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File 135303472842.png - (160.81KB , 800x600 , Huck000.png )
472018 No. 472018 ID: 0093c2

You are a stupid animal. But you are pretty smart for a stupid animal. Probably about as smart as a bee.

You are good at Climbing, Swimming, and Falling long distances without harming yourself.

You can eat magic.

It is in your nature to be rambunctious.

It pleases you to gnaw.
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No. 472026 ID: 0093c2
File 135303557288.png - (125.81KB , 800x600 , Huck002.png )


You are as smart as a bee but you are not actually a bee. Bees are bugs and you are not a bug.

You aren't sure where any of the magic is. You have a good nose for magic you can always smell it. It is the best smell and it gives you the most pleasure to eat it. maximum pleasure. Whenever there is magic around it is your number 1 priority to eat it, above all else.

It doesn't look like anyone is here, and you can't find any magic. You are currently in the teacher's office attached to the classroom.
No. 472028 ID: fb9917

Find a different place. A place with magic.
No. 472029 ID: 55c4cf

can you smell magic farts???

go away from them
No. 472030 ID: befc95

Climb onto the desk and steal the answers to the big test!
No. 472031 ID: 67ba4b

jump on the desk, knock everything off and then rip up those papers
No. 472032 ID: f2c20c

Get up there and gnaw on the apple.
No. 472033 ID: 6dc5a6

Find something magical. Roll in it.
No. 472035 ID: 061a93

Pick up the quill in your beak and write a five-page essay on the role of magic in contemporary society.
No. 472036 ID: 0093c2
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You make a huge mess and take some bites out of the apple that was clearly placed there for your pleasure.

It pleases you to gnaw.

Pleasure Increased
Rambunctiousness Increased

ACHIEVEMENT UNLOCKED: Natural Instincts - Rank 1 achievement - Make a mess
No. 472038 ID: 061a93

oh nooo you'll never get published now
No. 472039 ID: fb9917

None of this is magic. Why aren't you eating magic right now?
No. 472041 ID: 08da1f

Finnish apple, check room for magic. Yummy yummy magic!
No. 472042 ID: 79b5a6

Apples are cool and all but we gotta find some magic! Put that nose to work!
No. 472043 ID: ab3218

you should find a tower to climb up. all magical institutes have towers which have great magics going on in their uppermost levels.
No. 472048 ID: b5fcb9

Your cage was unlocked, but is the door to the room? Make sure to step in the ink to ensure maximum levels of rambunctiousness. Then go looking for a door or window.
No. 472049 ID: 0093c2
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You tromp around in the ink, it feels funny on your toes.

You scamper around the room looking for a way out. You can't get the door open, but the window is cracked.

No. 472051 ID: 0093c2
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You squeeze through the window. The window next to it is also cracked. You are pretty high, but you could probably just jump if you really wanted to.

You are pretty sure you smell a tiny bit of magic from somewhere at least sort of nearby.
No. 472052 ID: 79b5a6

Head toward the magic!!
No. 472053 ID: 886a4d

Time to leap.
No. 472058 ID: befc95


What's going on over in the field?
No. 472060 ID: ecfcdc

Well there was no magic in that room, right? That means it's time to jump to the next room to find magic.

Don't fall!
No. 472063 ID: 0093c2
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You don't really know, just lots of people doing people things. You are pretty sure you aren't people, but you do like people food.

You jump across to the next room.

No. 472065 ID: 0093c2
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You squeeze through the window into the next room.

this is the classroom. They bring you in here sometimes to eat magic. Most times you just sit around and can't reach the magic though. It's sad.

There might still be some magic in here, but you're not sure where.
No. 472066 ID: beeca1

The sign says "MAGIC STUFF GOES HERE" so gnaw your way into that distillation apparatus and eat the magic.
No. 472067 ID: bf54a8

knock over the big thing
No. 472068 ID: 1d4f69

Break the big thing, eat all the magic
No. 472075 ID: 0093c2
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You leap onto the big thingie and begin to gnaw...

to be continue

>pausing for the evening, will continue tomorrow
No. 472076 ID: ecfcdc

Look in EVERYTHING. There's got to be a bit of magic somewhere around here.
No. 472488 ID: 182b11

No. 472575 ID: 0093c2
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You are not particularly graceful
No. 472576 ID: 0093c2
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Oh well it doesn't look like there was actually any magic in there anywhere.
No. 472577 ID: 4a328b

Is there an open door in this room? Maybe there's magic somewhere else.
No. 472579 ID: f2c20c

Sniff around near the cabinets.
No. 472580 ID: beeca1

No, wait, gnaw the rectangular thing behind you. The markings first.
No. 472584 ID: 37aa84

That's odd, are you still smelling magic nearby? Maybe there is some behind one of the tiny doors beneath you.
No. 472610 ID: 0006f5

gnaw out the HERE, that has to be the magical bit
No. 472633 ID: 182b11

Root around the cabinets.

Wait, can you open small doors?
No. 472676 ID: 660874

Sniff for magic.
Hop around on tables.
No. 472681 ID: a5d914

Look in those cupboards then. If you can't find anything then continue your search.
No. 472863 ID: 0093c2
File 135329878030.png - (209.19KB , 800x600 , Huck011.png )

You attempt to gnaw at the writing on the wall, but to no real avail.

You tear through the cabinets, finding nothing of note. You begin leaping around from table to table as well. You take the time to gnaw on some books and pencils as you work.

It pleases you to gnaw.

But wait! This bottle... it smells ...

No. 472865 ID: 0093c2
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No. 472866 ID: 0093c2
File 135329891569.png - (215.75KB , 800x600 , Huck013.png )


You positively writhe with pleasure after consuming whatever was in the bottle.

Magic Consumed
pleasure substantially increased!
Rambunctiousness substantially increased!
No. 472867 ID: f2c20c


Check to see if the door's open. If not, I suppose we could just jump out the window, or try to climb up the side of the building.
No. 472868 ID: 0006f5

bleach is magic ??
No. 472870 ID: 79b5a6

Yeah, let's try the door.
No. 472876 ID: c6ec33

Mark your territory, and move on!
No. 472900 ID: ca8307

before I continue to participate in this quest, I must demand to know the nature of the pleasure described.
No. 472910 ID: 5d98c3

No. 473029 ID: a5d914

Move on! You must find MORE magic and you must find something truly gnawable.
No. 473034 ID: 5bacee

There are still objects not knocked off tables? We should use some of our excess rambunctiousness to fix that first then move on to more magic devouring.
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