world hunger, or creating a superweapon capable of destroying all undead in the land, may have all of it's benefits.
No. 470048 ID: f2c20c

What's this about undead?

Don't flamethrowers work well on undead? Or do you not have those yet?
No. 470049 ID: 98378e

Okay, do phones or radios exist? I'm thinking vacuum tube radios may be a easy low hanging fruit here. Also, you need to try and get a patron so you can focus on the inventing.

Make blueprints of various concepts in preparation in case a viable person shows up, prototypes would be better but eh.
No. 470052 ID: 70c0f2

So... we're looking at level of tech about somewhere in the 1800s? Individually cast and crafted firearms, before the standardization of interchangeable parts and factory manufacture? The steam engine is a fairly recent invention people are still trying to improve?

I think this is good news for you. Provided the laws of physics work the way we expect them to, we have knowledge of sciences and tech that your civilization appears not to, yet. We can provide you information for rapid inventing and advancement. Well, once we secure you the resources you need.

What's the dominant form of transport? If you have steam engines, do you have railways and locomotives yet? What's the status on power generation and distribution? Is there an electrical grid up, or being constructed yet? Has anyone discovered an artificial light source (ie, besides fire or magic).
No. 470054 ID: 98378e

He mentioned lightbulbs so yes on artificial light source and probable yes on electrical grid.
No. 470056 ID: 70c0f2

Whoops, you're right. Missed that.

What's the state of your grid then? Is complete, or still spreading across the country? Are you using AC or DC?
No. 470059 ID: b6edd6

Be careful about the superweapon bit. You might build a superweapon for a specific purpose, but once it is invented it tends to stay invented.

Describe these undead. For starters, can they be stopped through mere traumatic bodily damage, or do they need to be decapitated or even dismembered to de-animate?

And about magic, does it have any particular problems with tech? You can get a very long ways staying within the laws of nature, but a lot of things become a lot easier if you can ignore a few every so often.
No. 470205 ID: 2f4b71

If metallurgy is sufficient for pistols and revolvers, and steam engines are still mainly vacuum condensation types, we might even be able to skip over staged expansion steam engines right to the steam turbine.
No. 470207 ID: f2c20c

It kinda sounds like they have electricity already though.
No. 470216 ID: f90e3f
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>about the undead
Haven't seen any of them with my own eyes before, i've only read about them and seen illustrations, I do know, however, that they can be killed by any way you can think of, it's just pretty tough, at least that's what i've read, also, flamethrowers do exist, but i don't know if anybody uses them, i don't go out too much.


Wow wow, i think i should tell you that, sadly, the continet we are on, Caladon, is one of the two that actually have the big liking for technology, second one being the northern continent of Aldrena.

>Are you using AC or DC?
We use DC

>And about magic, does it have any particular problems with tech?

Magic and Technology are the exact oposite of eachother, you'd be surprised if i told you how many shopkeepers on tech shops i've seen that legitimately got freaked out when a mage even got close to their place.

I had actually quite suspected that this may be the cause of this al-...
No. 470217 ID: f90e3f
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look who's here
No. 470232 ID: 70c0f2

>We use DC
Oh. So... still in that awkward phase where buildings spontaneously combust from the wiring, you have to build relay or transfer stations every few miles in order to get the lines across any significant distance without massive voltage drop, children are getting killed by transformers, and electrocution is common.

Seriously. AC has far fewer long range transition issues, and generally makes for a safer grid. If you're looking for an easy route to technologically better people's lives- pull a Tesla and start the war of the currents already.

>look who's here
Who's this douchebag? Some mage, here to break your tech just by being here?
No. 470259 ID: 8042f4

I think he's the partner/roommate from earlier
(unless he has a twin brother or something)

Do you/can you make your machine components from scratch (from chunk of raw copper to working pocket watch), or do you just have a knack for figuring out how available parts could work together? What was your last(I mean like last week, really recent) successful project? Do you have anything on the shelves in the shop that you'd be able to use to make something flashy? (you can have the best craftsmanship in the land, but it doesn't mean anything if nobody sees your work)
No. 470676 ID: edfaaa
File 135265520013.png - (85.46KB , 900x600 , Chapter 1-S.png )

Yep, this is Gerald, my partner, can't say too much about him, other than, he's lazy and helpfull at the same time, a bit of a hard-head too.

Gerald - "I bring you important news, Sheriff Rednar's a walking ass."

Lienzo - "Charming, and a jacket thief too, am i right?"

Gerald - "Told me that if we want to get this store to prosper, we're just gonna have to get out of the city, the competition here is too "powerfull" for us, and some other crap i didn't bother to listen."

Lienzo - "He didn't care that we have not enough money to afford a train ride, did he?"

Gerald - "Not one bit."


Any way of getting parts is good as long as i know it won't explode. Last "succesfull" thing would be a little lightbulb i had made on our way to this city, sadly it broke just as we had arrived. And perhaps i can make something fancy with some of those wood dolls or something, they're the only good thing i can think of in these shelves, but if only i had some more parts...

But for now, i think i'll have to vote for getting some money to move out, Train rides are 500 gold per head, we have 764 tho, so maybe we can use some simple way of making money, unless you guys have a better plan?
No. 470681 ID: b59bfb

Well I thought the answer was obvious. We just stuff Gerald into one of the bags and put him in the storage bay. that way we only pay 500 for you, and we get out of the city.
No. 470685 ID: 70c0f2

...how exactly can you afford to operate this shop if you can't afford the train tickets?

In most sane economies, the price of operating a small business (especially before it starts to turn a profit!) should be far more than transporting two people. I mean you have the rent or lease, you have to feed yourselves, there's the utility bills, you have to buy supplies and goods, you have to make or process supplies into the stuff you sell, pay employees, have insurance, possibly pay the right bribes or protection money... it's a big deal!
No. 470690 ID: b6edd6

The expense of train rides are probably because they are a new development.

What if you guys leave the city by some slower way? That would probably be cheaper.
No. 470718 ID: f2c20c

You could sell some stuff to a competing store?
No. 470886 ID: b59bfb

You could whore yourself out to 100 fat chicks for 50 each...
No. 470888 ID: f2c20c

That would be 5000. He only needs to whore himself out 10 times at 50 each.
No. 470905 ID: 1e72ae

[Sorry about the typo, don't know how I missed it]
Have you tried selling the store/building itself? It won't do you much good to keep it if you leave the city.
No. 471679 ID: 332130
File 135291595604.png - (91.75KB , 1000x900 , Chapter 1-T.png )

Train tickets ARE indeed quite expensive because it's kind of a new invention, and the reason i can afford this place and not the trains is because this is a rather cheap building, i only have to pay 75 gold per month for the rent, tho i don't know what am i gonna do with no good income now.


Doubt they'd accept anything, even if we had anything to begin with, but im not sure, i haven't visited any of them myself.


Maybe, i'd have to find someone willing to buy it, tough.

If i may, i'd say the only good ways of making money right now would be trying to do jobs for people around here, and i think i may know of 2 trustworthy people who may have something good for us in this city, unless you guys have a better plan?

Gerald - "Im just going to get some other clothes on and leave you to your meditation or whatever."
No. 471688 ID: f2c20c

Yeah, let's go see if we can do some errands. Tell your bro that you're gonna go look for work.
No. 471752 ID: 1e72ae

Yep, and don't forget to bring your gun! (if Gerald got mugged for a jacket, you want to make sure you keep some protection) Also put a "building for sale" sign out front. We may get a few bids that way.
No. 472012 ID: e5577e
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I tell Gerald that im going out for a while and put up a "building for sale" sign, just hope nobody steals it, and i take my rusty gun with me.

Allright, the first person i could, and probably should in my opinion, try talking to is a friend of mine, Penelope, we met just once we arrived, she's catfolk just like me and freaking hot, and she's basically in the same situation as me and Gerald, she has lately kinda not talked to me that much, ben very busy as of late, going in and out of town, allways has a sword with her, it's likely that she must need some help with whatever she's doing.
And the second person is DaggerFox, obviously not his real name, but whatever, he actually helped me and Gerald set up this store of ours just beacuse i told him i liked his hat, owns a shop very close by, he actually once asked me to do an important errand for me, i didn't accept because the pay was crappy considering what the job was, well, i never got any details, actually, all i needed to hear then was "Does 400 gold pieces for going into an abandoned mine sound good for you?", he told me that if i ever changed my mind i'd just have to pay him a visit.

Alternatively, i could maybe go buy some stuff around, we got a weapon shop, our rival tech shop, a general goods "shoppe", a little clothing store, a big n fancy clothing store, an alchemist, your usual stuff, there's no magic store at all, though.
No. 472017 ID: f2c20c

Talk to ze girl!
No. 472047 ID: b6edd6

Asking Penelope sounds like the best way to start.
No. 472475 ID: f7799e
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sorry about rather slow updates, shit going down irl

ALLRIGHT- i mean, sure, why not? Penelope does sound like the best option, besides, she's basically the only friend besides DaggerFox and Gerald i have in this city.

Im still surprised how she got such a fancy place here, she must have came here with a bag full of money or something, she never did tell me where she lived originaly.

Anyway, hope she's home, last time i came here she was in such a hurry to leave that she didn't even say hello, just locked her house and ran away, well, at least i know it can't be me.

knock knock knock
No. 472476 ID: f7799e
File 135318467720.png - (140.57KB , 1000x1000 , Chapter 1-2c.png )

...how do i look
No. 472500 ID: 8c7474

You look ok I guess.
No. 472502 ID: f2c20c

Your hair's a bit scruffy.
No. 472516 ID: bcdce8

Are you worried?
thought we were dealing with a ladies-man.
No. 472818 ID: 5da1bb
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allrightallright, i suppose there's no sence in lieing to the voices stuck in my head, i don't have that much experience with girls, but i DO know what they like and all that jazz, y'see? but uh... being completely honest, this is the prettiest girl i have seen in some time, and with no offence to her, i don't exactly love her personality, and her taste in decoration is kind of crappy if you ask me, plus with all that traveling she does on foot she has to get dirty eveyonce in a while, yknow? so i-

???- "Hey! i haven't talked to YOU in a while!"

No. 472820 ID: 5da1bb
File 135329271861.png - (137.84KB , 1000x1000 , Chapter 1-2b.png )

Penelope - "What's up, Lien? was just thinking about you. sorry i have ben acting weird lately, lots of stuff has ben going on, specially nowadays with all the crap going on, with that of the Ceyah and all. I was just taking a bath, so what can i help you with?"

Haven't ever seen her without the ponytail before...
No. 472837 ID: bf54a8

okay wow she is pretty hot yes. but i don't see whats wrong with her personality.

anyway just say 'nothing much, just wondering if you had anything i could help you with.' and wiggle your eyebrows
No. 472841 ID: b6edd6

Launch into the opening monologue from the balcony scene in Romeo and Juliet

Say you were looking for work and were wondering if she has any jobs she would like help with.
No. 472862 ID: bcdce8

Resist erge to stare at her breasts.

inquire about money.
No. 472898 ID: f2c20c

Ceyah? What's that?
No. 473033 ID: 4c5d4c
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Can't even see too much from down here anyway.

Lienzo - "Oh nothing much, i just came to see if there was anything I could help YOU with, actually."

Penelope - "Are you sure you're an inventor and not a wizard? i just happen to have something i am in need for but didn't know if you where free, well door's open so just come right in and i'll be down in a minute, or return later, however you want."


basically a faction that rules the continent on the north, i don't know much about them.
No. 473038 ID: f2c20c

Go on in.
No. 473040 ID: bcdce8

Inside we go then!

Also, the Ceyah sound suspiciously evil.
I recommend not trusting them.
No. 473293 ID: ef526f
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They are, suspiciously evil, i mean, i've only heard stories about them, 90% of them being about how many "evil" things they've done before, at least evil in the eyes of most of the people, i dunno.

Huh, this place actually looks pretty empty, she's probably thinking of leaving the city sometime soon as well.
Anyway, i guess i can have a chat with you guys to kill time, im surprised i got used to you guys so fast like that, anyone else would be slamming his head in trying to get you out, no offense.
No. 473300 ID: e3aff6

Let's discuss inventing while we wait. What do you know of electromagnetism?
No. 473321 ID: bcdce8

Do guns exist yet?
Cause if not, do we have the thing for you!
No. 473325 ID: f2c20c

Didn't we talk about this before? Electricity is around, and so are guns. I think they might actually be ahead of us tech-wise.

Lienzo, tell us more about your ideas for new guns. Maybe we can give insights about how to get them working?
No. 473329 ID: e3aff6

They have guns and possibly electricity launching guns, but trains are new, and revolvers are considered high end guns.
No. 473547 ID: c8dc03

Now now, gentlemen, we're inside a lady's house!
Lienzo, perhaps you should tell us a bit more of Penelope, her behavior seems... a bit out of place.
No pun intended.
No. 473563 ID: c6b245
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She DID once mention to me that she was a "Tresaure Hunter" or something of the sorts, and these kind of people allways have the oddest personalities.
Another strange thing is that she actually told me she'd like to travel to the Ceyah territories sometime "soonish", why would anyone go there after the stories that are told about them, is beyond me, i mean, i know their "flag" is a wolf head holding a sword on it's mouth, and that's no good news, you know?

But bottomline, she's cute but not my type.

And you guys wouldn't happen to know anything about these Ceyah, right?
No. 473703 ID: ec2e47

Nope, this the first time we have heard of them.
No. 473762 ID: c6b245
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Well the-

Penelope - "Sorry about the delay!"

Lienzo - "Nah it's fine"

Penelope - "About this "job" i have for you, first tell me, have you ever ben in a hidden temple crawling with oversized vermin before?"

Im not entirely sure i like where this is going.
No. 473765 ID: c6b245
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Penelope - "Yesterday, i found this hidden temple, or at least i think it's a temple, i haven't explored inside of it too much, but one thing i know for sure: there has to be something down there, i had to deal with some traps on my way in, and halfway thru, i found myself with an annoying door for wich i am in need of someone else in order to open it, pressure-plate stuff."

Lienzo - "and uh, that's where i come in?"

Penelope - "You're the one i trust the most in this stinkin' city, and just any other heavy object would not work, it needs to be a living thing, it's probably enchanted."

Lienzo - "Enchanted... with magic?.."

Penelope - "Well Duh, what'd you expect?"

aaaaaaeeeeeeeeh... crap.

Penelope - "Is there something wrong?"

Shit, i haven't even told you voices about it either...
No. 473766 ID: bf54a8

what? do you have a magic allergy?
No. 473775 ID: 1e9d01

Do you have an artificial organ?
No. 473786 ID: 12c19f

Magic-induced sickness?
A magic-sensitive prosthetic?
Your family was killed by a pointy wizard hat?

The suspense is killing us here.
No. 474429 ID: c6ad83
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Lienzo - "...Yes, i have a magic allergy."

Penelope - "Wait, you mean...?"

Lienzo - "Yes, that one exactly."

Penelope - "wow."
No. 474443 ID: 48f315

So, mind telling us what exactly she was going to say before you cut her off? We can probably help you with it. Even if we can't cure you of it, we can think of a way to get around it or its symptoms.

It won't necessarily be practical, though.
No. 474446 ID: bf54a8

we can think of some crazy shit, thinking outside the box? please we EXIST outside the box.
No. 475167 ID: 90d3b9
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There isn't an exact name for it, but it's a type of allergy to magic that mostly individuals who are more inclined towards technology, like me.

It's not like any other allergy either, no sneezes, no coughs, no fevers, no vomits, oh no, this is a different one.

A good example of it? back in the day, when i was just a little boy, i went out on a trip with my father, he allways said that it'd be for my own good that i know our lands well, but during this trip, we had a small accident, and i rolled down a cliff broke my leg, fortunately, some sort of healer mage guy, whatever the name is, was passing by and dad asked him to heal me, and he did, i was feeling perfectly then, but then i saw dad holding my tail, wich was not attached to me anymore.

There was a time i used to hate mages, but as i grew up i realized it's not fair to blame them, so i decided to just avoid magic as much as i could since then, thankfully, i only get truly affected by direct physical contact with anything magical, such things as auras not doing a thing to me.

No. 475168 ID: 90d3b9
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Penelope - "You okay there?"

Lienzo - "Huh? i am, why?"

Penelope - "You went quiet there for a second, what you thinking so much about, smart guy?"

So... should i tell her?
No. 475169 ID: c31f72

Your tail actually fell off?
Did you ever get it back?
No. 475177 ID: bf54a8

but it's already gone, what else could you lose? do you think the rest of your body will just fall apart?
No. 475235 ID: f2c20c

Tell her what? That magic voices in your head showed up just today? Or that you were remembering the first time your allergy acted up and you lost your tail?

The former might be a bit much for her since she doesn't know you very well, BUT we can probably prove it. She's your friend, so we can probably communicate with her and even swap over to see things from her perspective. Telling her about your tail would be okay too.

Hmm. You know what, let's try it.

Penelope: Oh, he was just talking to us.
No. 475966 ID: 5db900
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It's not just... bodyparts faling off, all kinds of shit can happen to me, and not just your damn regular sickness symptoms, most of wich fortunately haven't happened to me YET, like random combustion, being unable to sleep, seeing everything pink, and i tell you more, last week i accidentally touched an enchanted sword at a bazaar and i became invisible for an entire freaking week, and JUST at that time i was seeing a cute girl, it's not goddamn fair.

And i already told her about the tail, while i was telling you guys.

[Your TRUST LEVEL with PENELOPE is not enough! current trust level: 41 / 100]

Penelope - "hmm... you know, there IS another way in wich you could help me in this little job, we'll probably end up getting wet, but you won't need to have any direct contact with magic, unless you have another idea?"
No. 475968 ID: f2c20c

Getting wet doesn't sound like a big deal.
No. 476866 ID: 996a7a
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(Not gonna have internet for a while, i'll try to get updating as fast as i can when i get back)
No. 478597 ID: f81b2e
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Lienzo - "Getting wet doesn't sound like a big deal."

Penelope - "Good, cause i had found an entrance on the back of it, problem is, it's nearly flooded, but the weird thing is, i found out that there's actual machinery behind the walls, it must be some sort of complex lock mechanism keeping that door shut, it's all rusted up to hell, but the door somehow ended up jammed."

Lienzo - "WaitWaitWait, you are telling me there's an enchanted temple, of wich's walls have actual machinery in them, so basically Magic and Technology working tougheter in harmony somehow?"

Penelope - "Meh, I don't even know, whatever, all i really care about is what's inside of it, it could be something really rare and valuable, who knows? and besides, getting in there with the help of a "techie" will be no problem, no offense."

Now I wanna see what's in there, if what she sez is true, i've actually heard a few stories about buried temples that contain Magical and Technological items alike, it's crazy to belive, but i do know there's some sort of ruins there, i heard a few people talk about it before.

If im going to do this, im gonna have to equip myself, i currently have 764 gold, it may be enough to afford... bah, i don't even know WHAT i'd need to get equiped with, im not the adventuring or dungeon-crawling type, so what do i do?
No. 478608 ID: bf54a8

well for one you need a air storage device. something that can cut metal, something conductive.
No. 478614 ID: 1e72ae

Also torches and rope.
No. 478620 ID: f2c20c

A waterproof container. Probably some emergency rations in case you get trapped in there.

Don't be afraid of saving some of that money, too.
No. 478622 ID: ec6d4c

Some kind of a multi-tool. You need to be able to work on tech without weighing yourself down with a whole toolbox.
No. 488494 ID: a42b05
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I stroll around this market place occasionaly and normally the selection of, uh, dungeong raiding equipment here is pretty random, but they should have the essentials i need, such as torches and a rope, actually i'd kinda preffer to take a lantern or something similar, i'd hate burning my fingers with that.

Yeah, i do belive i have one of those laying around, i was going to use it for parts, but uh, whatever. I have plenty of tools i can use back at my workshop, but these are my only ones.

Hm, no i don't think we have anything like that, i mean i don't even want one to begin with, i allways tought just using each perspective tool would be allright, you know? i mean...

...Shit, im sorry if im not being too usefull here, i have never ben on any kind of "adventure" like this before and im getting a little nervous, i know i need the money, but... i haven't asked you guy's names or why you came to me specificaly, right? well uh... im asking you it now, what's your names and why did you come to me specificaly? if you're okay with that, of course.
No. 488499 ID: f2c20c

Only some of us go by names. I don't. An inventor seemed interesting to assist.

Don't worry about the multitool, and the waterproof container's for your tools so it's good you already have one.

You might not need an air supply, depending on how long the swim is and if you need to go underwater or if it's just a surface swim. A simple air bladder would work anyway. Even a single breath of fresh air can save your life. So uh, ask exactly what you should expect from your half of this task, before we do any shopping.
No. 488510 ID: b6edd6

A lantern would work for a light source. You should also get a grappling hook if you can find one, and a spare bag and some tongs in case you need to handle something magical.
No. 488587 ID: 908c2d

>what's your names and why did you come to me specificaly? if you're okay with that, of course.
The vast majority of us don't bother with names. But if you'd like to call us something to make yourself more comfortable, that's fine.

As for why? No good reason. We talk to people because we get bored otherwise. And because we kind of have this sociopathic desire to help. And heck, you seemed interesting.
No. 488590 ID: bf54a8

i agree with the tongs to move magic, this place supposedly has magic and tech, so what if a magic part is inside of a machine?
No. 502611 ID: 9575e7
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Huh, well i guess yo-


dear god he materialized out of the blue


I think i've seen this guy before, he sounds like he's trying hard to fake an accent, but i just can't put my finger on what kind...
No. 502623 ID: 9ddf68

how many bullets do you have for your gun, because it never hurts having to much ammo, to little on the other hand. Also see if you can't get a weapon repair kit or something to give your little pea shooter a little more punch, or maybe even just see if you can trade it in for a better weapon, and hell if you want to think long term maybe see if he has some spare parts for you to build things with or maybe even some schematics for things. I mean once you get to a new town or city you were going to open another shop or something right? Or did you have some other plan to make a living once you got out of this dump?
No. 502644 ID: bf54a8

ask for the ultimate multi-tool
No. 515493 ID: 66b170

Mad Trader - "Shure, i got some laying around, but they not for sale, they're mine."
>Weapon Repair Kit
"...Would a pack of tissues do? 10 gold."
>Trade for better weapon
"NO, no trading, gold only."
>Spare parts and Schematics
"...except for dat, i has one like that on me, but i want to actually trade it for something of uh... equal value... as for the junk, uh, 10 gold each thingie, i got a whor box of stuff like dat, is yours for... number one and two O's gold or whatever."

At least he's not yelling anymore...

Also yeah, i do want to give this whole inventor shop thingie another shot, and i plan to do it right this time.

Anyway, this guy is not being all that helpful, save that im curious as to what is this schematic this guy could have, plus i keep some ju- eh, resources around, just in case, inventor logic, right?

I apologize for really slow updates, i have not ben feeling like drawing as of late, but i'm getting more and more in the mood for it now, so i'll update more frequently now
No. 515494 ID: 66b170
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And i forget the update pic, go me
No. 515531 ID: 9ddf68

ask to see his wares first then if anything looks useful buy it, if not move on and get ready for that raid thing Penelope wants us to do.
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