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File 136096907235.jpg - (42.70KB , 900x674 , solar-system-carbon-lotus.jpg )
493201 No. 493201 ID: 8b4dd1


We have pushed ourselves beyond the limits of Earth long ago. We conquered the moon, the solar system, and then kept right on going. Without a doubt we failed many times. But we persevered. We pushed on. And we succeeded in building the one thing humanity needed to make the stars themselves available to us.

The space fold engine. Faster than light travel.

The stars, once so far away, became close. And humanity expanded. The stars became our new homes. The colonies, a new frontier. We thought ourselves unstoppable, and warred amongst ourselves as humanity always had. And then we came into contact with them. The Xenos. The things were better than us. Stronger than us. Smarter than us. It was all we could do to hold them off, especially with humanity so divided. No one nation could withstand the onslaught, and all, at first, seemed lost.

Their arrival, however, became a galvanizing force, pushed humanity into true unity, and into war once again. Our men and women, once enemies, stood shoulder to shoulder, fighting to protect everything we had built. Weapons were constructed, great warships crafted, and we fought to keep the enemy at bay. We drove the enemy to a stand still, using everything we could bring to bear. We succeeded in granting ourselves peace, at the cost of so many. We used that peace to strengthen ourselves, build once again, and prepare. For we would not stand for this without reprisal. We would take back our homes. Destroy our enemies. Hunt them all down to exact the same pain they caused us.

We have built an army, from the genetics of thousands. Crafted soldiers built for the many battles to come. Men and women ready to fight to the last. This is our choice. Our war. Our shout of defiance to anything and everything in the universe. Humanity will persevere. We always have, and we always will.

>Select a Variant

Human: A born human. You are the the first of a generation brought up under the fear of impending war. You were spared the training at first, growing up as a normal child, but after reaching maturity, you've decided to help as best you can.

Manufactured: Humans built from gene testing and laboratories. They are identified mainly by a number and the company that made them. They are meant to be the frontline combatants in the coming war, and have been brought up purely with this goal in mind. All manufactured are generally looked down upon by normal humans.
35 posts omitted. Last 100 shown. Expand all images
No. 493391 ID: 9ddf68

If we're going to be a FRONT LINE SOLDER -External tree for now with force, will, and small arms for training

If we're a SPECIAL OPS/BLACK OPS= the Sensory tree with Will, Stealth, and Dodge

If your going more of a SUPPORT ROLE (like a Medic or something)- Internal tree with Insight, Small arms, and Dodge
No. 493407 ID: 47a120

>Force, will, insight.
Yes please
No. 493430 ID: 370c40

External. We can pick up other trees later.

Also Force Will Small Arms. Or insight instead of small arms whatever
No. 493442 ID: cdc7fd

Insight, Will, Stealth.

No. 493463 ID: 2f4b71

Psychic power: SENSORY

Let's go the officer/intelligence route.
No. 493464 ID: 47a120

I don't think we may choose the same skill twice
No. 493470 ID: 8b4dd1

>Psy Tree Selected: Sensory/ Gained Basic Psychometry and Mapping

>Basic Psychometry: Allows one to touch objects to gain some limited knowledge from it. This is limited to vague feeling of strong emotions and occasionally an image of a person or place that the object had been in contact with.

>Mapping: Allows Grey to map out his immediate area, identifying the location of objects, people and other things. This is limited to within 20 yards of himself at the moment, but as his Force and Mind increase, he can gain more range.

>Skill Training Selected: Insight, Will, Force


You remember little after being placed into a cryo tube for shipment to your place of duty. You obviously don't remember the journey either. What you do remember is the various minds you touched on the way, although most of that was in abstract dreams and images. Your telepathy hadn't awoken yet, although you'd been assured that you had the capability to do it. You just needed more time and practice, more fine control, otherwise you'd start causing people's heads to explode. Not something the government or your company wanted. Still, it was something to look forward to.

The next time you woke up, fully conscious, was on your place of duty, a fellow Manufactured helping to drag you out of the tube you'd been transported in. You were dropped unceremoniously onto the floor, where you got your barrings and mapped the area unconsciously. A ship of some kind, judging by the sudden disappearance of anything to read past that wall, and there were various people all over the ship, doing this and that. Regardless, you were quickly told to get up, and you went to attention with practiced ease. You soon find yourself facing a human, probably some hardheaded sergeant with too much time on his hands.

"Welcome to the Frigate Class Starship Vengeance. I doubt you've heard, Manufactured, but we're going to be joining the vanguard into striking back against the Xenos. You're going to help. You're the only Brain we got on board this ship, so we expect you to be worth all the trouble of dragging you here. I personally don't think you'll be worth much, but that isn't my decision. You're to join up with your assigned squad, Charlie, and follow your sergeant's instructions without question. Understood?"


"Good. Ten here will take you to your new family. Welcome to the one and only place you'll call home, brain fuck."

The human leaves, followed by another human, and you relax only slightly, at least until the manufactured who'd helped you comes into view. He's already suited into what looks like the light armor of the combat infantry, his fatigues a dull grey color signifying him as no one important to anyone. You check his arm for his company and find the Genetech logo, but are quickly interrupted from prying any further.

"Nice to meet you, Grey. I'm Ten, in case you hadn't guessed. Hope you didn't expect a warm welcome, manufactured and a brain on top of it aren't going to make you many friends. I don't mind you guys too much, but a lot of people don't like the idea of getting their minds read or any shit like that. I can take you to Barbie, or we can go grab your gear first. Whichever suits you."

>>>Input Command
No. 493471 ID: 76b151

Gear first, we must be prepared for duty immediately.
No. 493472 ID: 9ee360

Oh boy, lots of gooey racism! Good to know we'll be putting our life on the line for people who despise us.

>a lot of people don't like the idea of getting their minds read or any shit like that
I would suggest that as a general policy when dealing with non-hostiles and/or people we aren't trying to manipulate in some way, we simply don't let on what we may be picking up from people. Mind readers are a lot more palatable if we don't get in people's face about it.

Gear first. There's no point in reporting to our superiors before we're ready for duty.
No. 493475 ID: 5d98c3

Memorize the way to the damage control room and atmospherics control systems, for when the crew inevitably turns on us and tries to kill us.

And we can't even use our powers to kill them all, because we chose the Detective skill tree. Let's get suited up. What's our assignment anyway? Mine Detector? Or Secret Door finder?
No. 493484 ID: 47a120

Can we transmit words to someone else or receive communication they are trying to send us? (while a form of telepathy its far shallower then delving into their mind for info)
Can we focus our sensory ability on a specific direction (rather then a sphere centered on us) to extend the range? Or does the 20' figure come from us already doing that and rapidly cycling all around ourselves to "map" out a sphere (like a radar)? (in which case, what is our lag time for completing a complete cycle?)

Is there any point trying to reassure people we can't actually read minds (yet)? Some brains can but you have different skills.

We could spot mines, good catch. Eventually we could provide unmatched battlefield control and coordination by locating every enemy and ally in a large range, preventing allies from being ambushed and allowing them ambush enemies. Combined with secure brain to brain communication.

Being a newbie on his first mission our limited range of 20 feet means our best use is in urban fighting (or ship boarding action, or invading an enemy installation/bunker). We can "see" through doors and walls into the next room and know exactly where every enemy is, as well as identify booby traps and IEDs, setting up and avoiding ambushes in confined corridors of buildings.
No. 493485 ID: 5d98c3

I didn't think we could detect life, only structures. Also, doesn't that mean we should have sat in a bunker on Earth for a few more years until we were that useful? We don't have ANY weapons training, so right now we're some kind of combination escort mission and infrared scanner.
No. 493487 ID: 9ee360

>What's our role?
I'd guess as some kind of scanner/scout, cnc, coordination, or counterintelligence gig?

>I didn't think we could detect life, only structures.
We can sense minds. If it thinks in a way that is at all recognizable (xenos conceivably might not) we'll know things are there.

And we do have some offensive options. We can try to mind-hack (which will either work, or blow up heads- win/win, really). And even if we aren't a weapons master, being able to sense what people fighting us are thinking gives us an edge (Polo's advantage, basically). And we might be able to apply force training more grossly too (although I'm not sure if we need the external tree to make that possible or just better).
No. 493489 ID: 5d98c3

So, basically, we're omniscient in a 20 foot area, but we can't actually do anything about what we see.
No. 493490 ID: 5d98c3

No. 493491 ID: 9ddf68

well the way I see it we have little to no offensive abilities as in we have no mind powers as of yet that let us tear our enemies apart, we don't even know how to use a gun, sneak around, or dodge. Lets hope we don't have to do much fighting untill we can change at least one of those or we might be in troble.
Also get gear we are going to need it
No. 493497 ID: 47a120

yes :)
This is why it is essential to establish good rapport with squad. If before every room we enter we can pinpoint to them the location of all the enemies as well as booby traps we don't actually have to be all that accurate with a gun.

Plus, grenades are awesome for us, we can throw them down vents or stairs or into a room without first looking in because we KNOW the enemies are there.
No. 493502 ID: 8b4dd1

"Gear first. Can't be reporting in with only the cryo spandex on."

"Heh. That's true. Alright, Armory it is."

Ten leads you down corridors and through door ways, and you set about mapping the area every few yards, trying to memorize as much of the environment as you can. It can never hurt to know about the place you'll be living. Eventually, you reach the armory, a largish room filled with all manner of equipment and gear. Grey talks to the human inside for a bit, in a tone too low for you to hear, then the human mutters something and starts placing things on the counter. While you may not have had much formal training with anything, you at least know how many of the things on the table function. The first thing you lay hands on is apparently your only firearm at the moment. A P-256 handheld ballistic pistol, chambering .44's. The knowledge is dredged up from somewhere, and while you can't expertly check the weapon for flaws, you do think you could at least hit something with it. The next is the same kind of armor as Ten, a light combat vest, made more to protect against glancing blows then anything else. It won't be able to take much damage before being rendered useless, but it's better than nothing. A few grenades were thrown in as well. The other items are mostly just uniforms and the like, although there is a portable medkit included in the standard gear. That should be useful. Everything is thrown into a duffel bag except the gear you keep with you(namely all the combat important things) and your led out by Ten, who starts explaining the armory rules.

"If you were human, you could probably requesition whatever you wanted from the place, but you're not, so we instead get... points, I guess you could call em, that we can use to spend on shit in there. Not of the really great stuff, unfortunately, and we only get points for surviving missions and shit like that, but it's something. You'll have to wait awhile before getting better gear, rookie. Oh yeah, and we're not allowed to have ammunition on board. We usually get that passed out on the dropships. For now, let's meet Barbie."

Another trudge through the corridors ensues, and eventually your led into a barracks room, 10 beds set into the walls ready for use. Only one seems unoccupied, but a woman dressed in little more than her underwear hops up the moment she sees you, a Steelworks symbol emblazoned on her arm and what looks like a stylized wolf tattooed onto her chest. One of her arms has been completed replaced with a metallic cybernetic component, and you catch a glimpse of her spinal TacArm control implant before she faces you completely.

"Hey Ten! This the new guy?"

"He is. You seen Barbie?"

"Nah, she had to go to some briefing or something. She'll be back in a bit. He really a brain? Oh, yeah, looks like it. Hey brain, what is it you do, huh? Rip people in half maybe? Oooo! Maybe you can take nukes to the face!"

"Wolf, stop needling him."

Another man sits up on his bunk and glares at the woman, who just grins back. He's another Genetech, but you can see cybernetics in his eyes and fingers. Probably old wounds fixed with mechanics.

"Ah, come on, Wash-Out! Not like I really mean anything by it. Just gotta make sure he can take a joke, is all."

Wolf, or so you assume her to be, turns back to you, expectation written all over her face. Clearly, she expects you to be amazing.

>>>Input Command
No. 493503 ID: 76b151

close range clairvoyant. I see things.

Start describing the local area. Even stuff you aren't looking at.
No. 493507 ID: 9ee360

Still working on the ripping people apart thing. I can probably take a nuke to the face just as well as anybody, though.
No. 493510 ID: 9ddf68

see if you can use Psychometry on her that could be interesting
No. 493511 ID: 47a120

Some ribbing from a fellow manufactured is fine; take it in stride.
"Oh I am far too green to do that yet, on a good day I could blow up a xeno's head"
"In all seriousness my focus is on intel... not the mind reading kind but the seeing through walls part; good for ship boarding and urban stuff" - note, only say that if you actually CAN do that (I am still not entirely sure/clear... is there a questdis?)

Also, if you can see through walls you need to get a proper way to communicate it to your squad.
Telepathic communication is ideal... if you can't some basic military sign language would have to do or even a pen and paper (notepad?) to sketch out enemy positions (when they haven't seen you coming).
No. 493512 ID: 5d98c3

I can see anything within 20 feet, and pick up strong emotional impressions. I'd be more useful in EOD, but they decided to send me to the front lines.
No. 493515 ID: 8b4dd1

"Close range Clairvoyant. I see things. Like the other two people in this room behind those curtains over to the left. There's a man to floor under us fixing an engine mounting. Two people on the floor above us are having sex. There's also... someone coming here."

You turn back to the doorway just as it opens, a woman with scars covering her face stepping in. She seems incredibly unhappy, but pauses when she spots you.

"Hm? Who's this? Ten, who the hell is this?"

"The new guy Barbie. Callsign is Grey."

"Huh. Grey. Right. You're a brain, right? Only brain on this entire goddamn ship. Look, brain, I'm gonna say this clearly. You ain't useful, I abandon you. I don't have time to be worrying about every newbie that comes along. Keep you head down and shoot some shit, and we'll get along fine. What's your powers?"


"Sensory then. Alright. I can work with that. Wasn't what I was hoping for, but whatever. Just stay out of my way brain, and we'll be fine. You got that newbie?"

"Understood, Sergeant."

"Drop the sergeant. I'm just Barbie. We're all manufactured here, obviously."

This... Barbie... seems hostile, and you don't even need psychometrics to tell that. She proceeds to ignore you, but Wolf bounces up to you again, looking pleased.

"So you can read minds and stuff, yeah?"

"No. Not good enough to do that yet."

"Aw... I was gonna ask you what I was thinking about. Oh well, it's nice to meet you Grey. Hopefully you don't get shot like the last brain we had with us."

The other manufactured sticks out her metallic hand, and as you grasp it in a handshake, your psychometrics activate, and you feel a rush of pain. Pure pain. The image of Wolf with her arm completely missing flashes into your mind, and you flinch back suddenly, collapsing onto you knees.

"Wha- Hey Grey, you alright?"

"What? Is he dying already?"

"I'm fine... just... didn't expect that."

"Expect what?"

"I... ah..."

Shit, most people don't like invasions of privacy like that.

>>>Input Command
No. 493516 ID: 5d98c3

"Sorry, your emotions just stabbed me in the brain."

It kinda sucks to have the power of Heart in a war zone.
No. 493520 ID: 47a120

Normally I would be against full disclosure but she seems to like the idea of brains so I am inclined to honesty here:
"I can see flashes of the past when touching an object. I wasn't prepared for how much losing an arm hurts"
No. 493534 ID: 9ddf68

just say it was nothing unless she pushes you about, it then go ahead and tell her about it but try and be ... polite? about it if you can
No. 493540 ID: 9ee360

Well, we'll just try not to piss barbie off. And while we aren't a direct combat type, support units do have their uses.

Yeah, I'm kinda leaning towards this.

Sorry, picked up some... bad mojo from your arm.
No. 493553 ID: 8b4dd1
File 136104847723.jpg - (312.61KB , 1600x800 , 05+It%27s+Time+To+Fold+Space.jpg )

""I can see flashes of the past when touching an object. I wasn't prepared for how much losing an arm hurts."

Wolf blinks a little in surprise, then laughs hesitantly.

"Um... you saw that?"

"No. I can only feel things right now. There was just... a lot of pain."

"Mm... well, that's behind me now. I get this cool arm out of it instead!"

She pumps her metallic fist into the air, but you get the feeling she's not really telling the whole truth. Still, you aren't one to pry, at least not openly, and you let the matter drop. Instead, you pick yourself up and store away your stuff, everyone going about business for a few minutes before more manufactured show up that you don't recognize, and Barbie calls for everyone's attention.

"Alright. As it turns out, we get to help out in the first attempt at taking back one of our planets. Newbie just got here to help out, so we'll see how he does. They want us going in with the first strike force, to see if we can't land and establish a landing zone. We'll be going in fast and hard, so expect to be on the drop ships as soon as we finish folding. I'd suggest getting geared up now. Ten, you get Wolf, Wash-Out and Grey. Pick someone else to."

"Gimme Monkey."

"You heard him. I expect this to go smoothly, especially cause we aren't fighting the assholes ship to ship now. It's our turn to shine. Newbie, I suggest getting into a trashcan or something, space folding isn't pleasant your first time around."

You frown in confusion, but after you get your gear on you go stand near the trashcan in the room. Suddenly, you hear a siren go off, and as you stand there, the room and everything in it seems to turn itself inside out. You mapping goes berserk trying to keep up with the sudden change, and then you're back in normal movement, hurling unreservedly into the trash.

"Oo. Sucks for you, noob."

One of the unknowns heads off, followed quickly by the others. Ten checks on you real quick, giving you quick instructions to the drop ship hangar before following after them, leaving you alone.

Or not. Wolf kneels down next to you, eying you with amusement.

"Damn. That must have sucked, you being all sensory and shit. The other guys can be assholes, but they'll warm up to you I think. So long as you don't start reading their minds or something. What was it like, with all your mind powers, when we folded?"

>>>Input Command
No. 493556 ID: 76b151

Everything was where is was supposed to be... then it wasn't. Then it was again. Think the worst ride you ever been on and being able to experiance it from all angles at the same time.
No. 493557 ID: 9ddf68

like going form completly standing still one second to suddenly going supersonic the next and then going back to completly standing still the third. So in short it SUCKED
No. 493558 ID: 47a120

And thanks, its nice meet someone friendly.
No. 493560 ID: 9ee360

>What was it like, with all your mind powers, when we folded?
...looking everywhere at once becomes rather less pleasant when everything won't stop moving, and you can't stop yourself from trying to follow it either. Like before, I can't chose to turn it off.

...thank you.

Any idea what we should be expecting down there?
No. 493566 ID: 5d98c3

Suffering. Anywho, let's go retake that planet!
No. 493592 ID: 8b4dd1
File 136105325881.jpg - (85.03KB , 1000x612 , inspirationf.jpg )

"... Looking at everything at once is significantly less pleasant when what your looking at refuses to stay still...

"Thanks, by the way."

Wolf looks a bit confused at the thanks, frowning a little before standing.

"What are you thanking me for?"

"For being friendly."

That seems to take her a bit by surprise. Her eyes widen slightly, and you get the feeling she hadn't expected you to think of her as being friendly. Regardless, she recovers quickly enough, what your beginning to suspect her trade mark smile plastered on her face.

"Sure, no problem!"

You stand yourself, your stomach finally settling. You make sure to grab some water real quick and wash the taste from your mouth before turning your attention back to Wolf. In the interim, she's stripped off her undergarments and is sliding into a form fitting suit made of some sort of rubber substance. You can see her spine implants poking through the material in the back, and it's at this point she notices your attention.

"Suit helps us Steelworks sync up better with the TacArms. We can do it with the implants alone, but we tend to get more feedback than is necessarily safe."

"Ah... you know what we can expect down there?"

"Not really. We've mostly just been blowing the hell out of anything in our way. This is the first time we're actually gonna try taking a planet. They said something about the satellites confirming the presence of soldiers down below, so I'm sure we'll hit something. Either way, just keep your head down and eyes open, and you'll do fine. I'll catch you on the ground, yeah? I get to do an orbital drop!"

Wolf gives you a wave before exiting, the sound of her footsteps and your senses suggesting she is going in the opposite direction to the hangars. You make sure you have everything, then you head off, boarding the drop ship a few minutes later and strapping yourself in. You feel the ship lift off, then all your psychic power gives is the nothing of space around you. It takes mere moment for that to change, the roar of entering atmosphere hitting your ears and the forceful entry into gravity. The atmosphere engines on the ship roar to life, and your plucked from gravities embrace. Soon enough, your crew disembarks, the 8 of you present receiving the same instructions over the comm units, even as you find yourself reflexively scanning the area. It seems like the outer edges of an old human colony. you can see add-ons, something the Xenos must have done, but so far you don't feel any threats.

"Charlie, this is Command, confirm safe landing."

"Command, this is Charlie-Lead. Landing confirmed, requesting mission objectives."

"Secure a drop site for your TacArms. From there, proceed into the colony and establish a landing zone for more ground forces. Be advised, enemies have been sighted in your area."


The comm cuts out, the conversation done, and Barbie turns to the rest of you.

"You heard Command. Judging from the briefing, we've got the honor of securing this colony here. It's a smaller one, so we shouldn't expect too much resistance, but... Either way, Ten, you take your's and swing around, towards the west. See if you can find a clearing large enough to drop in Wolf. I'll take my team and head east. Understood?"


"Keep in contact, and don't get left behind."

Barbie heads off, her group falling in behind her, already alert and ready to begin firing at any threats. Ten quickly does the same in the opposite direction, and you fall in behind him, Monkey and Wash-Out behind you. As your group silently makes the journey, Ten calls you up to him, and begins whispering to you.

"Hey. I know this is kinda stupid of me, but I doubt I'll get a better chance. You think you could head out on a scouting mission for me? We need more info, and what we have isn't going to cut it. While me and the rest go pick up Wolf, I need you to go hunting around inside the colony. Not too far, but just enough to maybe pick up on something. I won't force you, but..."

>>>Input Command
No. 493595 ID: 5d98c3

O-Kay! Let's accept, this mission is our opportunity to not get left behind to die by Sarge.

Now we just need to get within 20 feet of the stronger, faster, more advanced, heavily armored, and we'll know all we need to. Pity we put zero points into stealth, but them's the breaks.
No. 493600 ID: 9ee360

>Build a character almost purely made for supporting a group of others.
>immediately get asked to go on alone for a job we're not trained for.

I'm not really trained in stealth, but I should be able to go and map out what's ahead of us, and stop and start counting when I start picking up feaky alien minds. So I probably won't die horribly.

...don't go getting yourselves ambushed as soon as you send the senses guy away.

(We do have some sort of comm system, right? We're not getting cut completely off from our squad?)
No. 493602 ID: 5d98c3

Buddy, I'm not sure you understand what "Cannot requisition equipment" means.

Eh, not to worry! We'll be fine. And we can't refuse, because otherwise Sarge will "accidentally" leave us to die.
No. 493603 ID: 9ee360

I was more hoping it was an unmentioned standard part of the "and the like" gear. One would hope integrated comms would be standard issue in the space-future. (They totally aren't, of course).
No. 493604 ID: 5d98c3


...Anyone want to place bets on how long it is before the Psytechs rebel and wipe out ten percent of humanity?
No. 493606 ID: 47a120

Accept mission, focus on alien additions, stick to alleyways.
Don't enter anything just skirt the outsides and scan and then come back.

>Comm package
Genetically engineered, 21 years of training and drugs, and they can't afford a radio?
Translated to dollars that would be like spending millions on a weapon and then skimp on 50$.

Eh, the Xenos are an easy scapegoat.
Speaking of, are we here to kill every xeno to reclaim the land or subjugate them (aka, killing the military only)?
No. 493607 ID: 9ee360

In addition to trying to map out an approach, and keeping an eye out for alien minds, we should be scanning for anything that looks like traps (pitfalls, mines, tripwires, ect) or sensory equipment. I suppose it's understandable if we don't recognize alien tech, but missing something could get us killed.
No. 493610 ID: 5d98c3

We could use our psychometry to find out exactly what alien emotions are like. I assume if we don't rip out our eyes and pull an Akira that it'll be useful.
No. 493631 ID: 8b4dd1

You have a comm system. It came with all the standard stuff. So no, you won't be cut off completely. You allies can come help you if need be.

"Sure. I'll see what I can do. Just don't expect too much, stealth isn't really my thing."

"Gotcha. Just radio us if you need help. We'll have Wolf down here in a couple minutes, trust me, she'll tear through just about anything."


You take the chance to peel off from the group, heading further into the colony, and mapping out the world as you go. There's nothing really unusual about the place, other than the dilapidated buildings and lack of movement. Almost pleasant, since you don't have constantly moving things to keep track of. Still, you get this nagging feeling that there's something else here. You try to keep yourself as quiet as you can, and you think you manage it reasonably well. You manage to map out a fair bit of the colony, even identify what you think might be traps. Then something brushes the edge of your senses. You freeze in place, waiting for something else, and for a moment you only hear the sound of your breathing. Then you catch it again, more distinctly as it actually moved into your senses. A little taller than a human, a bit bulkier... Xeno. One of the soldiers you think. You hear it's footfalls as it trudges through the rubble, making odd noises.

You hold position, hoping against hope that the soldier will just go away, but it starts to wander closer. You get the feeling it's doing a routine patrol of some kind, but that really doesn't make you feel any better.

>>>Input Command
No. 493634 ID: 2f4b71

>Translated to dollars that would be like spending millions on a weapon and then skimp on 50$.
You've never experienced military procurement, have you?
No. 493635 ID: 370c40

We aren't ready to lead the rebellion yet, One. First we need to see if we can figure out the Xenos and whether we need to eliminate them or make use of them. And make contacts among the other Manufactured. THEN we can begin the GLORIOUS REVOLUTION.
No. 493636 ID: 9ee360

So... we heard movement with our ears before we sensed it's mind with our powers? That's not great. Our sensory focus is less useful if it doesn't seem to work on our main enemy!

Do we pick up anything from what it's thinking? That would allow us to avoid it's movements. Or if this is a routine patrol- could we use Psychometry with the environment so we know what route it's taking / always takes and avoid detection?

Ideally we want to evade and fall back. We're alone, we've only got a handgun, we're not really weapons trained or exactly sure where to shoot to kill, we have intel to report back that would help our allies better than having them charge in after us, and scouts shouldn't be raising the enemy alarms ahead of the unit if they can help it.

Shut it, you traitorous nutbags. This little Androsynth isn't so willing to rise up and murder a bunch of humans just cause they can be jerks. They made us to fight a war, and that's what we're here to do.
No. 493638 ID: 47a120

what is your current surroundings? Any spot to hide until it passes so you can evade and regroup?
If there is no way to do so then get ready, take aim where its coming from, shoot first and shoot until its down and then return to allies.
No. 493646 ID: 8b4dd1
File 136106485957.jpg - (33.78KB , 511x600 , BFIRd.jpg )

You try reaching out with your psychometrics, hoping to feel some sort of pathway the thing would normally take, but you aren't strong enough to get anything usable. Cursing silently, you try to hunker down, waiting for the thing to pass and hopefully using that to get back. The soldier stops just on the other side of your hiding spot, the alien breathing heavily as it seems to look around, then it starts off again, heading back the way it came. You heave a sigh of relief when it gets out of earshot, then you make your way back towards your destination. Halfway there, you spot something fall from the sky and collide with the earth. You pick up the pace in case it was something important and arrive at the rendezvous to find a TacArm standing itself up, Ten, Monkey and Wash-Out standing guard around it. The war machine can't be called anything but intimidating, a great deal different from it's pilot. The twin chain-guns are hard-mounted to the things arms, and you can spot where missile pods probably open up on it's shoulders. All in all, you doubt any single Xeno could stand up to this thing. Ten spots you and hurries over, clearly pleased.

"Hey. We got Wolf down here, in case you hadn't noticed. You find anything?"

"Yeah. Got a couple of things I think are booby traps, and a general layout of the western half of the city. Ran into one of the soldiers as well, a little closer in towards the center."

"Hm... that likely means we'll have to push into the center to get at them... Still, I think we're good to go. Grey, you take point, see if you can't sniff out anything else before we run into it. Wolf! You follow along behind, move to engage anything that tries it's hand at hurting him. Monkey, Wash-Out. See if you can't find yourselves a nice building to get up on and start giving us some cover. Try to give yourselves maximum coverage, I'll radio when we think we need to change locations. I'll take rear-guard. Take it nice and slow, boys and girls."

There's a collective affirmative from all, then you head off again, nowhere near as alone as before. You can hear the turning of motors and the slam of metal feet behind you, offering a measure of comfort you appreciate. The coms crackle to life, and you hear Wolf start talking.

"Damn this place looks dead. Why do we care about this place again?"

"It's apparently got lots of minerals and metals underneath the surface. Regardless, we don't really need to know why we want it, we just need to take it."

"Yeah, true, I just don't really like being planet-side. The TacArm always feels heavier under such high gravity. Maybe if we-"


You cut her off, your own body freezing, as something brushes the edges of your senses again. Then another and another. This is just about the place where that soldier was. You doubt you can be stealthy in a TacArm, so they most definitely know your here. You map the area again, and pinpoint several locations.

"One behind that wall. Two in the building across the way. Another in the second story window of the building on the right."

"Hm? Oh. OH! I got this!"

"Wait! Wash-Out?"

"I see him... just give me the go."

"Wolf, the two in the building. Crack the building if you have to. I'll deal with the one behind the wall... alright. Grey, keep your head down."

You find yourself some cover, moving out of the line of fire and hopefully out of any combat. The signal is given, and the crack of a rifle is quickly drowned out by twin chain-guns roaring to life, sending rounds into the nearby buildings. Blood flies everywhere, and it's over in a matter of moments. A few seconds later, Ten drags one of the Xenos into view, depositing it in the next to Wolf.

"Damn... this thing is ugly."

Ignoring the bullet holes in its head, the thing appears to be something resembling a hairless gorilla in body proportions. Its face is covered in jagged looking spines instead of hair, and it has and almost lizard-like quality to it. You crouch down next to it, wondering if maybe you'd be able to read something off of it, but your attention is grabbed by Ten dropping something else as well.

"Take a look at this thing. A weapon of some kind. No idea how it works though."

It looks vaguely like a rifle of some kind, except there's no trigger or any opening of any kind. Maybe it fires something else? Still, you have no way of knowing till you see it activate, and you really don't want it to. Ever. The others start moving off again, heading towards the center of the colony, but you find yourself pausing, once again staring at the corpse.

Just maybe, if you pushed yourself...

>>>Input Command
No. 493649 ID: 5d98c3

>You really don't. Ever.
Oh god, are we a pacifist tailor-made psychic kill trooper? That would be the capper to this experience.

Anyway, meine kleine schetterling,why don't you USE YOUR ITEM READING POWERS on that ALIEN RIFLE to see if you can FIGURE OUT WHAT IT DOES?
No. 493652 ID: 9ee360

Dang. Our powers barely helped at all avoiding that first patrol. We got lucky we weren't noticed. (If we're gonna keep being scout, we'll have to invest in stealth).

We've got an enemy corpse, and an unknown weapon? This seems the perfect time to try Psychometry. We could find out what's waiting for us up ahead, how that weapon works, or what it does. That info could be damn useful.

Ask your allies to hold up a second, and give it a try.
No. 493671 ID: 8b4dd1

The weapon first. In your experience, living people and people that were once living tend to have nastier side affects when you try to read them.

"Hey guys. Hold up, I want to try something."

You bend down and pick up the alien weapon, resting it in your hands roughly how you think it should be held. You reach towards it with your thoughts, hoping to pull out something useful, or at least gain some idea of what it does. Without really thinking about it, you tuck the weapon more securely under your arm and slide you hand along the side, finding a slight indentation. Because of the size of your hands and the odd configuration of the weapon, it makes it awkward to hold it like this, but when you press down on the almost unnoticeable spot, the weapon sends a bolt of pulsing energy hurtling through the air, leaving a scorch mark in a nearby wall. You practically drop the gun in surprise, while all of your companions drop into defensive stances.

"What in the- Grey, what the hell did you just do?"

"Uh... I think I figured out how to make it work."

"You think?"

"Well... yeah. I still don't know what exactly it is, but... I can show you how to use it if you want."

"No... but bring it with us. Come on, we better get moving."

"One more thing."

You grab the weapon again and sling it onto your shoulder as best you can, then crouch down next to the corpse and take a deep breath. Here goes nothing. You touch the corpse and let yourself go, and get to experience the things final moments first hand...


<They come>

<Quickly, into position. They do not know we are here.>

<They are stopping. Leader, what do we do?>

<Hold. They must get further in before we can spring the ambush. The second squad lays further on ahead, we are to attack the rear. This way we ca->


You pull back, the pain of death fresh in your mind. Well... that was... interesting. You can seem to understand them when your reading the memories at least. You did manage to scrounge up one bit of information. An ambush ahead...

"Hey Grey? You alright?"

"Hm? Oh. Yeah. Yeah I'm fi-"

The world suddenly gets dizzy, and you realize you might've overstepped your limits. Still, you think you can keep going.

"I'm fine. There's another ambush set up for us ahead. I don't have exact positions, but... I don't think they want us getting to the center. There's something important there."

"Is there. Hold on while I relay this to Barbie."

You take the chance you get to rest a little, your breathing heavier than you thought. Wolf wanders over, the mechanical sound warning you of her approach quickly, and you glance up as she stops.

"You really alright, Grey? You ain't looking so hot."

>>>Input Command
No. 493672 ID: 94e20e

We were literally born to do this. We must continue on.
No. 493674 ID: cdc7fd

I think touching the corpse is a bad idea. Might get all the pain of dying and black-out, fucking over our squad.

Definitely try out the rifle though.
No. 493675 ID: 9ee360

Hah! Working xeno-tech. Something for our science types to mull over. That might be worth a few brownie points.

>"You really alright, Grey? You ain't looking so hot."
Answer honestly. Which I'm assuming goes something like this:

Rerunning through a death isn't fun. Nor is getting inside a xeno-head. But I'll be fine.

(Seriously though, we need to work on our endurance, here. We haven't done much, but this stuff is taking a toll. Geeze, just imagine if we hadn't taken will).
No. 493677 ID: 94e20e

Yeah, we're psychically a wuss. Unless we're supposed to improve exponentially, I have no idea why we were sent to the front. We'll just have to maked do and move on.
No. 493681 ID: 47a120

that or just "I will recover"

I might be paranoid but this town is creepy and I don't like how hard it has been to detect the xenos... perhaps action by a xeno psyker? Try to conserve your stamina for now.

You were sent here because there is a great shortage and humanity barely fought the xenos to a standstill. Your commander asked for an external psyker but you are what was available. As you say we will make due.
The important thing is to never complain about your posting as that will get you a resentment and a bad rep
No. 493685 ID: 370c40

We should pick up some External abilities later, if we can.

Working alien weapon is good hold onto that. Don't overexert yourself.
No. 493707 ID: 5d98c3

Of course we'll never complain. Our commanders are merely insane.
No. 493711 ID: 9ee360

Okay, I really don't see where you're getting that (and that's really not what Grey should be thinking. We're not motivated by fear of disobeying madmen). Barbie's irritation and stress seems perfectly justified and rational in her situation. And the overall perception of manufactured and/or brains is unfortunate, but hardly insane.
No. 493714 ID: 5d98c3

Actually, I had a four page speech on our situation originally in that spot, but I decided to cut it down a bit. Sorry, instead of insane I should have put "silly". I'm a little zonked out.
No. 493729 ID: 9ddf68

Tell wolf you just need to catch your breath, When living the last moments of anything then being there when it dies takes a bit out of a person you know
No. 493781 ID: 2f4b71

"I just got shot in the head, but I'm OK now".
No. 493783 ID: 8b4dd1

"Rerunning through a death isn't fun. Nor is getting inside a xeno-head. But I'll be fine."

"If you say so. Just let me know if you need to rest or something..."

After Ten relays his information, Barbie comes over the coms herself and starts passing out orders. It seems that the new objective is whatever the soldiers are guarding. She want Wolf to go straight in, taking the brunt of the incoming fire, while everyone else supports her to the best of their abilities. The group heads out after getting organized, and soon enough, you catch another enemy at the edge of your senses. Unlike the last ones, they apparently have no qualms about opening fire, and suddenly there are bolts of death flying everywhere. You quickly duck down behind cover, extending your senses as far as you can to try and pinpoint the enemy. The whine of chain-guns starting to spin can be heard, and there's the crack of Ten's assault rifle spitting out rounds rhythmically. This is what you were born to do. Suddenly, you feel extremely calm, unlike the last battle, this is actual combat, instead of just killing. This is home.

"Two in the far building. One on the third floor across the way. Another one in the second building on the right."

The chain-guns roar as they open fire, sending rounds pounding into the far building. A sharp crack from far off suggest a sniper round getting send into an enemy, and you feel him drop. More however, are starting to push up from the center, taking the place of those downed. You hear Wolf start shouting something unintelligible into the comms, from what you can gather various insults meant for the Xenos. Ten focuses mostly on keeping enemies suppressed until Wolf can turn her attention to them. You keep you head down and eyes closed, focused entirely on dispensing information as best you can.

"Reinforcements. Three coming down the left side. Four the right. One in the far building second floor. Two more coming through the left building. One right above m-"

Ah shit.

>>>Input Command
No. 493796 ID: 9ee360

>One right above m-

Throw yourself out of the way, and fire strait up with your pistol or the alien gun. (The alien gun is probably preferable in that it packs more of a punch, but if you can't reach it quickly enough, default to the other).
No. 493799 ID: 94e20e

Point Xenogun up, depress firing mechanism rapidly
No. 493805 ID: 9ddf68

Draw whatever weapon is quicker for you to draw and drop that Xeno bastard
No. 493818 ID: 13b04f

Jump your off the way while you fire, with your abilities, visual aiming is redundant.

Later we should wonder how it got close like that before we sensed it. Did it fucking jump or something? Maybe it was also psionic, and had some sort of stealth ability, we will need to check that out with head- searching.
No. 493820 ID: 9ee360

If it's right above us, it might be a flying unit of some kind. Which explains how it got into position while staying out of our detection range. (Also nicely presents us with possible targets- shoot out a wing or whatever and kill it with a crash).

And after what happened last time I kind of get the feeling we've pushed dead-reading as far as we can for one day. If we try that again without resting, our allies will be left carrying us home.
No. 493826 ID: 8b4dd1

You move, reacting partly on training and partly on instinct, the alien weapon lining up perfectly with your mind's eye. Your finger carasses the trigger spot, and the weapon spits out a bolt of energy, the thing above you screaming in pain before dropping to the ground next to you. Your sense of calm, however, never leaves you, and without so much as a pause you keep rattling off positions. Soon, you've decimated the enemy, and they've retreated back towards the center, probably to regroup and prepare for your assault.

"Role Call! Sound Off!"

"Wolf here. I think I'm fine, although one of the fuckers managed to peg one of my stabilizers. It'll be a bit slower going for me."

"Wash- Out, down one clip. Got two full though."

"Monkey, still kickin. Bored though, can't really shoot shit that ain't there."

"Grey, present and unharmed."

"Gotcha, let's see what we got to deal with. Grey, you stay down here with Wolf, make sure nothing sneaks up on us. Wash-Out, Monkey, get up here, I want Wash-Out to join me on this roof I'm headed towards, see if we can't spot anything. Monkey'll help guard. Wolf, if Grey senses anything, you take it out. No questions asked."

There's a chorus of affirmatives, then everyone sets about their tasks. You take the opportunity to investigate what attacked you, and discover it to be a Spider. The things long claws seem completely disproportionate to the rest of it's body, but it explains how it dropped onto you. It had been using the walls to climb around. You spot a few others that got taken out by others, and find them all to be equally disturbing. Your's, however, has a crater in it's chest, the bolt of this alien weapon apparently tearing through it easily. You kind of wonder what would happen to a softer human if you hit someone with it.

"Hey Grey! Whatcha doing over there?"

"Just taking a look at this corpse. Looks like a Spider."

"Ah... those things suck. Hate them, so hard to aim at in this thing. They really outta get jump jets for TacArms or something."

There's more idle chatter coming from Wolf as the minutes tick by, but you remain focused mainly on catching any signs of ambush. Nothing happens though, and Ten and Wash-Out come back down looking a pleased.

"Managed to spot where they are. They holed themselves up in building near the center of the place. Barbie wants us to regroup with her, then we're to surround the place and then find out what to do from there.

"Grey, you want to try anything with any of these corpses? Maybe find out something else? Or do you think you've pushed yourself enough for today?"

>>>Input Command
No. 493828 ID: 9ee360

Hey, Grey? Self assessment time. You feeling 100% again? Or close to it? Because you haven't had much of a chance to rest, and that last dead-headripping almost went too far (you own reaction, and Wolf's, confirm this).

So unless Grey really feels he can do it, I think we have to pass, or we run a good risk of knocking him out. We're more useful to the team doing our scanner thing than unconscious.

>a crater in it's chest, the bolt of this alien weapon apparently tearing through it easily
Nice. We got a weapon that puts bigger holes in things than the sidearm they issued us. And it's only rifle sized!
No. 493829 ID: 8d16be

If we have a limited number of heads we can fuck with, we are likely better of using our power on the corpses of the enemies at the center of the town; the ones guarding the important shit likely know more important things.
If it's just a cooldown affect, though, we may as well use it as often as possible.
No. 493831 ID: 9ddf68

"Rather not if I don't have too, but if you think it would help I could give it a go"
No. 493838 ID: 9ee360

Oh! To prevent a future screw up:

Remember that even if we're using the xeno energy weapon for now because it does more damage, we don't know what it uses for ammo, or how long it takes to run out of charge or whatever. We should be prepared to switch back to conventional munitions if it runs dry on us.
No. 494029 ID: 47a120

These are grunts and the spiders are probably not even sentient (if you win try to check up on that later)...
You need to conserve you strength for the actual fight ahead and for possibly scanning the leader's corpse to better identify whatever it is they are protecting.
No. 495499 ID: 8b4dd1

You check your own condition, measuring how you're feeling against when you'd first started. You doubt you'd be able to even attempt reading another dead body right now, you'd pushed your abilities far beyond what you'd normally be capable of. Maybe you'd be able to do it one more time, but you'd rather hold off, and be in the best condition possible for what's to come.

After giving the negative, the group heads off again, moving a bit more slowly to keep Wolf with the group, and after a good 10 minutes you finally manage to regroup with Barbie, who's group is firing away at a building just around the corner, with alien weapons fire coming back. It's more of a general exchange though, to keep heads down.

"Took your damn time, Ten! We ready, or what?"

"Whenever you give the go ahead, Barbie."

"Huh. Wolf, Cruiser, you lot are taking point, keep them suppressed. Monkey, See if you can't find yourself a nice place to hole up and start shoving rockets down their throats. Ten, you're with me, Dug and Fisher, we're going to head in right after the TacArms. Wash-Out, head up onto that roof and start pegging the assholes wherever you find them. Tanner, Lot, head around and see if you can't flank the bastards. Grey... do whatever it is your brain power does. Just don't get killed, I don't want to have to request another of you bastards, the humans already don't like me enough."

Everyone else gets themselves into position, leaving you with the feeling that Barbie doesn't really like you. Still, you turn your attention to deciding how best to help in this fight.

>>>Input Command
No. 495510 ID: 5d98c3

Iunno. Do what we did last time? Only with more shooting alien beamguns?
No. 495512 ID: 76b151

Since our range is limited with our ability we're best in the front. Hopefully that changes b\c we're awfully squishy right now.
No. 495517 ID: 9ee360

>how best to help in this fight
You don't want to be on the front-front lines, because you're going to get killed. But you need to be close enough to the action that you can help by ID-ing targets for the others.

Hmm. I guess the question is, who would benefit most from having an omniscient spotter helping them?

We can also shoot things, of course.
No. 495584 ID: 9ddf68

I'd say stay behind the two death mechs but maybe a little ahead of group two that is going in after them so we can call out where to shoot and still not be in the direct line of fire. I do feel it is safe to say that the two mechs will be taking the brunt of the fire.
No. 495610 ID: 17030a

Head off with the flank team, tanner and lots. they will be getting close, so that means you will have a pair to protect you while you get in and tell everyone where important targets are.
No. 495611 ID: a2c6c2

This way we maximise the advantage we can provide, while not putting ourselves in maximum fucking danger.
No. 495702 ID: 8b4dd1

You decide it's best to tag along behind the TacArms, gravitating to Wolf as you know her best. You position yourself so that she's blocking the enemy fire, and the comms crackle to life again as Wolf notices you.

"Grey? What you doing up front here with us? You're a little tender to be taking fire."

"That's what you are here for. Try to keep yourself in between me and enemy fire. I'll see about spotting targets for us."

"Roger that!"

The order is given a minute later, and the TacArms spring into action, rounding the corner and opening fire with the chain-guns, even as her fellow TacArm begins advancing, firing what looks like a more heavy duty cannon. You stick close, occasionally taking shots at the aliens with their own weapon, even as the ever familiar chatter of rifle fire begins to permeate the air. A rocket zips over your heads and collides with a building, blowing a hole in it and revealing a few disoriented soldiers. You open fire along with your fellows, and manage to hit one, giving yourself a sort of satisfaction. Soon, though, you manage to make it within range, and you reach out with your senses, already beginning to call out locations. As your approach the alien defended building, however, the weapons fire seems to intensify, and you are forced to duck behind Wolf to avoid getting shot. Some of your allies are not quite so lucky.

"Dug is down. Fisher, can you reach him?"

"Doesn't matter. His heads gone. Not surviving that."

"Damn... another requisition order than. Quartermaster already hates me enough as it is. Wash-Out, top left window."

"I see him."

The fighting continues, but just as you reach the 2/3 mark, your senses pick up something new. You try to puzzle it out for a moment, getting a very bad feeling from whatever it is. Before you can call out a warning, however, something slams into Cruiser's TacArm and begins burning its way through the metal. Cruiser starts screaming as it reaches him, and it's only then that you get an actual look at whatever it is. The thing is a little smaller than a TacArm, but it has a larger hissing cannon clutched in it's clawed hands. It looks almost mechanical in origin, but you can clearly see it moving and acting like a living thing. It seems to shout odd clicking noises, language, you think, then the aliens begin opening fire again.

"SHIT! Cruiser is down. Vitals flatlined on his TacArm. Fuck, someone take that bitch out!"

A crack of gunfire is heard again, and the... whatever it is goes down in a burst of gravel. Another rocket smashes into the building, sending rubble everywhere, and as the machine thing starts to stand, Wolf begins pummeling it with rounds. Barbie and Fisher begin firing at the other aliens, but the overwhelming fire is starting to rip through even Wolf's heavy armor. Pinpointing locations is all well and good, but you can't really do anything except know where they are. Then Tanner and Lot start their own push, your senses picking them up just before you hear a familiar beeping and then the thump of grenade explosions. More fire is heard, then something comes over the comms.

"Shit! We got spider incoming! Me and Wash-Out are gonna have to deal with them, but... some help would be nice!"

"I don't think we can spare anyone, we got a good 20 guys on our side of things, we might need all the help we can get... Hey, Brain! If you think you can make it, go help Monkey and Wash-Out! If not, don't sweat it!"

You mull over the decision a little, going over what you know. There are more enemies inside the building, although you think you're beginning to gain the upper hand. Still, if there are any more of those mechanical things, Wolf is toast, and with her gone, most likely the rest of the squad follows. Wash-Out, however, is just as needed, him keeping the soldiers in the windows from firing down on you all.

Decisions, decisions...

>>>Input Command
No. 495705 ID: a31717

We have the choice of trying to spot the next mech-killer for Wolf (and we don't know if there will be one) or helping keep our other allies alive from spiders that are attacking them now. If your analysis is correct (ie, we need both the TacArm and our cover fire to stay alive) then the choice is obvious. We have to help the necessary allies who are in danger, rather than the one who might be.

That said, that thing had a distinctive feel, right? It stood out. You sense another one those- warn Wolf ASAP.

(Non-tactically though, if someone's gonna die either way and we're just choosing who... I'd rather save Wolf. Not that we should be thinking that way).
No. 495706 ID: 9f5b78

Well, now that you know what the new thing feels like, you're the best bet to make sure Wolf has prior notice which is outside of a very lucky shot is her only chance at surviving one of those.

On the other hand, the spiders are pretty mobile and sneaky, which means being able to quickly identify them is fairly helpful, and we know they're there where-as we don't know for sure they'll be more of those TacArm killers, though it's very likely there are more. Plus Wash-Out(according to the wiki) isn't all that great in close-combat.

It's a tough call, but given that even normal fire is starting to get to Wolf, I think we need Wash-Out and Monkey up now to help clear things out, otherwise we'll be whittled down. Pick out some clumps of enemies or ideally if the grenades pack enough punch some key cover points that'll make it hard to get a cannon in position unnoticed, toss some grenades, and then head on over to Wash-Out and Monkey.
No. 495708 ID: 9ddf68

go with wash out for now just keep your eyes, ears, and mind open for anymore mech killers and yell if you notice one. also do you think you could even hit one of the spiders because your not the best shot
No. 495709 ID: a31717

Hey, he knows the basics of how to shoot, and the perceptual stuff gives him an advantage that makes up for some of the lack of training. And we've hit one spider already.
No. 495713 ID: 47a120

The last enemy cyborg (or whatever it was) was too quick for you to warn anybody. If there is another there is little you could do except perhaps shoot it while its tearing through her armor (how long did that take?).

Unless wolf can come with you to save our snipers and then resume the attack then we should go to help them, I really really like wolf but standing behind her as she charges the main target seems less suited to your abilities then standing with the snipers and detecting a stealthy enemy that moves in 3d and tries to ambush them.

Luckily they are melee so at the range of engagement he will be able to help.
No. 495735 ID: 8b4dd1

You opt to help Wash-Out and Monkey. You let Wolf know, who grunts in response as she begins tearing apart another wall to get at the enemies on the other side, then you toss out two of your three frags you had with you, one ripping apart a group of enemies, the other falling a little short of its mark and blowing harmlessly. You frown as you begin to pull back, dashing from cover to cover in order to avoid incoming fire. You eventually make it back, moving as quickly as you can without winding yourself, and soon enough your senses pick up on the things. The rattle of a heavy machine gun can be heard, and as you come up to the building you hear Monkey spitting insults at the thing. The bark of a sidearm can also be heard, likely Wash-Out doing his best to help in some small way. Regardless, you can feel the enemy. Five of them. No, four, Monkey just pegged one of them. There's two on the floor above them, two rushing down that corridor and one... you kick the door open into the room your companions are in, nearly get your head blown off by Wash-Out, and pull the trigger of your alien rifle, aiming the weapon where you know the enemy is. The Spider jumps out of the vent just as the bolt reaches it, turning its head into a crater, but the temporary distraction let the others through.

Two Spider push literally burst in from the windows, probably having crawled through the second story windows to get down at you, and you feel one of them collide with your back, sending you sprawling. Its weight is suddenly on your back again, and you can feel claws ripping into your back. Your armor's straps get torn off, leaving the thing useless underneath you, but you use the extra mobility of having no armor to turn yourself and kick the thing in the face. It falls back screeching, and you manage to scramble to your feet to get a handle on the situation. The two coming from the corridor are still pinned down by Monkey, but he literally can't leave them alone, or they'll break through. Wash-Out is fighting with the other Spider, trying to keep it from ripping a gash in his chest. The last Spider is busy climbing up the wall, you think to try to pounce on you again.

>>>Input Command
No. 495739 ID: a31717

>nearly get your head blown off by Wash-Out
Remember, comm systems are your friend. Let your allies know you're coming next time.

>what do?
Priority is getting the two in the room. Depending on how much danger Wash-Out is in, that means either shooting the one on him first and then the other, or vice versa.

If you help Wash-Out first, you're probably going to have to use your mind's eye to dodge the attack when the climber leaps at you.
No. 495750 ID: 4a328b

Take out the one on Wash-Out, then the one trying to pounce, then the two Monkey's holding back
No. 495758 ID: 30a140

If you can't get to the alien rifle pull out your sidearm and blast the spider that is the biggest threat then get the other in the room then help monkey with the last two
No. 496440 ID: b1866d

kill the spider threatening your teamate first.
No. 496841 ID: 8b4dd1

You manage to grab your sidearm, and empty the clip into the spider that making for Wash-Out. You get a hasty nod of appreciation from your comrade before you have to deal with the one attacking you, its screech resounding in your ears as you begin to desperately backpedal away from its claws. It manages to jab you in the leg, then starts dragging you away, even as you desperately kick at it and try to reload at the same time. There's suddenly a ringing shot, and the spider's chest explodes. A quick glance around reveals Wash-Out using his sniper rifle for close ranged devastation, and you give your own nod of appreciation. What you don't notice through the pain searing through your head is the Spiders breaking through Monkey's suppressing fire and dog-piling him, beginning to drag him through a nearby window. You bring your sidearm up again, emptying your second clip into the pair, but only one goes down, and the other manages to drag the screaming man outside and out of sight. You rush to the window even as you reach out with your senses, and you find the spider dragging a now disables Monkey straight up the building. You curse out loud as you feel them leave your mapping range, and as you duck your head outside, you can only watch as the Spider leaps from building to building, dragging a limp Monkey behind it.

"Damn... Barbie isn't going to be happy about that. Not at all... come on, we'd better go see how the other ar-"

"Wolf is down. Her systems have gone offline, but I doubt she's dead."

Wash-Out leads the way outside, taking to the streets and finding himself a nice position to snipe from. You, on the other hand, continue forward, and reach the position you'd left. Barbie and Fisher haven't really moved, although they seem to be focusing less on taking enemies out than covering Wolf's TacArm, which is unmoving. Lot and Tanner are pushing across the way, you can see them at a doorway, firing into it, one prepping another grenade to toss in. Barbie catches sight of you and nods her head.

"Last push boys! I expect us in that place in the next few minutes! Grey, get over to Tanner and Lot, guide them to targets!'

You start hopping from cover to cover till you're standing just behind Lot, and he glances at you as you arrive. Your senses reach out, and you catch three groups of concentrated Xenos. One is on the far side of a hallway, concentrating fire on Wolf, another up some stairs and on the second floor, and a final group deeper in the complex, likely a command group. You have enough time to deal with one before the rest make their assault forward.
No. 496850 ID: 9f5b78

Taking out the group firing at Wolf frees up Fisher and Barbie, so go for that.

The command group is tempting, but without knowing the command structure of the aliens and how they deal with a loss of leadership it's a much more risky move then freeing up your more experienced and capable allies.
No. 496853 ID: d6ef5d

Well, hell. That went badly. Didn't expect the guy with the heavy weaponry shooting down a hallway to get overrun.

>Who kill?
The guys trying to crack Wolf, or a command unit?

As nice as it might be to try and screw up the enemy by taking out their officers, I don't think we can leave Wolf in a crippled Tac-Arm while buggers are trying to break in and kill her.
No. 496873 ID: 66fb79

We want everyone for the push on command, but going straight for wolf may not be the best choice. if it sends like the ones upstairs are setting an ambush, take them out BEFORE your allies get to them. Otherwise, take out the ones attacking wolf, and then stay with the main push, help then drive through as they go.
The command cluster will be easier to kill when its an entire squad being directed by a mentat, raster than two guys.
No. 496896 ID: 9ddf68

tell whoever has the grenade to throw it wherever the closes/ easiest to hit xenos are. Better to take out who you can then try to take out something you can't.
No. 496900 ID: 370c40

Robots and clones are both usually pretty expensive. Save the clone in the robot.
No. 496977 ID: 4a328b

Take out the command
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