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499945 No. 499945 ID: 753403

Five part introduction incoming. Please withhold suggestions until it is complete.

First part: http://tgchan.org/kusaba/questarch/res/485421.html


There is a collective drone of desperate growling and heavy breathing, as the corrupted parasite slaves chase us for food. Many are unable to run, and trail a long way behind the pack. Those most fit for movement pursue is in a hobbling gait; the fettered run of injured men. Many have been shot already, but they carry on due to an absence of fear and pain in their bodies. An expeditionary group, perhaps it once was. But they have become victims of the parasitic alien worm.
119 posts omitted. Last 100 shown. Expand all images
No. 504974 ID: 710329

Holy shitters, it's a Reptoid! Ask her wheter her race breastfeeds the offspring and note that there's not much difference between our two races after all.
No. 504984 ID: 282719



uh I mean just walk over and say hello
No. 504989 ID: eaf2f5

Ask how much for a threesome
Tell her that you are here for business but the mercenaries are making things hard for you and you came here looking to do something about the situation.
So would she mind showing us somewhere more private.
No. 505177 ID: 47d311

Simply ask to be alone with her. Don't let anything else slip while you are in the company of other women as you do not know who could parrot what you say to a merc.

When and only when you have her alone, then inform her you're here for business not pleasure and want to drive the mercs out on the request of that scientist and the shopkeep.
No. 505355 ID: c6ec33

You have manners when you feel like it and a command of formality. Use it. Be polite, and business-like. Invite her to talk privately. If she asks why, just tell her that she was recommended.

If you can get her alone, that's when you can start going into more details. Explain that you're new to this town, and you've agreed to help remove the mercenaries if possible.

(More deets about her would be cool, too)
No. 505360 ID: 148aa5
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I decide that I must still disguise my motives until I am in private. I approach the alien as though I were a customer. As she turns her head to face me, her tongue flicks out, licking the air.

“You are quite a sight. May I spend some time with you?”

Her voice is smooth.

>”So you desire my company?”

“Yes. You were recommended to me.”

Setting down her glass, she rises from her 'nest.' Standing, she is taller than I am, with my head only slightly higher than her shoulders. She leads me down the corridor into a private room. When she closes the door behind her, I admit my true purpose.
No. 505361 ID: 148aa5
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“I am not here for pleasure. I come here with a serious task, and I have been told that you are somebody who can aid me.”

>”For what reason would I aid a human such as you? A skeleton, no less! Take your fire and your wrath, and use it elsewhere! This world now lies dead.”

“I do not know why. All I know is that these mercenaries are cancerous to your settlement, and that you are somebody with whom I may have a common goal.”

>”And what is your goal?”

“I want to destroy the mercenaries, as it furthers my true purpose.”

>”The mercenaries make the villagers suffer, and this pleases me. Yet, I also seek to make the mercenaries suffer, just as they have inflicted suffering unto me. Just as your entire species has inflicted suffering unto mine! Humanity is the true cancer!”

The Reptoid hisses. I find it uncomfortable. I fear she is near to sinking her envenomed teeth into me.

>”And after I have helped you, you leave, do you not? You abandon me to continue my slavery here?”

“I am sure I can arrange something for you?”

>”No. You will pledge your cause to my freedom. You will die before you fail me!”

“I swear it. But for now, I require your co-operation, miss...”

She says the name in her own language. I have no hope of reproducing it.

>”In your tongue, it translates somewhat into 'the newly fallen snow,' 'the white sky,' or even 'frost,' contextually. It makes reference to the unusual colour of my crest.”

“I am honoured to meet one of your people. I am Mord.”

She does not seem to acknowledge it.

“There is knowledge that I must attain from you, and I understand you know these mercenaries better than most people.”

What information are you going to ask of the reptoid?
No. 505362 ID: c6ec33

Ask for every tactically relevant detail you can think of.

Troop strength. Leadership structure. Weaknesses. Habits. Places they frequent. Secret weapon caches. Her personal assessment on the situation.

Is there anything SHE can do beyond providing information? Are there other allies that she knows of? Will others fight if you begin something?
No. 505370 ID: eaf2f5

Ask about the brothel owner and possible bouncers who will try to stop us when the time comes to free Snowy.
Depending on the situation we could free the other slaves as well, play the hero.
No. 505373 ID: 5aa76e

how to kill them as dead as possible while we remain as alive as possible.

also, what does she mean by skeleton? the armor of the guard?
No. 505375 ID: ec06d0

>”In your tongue, it translates somewhat into 'the newly fallen snow,' 'the white sky,' or even 'frost,' contextually. It makes reference to the unusual colour of my crest.”
Call her Vanilla Ice.
No. 505394 ID: 0006f5

wel bash there fookin eads in we sware on are mum
No. 505395 ID: fedc54

where are they operating from? where do they keep they supplies, weapons and ammo?
can she provide exact guard posts and patrol routines or is this something we're going to have to find out ourselves?
how well trained are they?
is there anyone else that will join the 'resistance'?
any ideas on how to supply ourselves?

about her freedom:
what's keeping her here, a contract or someone physically holding her? who does she 'belong' to?
suppose we get her out of here, how is she going to remain free? after all, humans will always try to subdue her.
2 ideas:
1. she'd have to start pretending to be human somehow. a well made armor can help, but i can't see how she'd be able to disguise that tail.
2. we'll take her somewhere where she'll be accepted for who she is. the town we came from seem to be friendly, but i don't know if they're that friendly. we'll have to ask the others.
either way, unless there's some hidden reptoid settlement somewhere she'll have to live amongst humans for the rest of her life and she's going to have to deal with it.
No. 505405 ID: 598c44

Let's call her Frost. No need to insult her by naming her after washed up white rappers.

Trying to get her to be your traveling companion may be very beneficial. She likely knows the native fauna and terrain better than we ever will. Perhaps she knows more than can be of help.
No. 505473 ID: a5e901
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I decide to address her as 'Frost.' I ask my questions:

“From where do the mercenaries come? Do they have a base of operation?”

>”Yes. The town hall. That is the biggest building, and so they have set up in there. I imagine this is where they also keep the weapons they take. Some men brag about fire power. They store explosives in there, I have heard.”

“Do you know how well-trained they are?”

>”At what? Fighting? I don't know this; I have never fought them.”

“Oh, alright. What about their leadership structure?”

>”Some boastful men say they are the leader, but I know it is a lie. Nosk; he is leader. He does not visit every day. But when he does, it is for one particular girl only: Vei.”

“Are there other leaders?”

>”Possibly. They brawl often. It is hard to know who is in charge, or if they are just arguing among themselves. They show respect to the barkeeper. He is one of their own.”

“Do you know about troop strength? Numbers?”

>”I have counted twenty three unique mercenaries, but this does not mean I have seen them all.”

“Do they have any habits, or other conventions?”

>”Yes. When they fight, the loser will buy drinks for the others. On the sixth day, they receive drinks for less money. A lot visit on this day. Outside of this building, I cannot say very well what they do.”

“So, what is keeping you here?”

>”Zore, my gross mistress. She is without care for our suffering. I may despise your species, but the other girls here, I feel pity for. Only some are here willingly. Those who are not, suffer at Zore's whims. The girls that are continually resistant, must wear electrical collars. When the mercenaries took over, they took control of the bar, but allowed for Zore to continue her business of sex slavery. I do not dare to try escaping. They stun me, and then torture me to make me learn. They shock my flesh, and tear my skin. This is why I am here.”

”Will anybody fight against the mercenaries.”

>“I am certain. If you destroy Zore, these girls will, and so shall I.”

“Lastly do you know where we might get weapons?”

>”The mercenaries' base would be the best place to find superior weaponry in sufficient quantity.”

Hopefully, you find enough options here.
No. 505476 ID: fedc54

would this Vei be able to kill him by herself when they're alone?
how many are here on a typical sixth day? if it's most of them we could consider assaulting their headquarters while most of them are drunk and busy in the brothel. the girls are going to have to make sure there's enough noise though.
can we poison the drinks on the sixth day? do any townsfolk still come here?

do they really only have a single base of operations, which is the same building in which they store all of their ammo? that is downright stupid. we could exploit that somehow. such as with an explosion or a siege.
No. 505518 ID: cb2d38

Yes, detonating all the explosives in the town hall somehow would be magnificent. I'd be willing to guess that they'd lose all of that, including ammo exploding with it. Guns might survive here and there, but they're nothing but clubs without ammo.
Then again, it might be worth it to snag some for ourselves before obliterating what's left...

Ask how loyal this Vie girl is to them, and if she'd be willing to help us. It would be terribly risky for her, however, and we'd risk being found out. Ask if there is also some kind of control system for those collars we can snag sometime. I want us to take down their mistress and free these fine young ladies to do whatever they want. Everyone deserves a bit of free will, yeah?

I've no clue how to deal with the leader of the mercs, since taking out the mistress would probably put him on alert...
No. 505519 ID: 4c45e6

the first thing we should do is get rid of Zore. question Frost about Zore's habits, when she'd be the most vulnerable, etc.

we should do this without people getting too suspicious of us, so maybe we can use poison? does Frost know where we could get some, and who it is that cooks around here, or otherwise has access to Zore's food and is willing to help kill her?
No. 505530 ID: 0006f5

weve learned a lot more. we have times and places of congregation, with exploitable behavior. i think a problem is getting Vei involved, if at all.
No. 505843 ID: 934e6b
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Mature filter temporarily disabled. Live it up while it lasts, faggots.

“Do you know if this Vei is capable of killing Nosk?”

>”Vei is a sweet girl. I do not know if she would do this, but if it came to a physical struggle, she would be easily overpowered.”

Before any of that, the first task we must complete is to destroy Zore.

“I believe the best way to assassinate Zore would be by way of poison. Do you know where I might acquire poison?”

Her black, unblinking eyes stare.

>”Yes. I can provide poison for your purposes. It is rich, and paralytic. Giving the venom a few moments to take effect will ensure her permanent silence.”

This is good news. The only difficulty I can now see is devising an effective method of delivery. Frost and I spend a short while thinking together.

“Aha! I could bring a new type of drink, and poison it. When she tastes it, she will die!”

>”Do you have tools for brewing?”

“I do not need them. It need not be a legitimate brew. It just needs to be poisonous.”

>”Very well. Do you have a vessel to carry my venom?”

“Hmm, wait a moment.”

I search around in my pouches. I withdraw my water bottle.

“Only this.”

>”Ensure it is completely clean before you drink from it again. You are still needed alive.”

Frost takes the bottle and spits her venom into it. Re-attaching the lid, she hands it back to me.

“Hmm, after this, I think I will simply throw it away.”

>”After you have done the task. I will tell the other girls about Zore's death, and the upcoming revolution, so that they do not mention it to the mercenaries.”

The question now is; do we address Zore now, or do we come back later? If we do it correctly, we should be able to poison Zore without the mercenaries being made aware of it.
No. 505852 ID: 2e31ed

if she is made aware that she had been poisoned she will scream and call for help. subterfuge will be paramount.
No. 505857 ID: eaf2f5

Does Zore live in the brothel or does she have a home somewhere else? Where does she eat? We will probably have to wait a bit and collect more information before we make our move.
No. 505869 ID: ec4f3c

yeah, ask about her habits and habitat.
No. 505871 ID: 058c91

It would be best to ensure that Zore ingests the poison somewhere isolated, so that she can't alert anyone else, or have time to administer an antivenom; it is unlikely they would allow something as dangerous as Frost to remain around without some way to neutralise her poison.

Preposition Zore for a private 'audience' or, if she isn't involved in the business herself, ask to talk to her privately about a business deal. If she demands an answer up front say you want to discuss an arrangement between Zore and Gryr. When you have her alone, offer her the drink.

A couple more questions for Frost:
What is keeping her here? she has no collar.
Are there any others of her kind that she is aware of?
No. 505892 ID: 2f4b71

Offering her a drink out-of-the-blue would be very suspicious. If you can organise some sort of drinking contest, and spring the poison as 'some of the good stuff' partway through, that might work better, and she would be drunk enough to diminish her chances of raising an alarm.
No. 505922 ID: 0006f5

we'll need to devise something far harder to read than offering a drink we havent tasted. it may be out of the question to find some way of drinking it ourselves without suffering its effects or providing a very good illusion we have tasted it without actually doing it. Otherwise, any routine of hers we can figure out or even assume with a good degree of certainty can be tainted at the proper places.
No. 506058 ID: eaf2f5

Thank Frost for the info and lets go find Gryr and ask her would she like to do a service to this community by assassinating the scumbag who owns this brothel.
And while the poison would be a inconspicuous way to assassinate Zore i don't see why she couldn't as well be either strangled or stabbed to death.

If Gryr agrees and needs a diversion Mord should get drunk and start a fight.
No. 506470 ID: 226073
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Sorry for the delay. I wrote myself into a corner, and after some lack of motivation, I have decided that the only way out, is straight through. Therefore, prepare yourselves for cutscene clusterfuck.

I decide that the time is now. Zore's death is minutes away. My plan begins to come together.

“Madam, I require one last favour of you.”


“Tell the girls to make it loud in here.”

Something resembling a smile crosses Frost's lips.

>”It will be done.”

I leave Frost, and go to see Gryr.
No. 506471 ID: 226073
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Gryr looks unhappy. A drunk mercenary has his arm slung about her, and is currently telling her about the time he seduced a drowner matriarch – something I assume she would not tolerate when peace is not an absolute necessity.

I signal for her to come over to me. She slinks out from under the arm of the mercenary, but he does not like it.

>”Hey! Come back here, ya bitch!”

I decide to intervene.

“Apologies, friend. She is with me. Allow me to pay for the next round!”

I take the alien 'gallstone' out of my pocket, and throw it underhand, to the barman. He looks impressed enough by it.

>”Drinks on that guy!”

They all seem cheered enough to leave us alone.


I lead Gryr to Zore's office, explaining to her my idea of poisoning her.

>”No, Mord. That is a terrible idea. If she suspects anything at all, and she calls for help, then this whole thing is done for. You need to be quick, and brutal.”

“What do you have in mind?”
No. 506472 ID: 226073
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I knock on Zore's door. The woman that answers is grotesque in appearance. Her height is matched by her width, with her blubbery face covered in make-up. She wears a long, grey coat, with brass buttons on it. Noises come out of her mouth, but they are less attention-grabbing than the flapping jowls adorning it.

>”I said, what do you want?”

I push Gryr into the room. Her hands are bound by a cable tie – though loose enough that she could escape if necessary.

“I caught this out in the dust. I wanted to sell her to you.”

>”What? Selling one of yer own, eh?”

“No, I am an outcast. She, and two others alike ambushed our camp. We were fortunate that we were not unprepared for ambush, so we still prevailed. This one is the only survivor. As you can see, she is not undesirable. Do you not wish to enslave her as a whore in your fine establishment? I imagine many men would revel in the opportunity to gain revenge onto one of the loathed 'oppresors'”

>”Ooh, I see. How do I know she won't kill somebody?”

“You could collar her.”

I walk around behind Zore, causally observing some of the items on her shelf, while she appraises the ordinator before her. A human skull, and an eyeball in a jar, among them. I listen, to ensure the noise outside is sufficient.

“But-” I casually continue. “If you choose to collar her, I offer a warning.”

>”And what is that?”
No. 506473 ID: 226073
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“She has a thing for being choked.”

With those words, I snap my arms around Zore's fat neck, constricting her windpipe and causing her to flail and snort, like some wild pig, caught in a trap. She desperately grasps at my arms, trying to get enough leverage for another tiny breath, but she is not strong enough. Gryr, having slipped out of her binds, restrains the woman's legs, as they try to kick. I increase the amount of pressure around her neck, until I hear a crack, from deep within her throat.

Eventually, her struggles subside, and I carefully let her down. Checking for a pulse, I confirm that she is dead.

>”She has a thing for being choked?”

I laugh.
No. 506474 ID: 226073
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“We can not simply leave her here, like this. It would be highly suspicious. Can you help me move her onto this chair?”

Gryr and I lift the body onto the chair behind the desk.

“We need to make it appear as though she killed herself.”

I find a piece of paper. With a pen, I write a note to go along with the body.
No. 506475 ID: 226073
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Gryr does not like my note.

>”Are you being serious?”

Gryr writes a new note. I admit, it is mildly more persuasive than mine. She scrunches it up and puts it on the desk, to appear as though Zore had disregarded the message.

>”That should give them something to think about until somebody realises she died of strangulation. I do not imagine the level of forensic science available to these outcasts will put us in any immediate danger of discovery, but there is no reason to be careless.”

We leave the room, locking it behind us.

Zore is dead. The brothel must continue to function as normal, for the night. However, the girls will be free by the morning.;

Now, I need to decide if we are to return to Toldeg, and the others, or go straight to the Mercenaries' base. We do not have any ammunition for our guns, which is a problem.
No. 506478 ID: 0006f5

the base. get ammunition from the slain bodies of mercenaries !
No. 506479 ID: 47d311

Stop at Toldeg and see if he has any solution for our ammo problem. If not, then to the base. You'll have to procure your arms on-site.

Also since you just poisoned all these mercs, you have plenty of sidearms to choose from.
No. 506492 ID: eaf2f5

Return to Toldegs place and get the supplies he said he had hidden. Also might be a good idea to get Samael to come with us before moving on to the mercenaries' base.

Who knows we might get this whole thing over tonight if we continue being this efficient and if enough mercs are distracted by the brothel.
No. 506498 ID: 2f4b71

I'm sure the women here would be happy to assist you in divesting any mercenaries of their weapons, ammunition, and vital bodily fluids.
No. 506506 ID: 56919e


we didn't poison anybody, unless I misheard something.

it's a good idea though. we should ask Frost for syringes or darts or something. that and the poison might let us get to the ammo cache unnoticed.

we'd best do it tonight, before the sun comes up and people notice the dead pimpette.
No. 507647 ID: fb1428
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I need to dumb the art back down again, I think. Line-work, like I have been doing recently, is far too time consuming.

It is best to return to Toldeg's home before we strike the town hall. Samael will be needed to carry weapons back.

Toldeg, Lex, and Samael are still there, expectedly. Samael greets us.

>”Welcome back, Mord. I trust your day was productive.”

“Not yet. We need your help immediately. We will be going to the town hall to steal guns.”

>”Right now? What?”

“Get a pack. We will be moving soon.”

Toldeg provides us with suppressed pistols, with no extra magazines. With several duffel bags, we make our way to the town hall, moving through the back alleys wherever possible.
No. 507648 ID: fb1428
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The stealth operation here will be left to your imagination. Thinking it up (and especially, how to make it interactive) has caused me more stress than it is worth, and I need to keep this thing moving.

The guards did not put up any resistance. Those who were here, and not at the whorehouse, or otherwise occupied, were not expecting our raid. They were all put down quietly.

The weapons were kept in no overly ordered manner. It looked as though some initial attempt was made to store them in one particular room, but there were weapons and ammunition everywhere, in actuality.

We load our bags with whatever useful things that we find, keeping alert, for any guards potentially returning.
No. 507649 ID: fb1428
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>”Mord, why do we need this many guns?”

I turn to Samael.

“Because we are going to supply them to prostitutes.”

>”I didn't realise the gals had it so bad, that they needed military-grade weapons.”

“They will be dealing with more than boisterous customers, soon enough.”

>”What's going on?”

“We need soldiers to drive away the mercenaries forever, and now we have some.”

No. 507650 ID: fb1428
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Gryr is planting plastic charges in the building, ensuring that they are invisible to someone not searching for them – and unseen by those who are. We will be ready to detonate them when the time is right. In the mean time, we have plenty of weapons and ammunition with which to supply those who support our cause. We even manage to take some undamaged armoured vests and helmets.

We will have to wait until the mercenaries have left the brothel, to bring weapons to the prostitutes. But when they realise what has happened here, the conflict will be set into motion, I predict. We will need to make sure that our affairs are in order at that time.

Uh, dunno if there's much to suggest here. But, if there's something, feel free to mention it. Otherwise, expect a continuation soon.
No. 507652 ID: 1645f1

you could always fire a few gunshots where the bombs are planted and blow the building up after the mercs flood it.

you could also rig a gun to fire at whoever opens the door to the brothel. I'm assuming that's where the non-combatant whores will hole up, and that the mercs might go after them after they realize it's the whores who are shooting their asses.
No. 507701 ID: d90fe7

Rather than setting off charges randomly, it would be possible to use a few initial explosions to drive the mercenaries into a more enclosed area such as a street or alley. They'll naturally want to run away from explosions, so you can use that to make them move in a rough direction, or to evacuate cover.

Of course, you will want them to run towards more charges that you have daisy-chained around the place, hopefully kiling or at least stunning them whilst you open up with small arms. Surround the plastic explosives with nuts, bolts, nails or other small but dense objects for extra effectiveness.
No. 508004 ID: 930df3
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We return to Toldeg's home, with our bounty of guns and ammunition. We do not take the time to sleep.

We wait until the mercenaries leave the brothel, in the early hours of the morning, and then make our way back there, with haste. As soon as they return to their base, they will realise something has happened. It is critical that we are able to arm the prostitutes before anything goes wrong.

Frost lets us in, and we begin to distribute the weapons to the girls. We help them out of their slave collars. We are also able to give fatigues to most of them, and vests to some, so that they may cover themselves.

The next half-hour is spent instructing the girls about what is happening, and how to use their weapons properly. Some are familiar with it already.
No. 508005 ID: 930df3
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Lex watches the settlement out through a window.

>”Guys, Mord! They're really alarmed. Some are knocking on doors.”

“Then it will not be long until they bring their search back here.”

>”Too late! Two are coming up here, what do we do?”
No. 508018 ID: 47d311

Wait and see if they knock or let themselves in.

Have the girls who look like they've fired a gun before take up positions out of view in the main room and prepare for an ambush. You and Gryr take up positions on the side of the door that the hinges are on. Exterior doors usually open inwards, so the door will conceal you if/when it opens.

If they knock, do nothing and see if that will prompt them to enter on their own.

If they enter by themselves, yank them aside and kill them with a knife to the throat. The more mercs you can isolate and neutralize without alerting the main force, the easier they will be to deal with.

If they call for backup and more mercs head over to the brothel, prepare to signal the ambush. Thankfully, you have a narrow walkway leading up to the brothel doors that makes an excellent choke-point with no cover.

Once/If a firefight breaks out in the brothel, be prepared to take the fight to the streets; you want to hit the mercs fast and hard while they're confused and separated from each other. You don't want to give them the option to organize or regroup.
No. 508019 ID: eaf2f5

Well things are going to get loud soon anyway so we may as well be the ones who start it.

Tell Frost to have her prostitute army shoot the two mercenaries in front of the brothel and then barricade themselves in.
Meanwhile our gang sneaks out the back and circles away from the brothel, so that when all the mercs are surrounding the brothel and distracted we can sneak in from the back and kill them.
No. 508040 ID: 7e1b7f

have Samael's hydraulics greet them.
No. 508122 ID: 9d4445
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We move out of sight, and hide in the shadows. We prepare ourselves for a gun-battle, if need be.

The men knock on the door.

>”Hey, open up!”

They pound the door more fiercely.

>”Open it, or we'll let ourselves in!”

I look at Samael.

“Take care of them when they come inside,” I whisper.

Samael hides next to the door, and waits.

>”It's unlocked!”

A female voice cries out. I do not recognise the voice.
No. 508123 ID: 9d4445
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The door slowly opens, and the two mercenaries walk in.

>”We're sorry for this disturbance, ladies. We've had some trouble back at the base, and we need to check-”

The same voice speaks again. It's Samael! He steps behind the mercenaries.

>“I'm sorry. We're closed.”

He snatches one mercenary's head in his great hand, and then uses the body like a flail, beating the other one to death with immense force. But, not before the mercenary is able to squeeze the trigger of his weapon for a moment. Four loud shots are fired off into the ceiling. It will have earned the attention of the others, for certain.
No. 508135 ID: eaf2f5

Well time to lead this prostitute army to victory!
Engage the enemies outside and then start advancing towards the mercenary base, if we can get them to barricade themselves inside we could blow them all up.

Maybe it would be wise to split the party and have Mord, Gryr and Samael each lead a team of prostitutes so we can attack from several directions simultaneously.
No. 508136 ID: 47d311

Quickly nab the bodies and sit them down at a table the furthest away from the door. Use them to lure more mercs into the building. Prep an ambush inside the brothel to take out the guys who enter the building itself.

Have Gryr take a large team around one side of the building and have Samuel take a smaller team around the other side to catch the mercs in a pincer. When the ambush inside the brothel is sprung, that's their cue to go into action.

Gryr's team will move out ahead to be your front line for any street fighting and will move to cut off the retreat of any mercs caught between the ambush team and Samuel's flankers.

As soon as the mercs in the brothel are slain, send Samuel's team out and around the front line to flank, and take your (Mord's) team around the opposite side. While the merc's attention is on the flanking teams, have Gryr push her lines forward. While Gryr's team pushes forward to join with the flanking teams, you (Mord), Samuel, and at most one or two of the more skilled fighters in your group circle around and hit the mercs from their rear.

Tell Samuel and remind Gryr of that sniper you talked with, and make him a priority target. The last thing you need is Gryr's advance stalled because they're pinned by sniper fire.
No. 508142 ID: 2d3c9d


well, I suppose he did as you asked. everyone to arms! we can't all afford to hole up in the building- buildings are vulnerable to the explosives they likely still possess.

so yeah, some of our forces should go outside as they charge us. try to find cover before they arrive and stay hidden as good as possible. try to hide the bodies inside if the mess isn't too big, to buy us some time until they figure out it was us.

Lex has been through a lot, so she probably ought to stay inside to guard the whores inside. she should be prepared for an evacuation in case of the aforementioned explosives.
No. 508148 ID: 0006f5

split up and flank the sniper roosts if possible. provide cover for our forces as they move out from the known structure.
No. 508207 ID: e08226

Stay in the building, it'll offer protection. Watch all windows and be ready for grenades.
Also, check for wounded. If those shots hit anyone, take them into a back room where they might be treated and kept safe.
No. 509447 ID: 9f1b99
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I'd again like to thank Slinkoboy for taking the time to fix some little mistakes I'd made in here, such as broken spoiler tags.

As I predicted, the mercenaries become alerted by the accidental gunfire. They move in force to the brothel, and up the ramp. Losing her cool, one of the silly ex-whores shoots at a the mercenaries, despite that they have no confirmed sighting of us. I immediately tell her to stop, but it is far too late.

To my surprise, they are in possession of nano-mechanical cover systems. The small devices project a squirming barrier of living machines, which deflects bullets and absorbs energy weapons. Surely they are stolen, as no outcast engineer could ever possess the technology to produce them.

The mercenaries place them on the ramp up to the brothel, and the shimmering, black shields grow into form. Some of the mercenaries move behind the barriers, and deploy a heavy machine gun.
No. 509449 ID: f4aa6b
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They do not hesitate, and begin firing their gun onto the building. The bullets perforate the metal walls. Through the holes, bars of daylight pierce the airborne dust. One of the girls is shot in the chest. She falls onto her back, groaning, and gasping for air. The vest covering her torso had saved her this time. Others fire too, but their weapons do not seem to pierce the walls.

This building is not providing adequate cover. We lie on the floor, and wait for the gunner to stop. When he does, Gryr takes Frost, and a small group of girls and leaves the main room. They go to a hatch in the floor, which leads to the lower building. They intend to flank the mercenaries, and divert their attention.
No. 509450 ID: f4aa6b
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In the mean time, Samael stands up and fires a large machine gun through the small window. Its fire rate is very high. The sound is like the tearing of paper, though much louder. The brass pours over the floor below him like a liquid.

This building's defence is flimsy, and will not be sufficient if more powerful weapons are brought into play. It would be wise for us to move out of here immediately, but the mercenaries have fortified the ramp, and it will be hard to remove them. We could follow Frost and Gryr out through the trap door.
No. 509460 ID: 747c7e

not yet. hold the mercs back a bit.
No. 509541 ID: 90808d

Leave the building in intervals one by one to provide Gryr and Frost enough of a distraction while tactically conserving your numbers.
No. 509669 ID: 10fd9a

It's definitely important to keep them focused on the building. Send the squishier targets through the trapdoor first, have everyone else provide covering fire.
No. 509726 ID: 47d311

This brothel has a bar, right?

Ever made a molotov cocktail?

Get some high-proof bottles of alcohol, uncork it, wet the rag with some of the alcohol, then pour some dish soap in the bottle. If they don't have dish soap for whatever reason to clean stuff you can use styrofoam from the chair cushions, baking soda, egg whites, tar, motor oil, or even blood (You got two dead mercs thankfully) to thicken the mixture. Stick the rag 3/4ths into the bottle, and either recork it or tape up the top. Shake it so the thickening agent mixes with the alcohol. Then light the rag and hurl it at the mercs on the bridge to deny them their cover.

The thickening agent will cause the flames to smoke thick, so you can use that fact to conceal your position if you need to.
No. 510196 ID: 51e9d1
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I would like to send some of the whore-soldiers through the trapdoor after Gryr, but my opportunity to do so is cut short. The machine gun fire begins anew. The sound of bullets puncturing the walls is loud.
I get the idea to burn the gunner out from behind his shield. I crawl on my stomach over to the bar, from where the mercenaries were getting their drinks only last night.

I search the shelves for some high-alcohol drink, and find one. A corked bottle, filled with an outcast home brew. On its label, the words “Old Goride,” in the ridiculous outcast language. I look for something with which to thicken the fluid. There is a large bottle underneath the basin. The liquid in it is rather viscous, and it smells of soap. It must be detergent. With a rag that I find on the floor, I now have the components to assemble some sort of home-made incendiary grenade. I hope that it works.
No. 510197 ID: 51e9d1
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I wait until the machine gunner stops firing and, having lit the rag, run to the door, and hurl the grenade. It explodes over the cover, with a crash. The burning liquid is thrown over the area, causing a brilliant flame. The gunner is engulfed in fire, and his high-pitched wails sound as he tries to extinguish himself futilely. In his panic, he falls from the ramp.

The ramp is now on fire, and a thick layer of smoke blocks the line of sight with the other mercenaries.
No. 510233 ID: d4ad1a

Sweet! Everyone through the trap door, except for the harder targets, who'll keep firing from the brothel.
No. 510265 ID: 0006f5

make more ! hail gay satan !
No. 510335 ID: 01745c

keep making more molotovs and throwing them while the others escape.
No. 510350 ID: 2f4b71

Is the ammo for the machine gun cooking off? If not, you could dash down the ramp behind the near side of the barrier, and swipe it (and maybe the gun too) when the Molotov dies down. The nanobarrier works in both direction, right?
No. 510553 ID: 47d311


Ask if Samuel can see through the smoke or not. He was built for war, which sees a lot of dirt/smoke/shrapnel flying about and he has a built-in voice synthesizer complicated enough to alter his voice realistically on the fly, so its not a bad guess.

If he does, have him suppress the area in front of the ramp like he has been. If he doesn't, have him let up for a moment. Take some people to the second floor and see if you can't pick off anyone either abandoning the approach to the brothel due to the fire, or moving forward to recover their equipment.

Properly placed suppressive fire should be enough to keep some mercs pinned while someone with a better vantage point makes the kill shot. On the other hand, the lull in shooting should be enough to bait some of the more opportunistic mercs to try to quickly recover their equipment. If you can, try to cripple one out in the open for even more bait.
No. 511656 ID: 6c0005
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“Samael, are you capable of seeing through the smoke?”


“Then continue to suppress them. I will make more grenades, and attack the approach. Lex, go with these girls, and leave the brothel. Follow after Gryr, but stay out of sight.”

I send them out through the trap door. Samael and I continue to suppress them from this building.

Meanwhile, Frost, Gryr, and their soldiers have emerged from below the brothel. Using large bins as cover, they flank the mercenaries by the brothel's approach. Eventually, the mercenaries are forced away from the location. Several lie dead below the ramp. Fortunately, none of us have serious injuries.

The mercenary force is now fleeing. It will not be long until their morale is restored. It might be worth sending a scout across the rooftops, to see where they go until then.

Or do something else!
No. 511663 ID: eaf2f5

Yeah scouts are a good idea we don't want to stumble into an ambush, just tell em to watch out for snipers.

I wonder could we rally some residents to join our fight?
No. 511668 ID: 7ee51d

send yourself with a jillion molotovs.
No. 511737 ID: 0f3c7c


aww yeh, let's Hoviet Sero this shit.
No. 511742 ID: 47d311

Have some of the girls recover the dead merc's equipment. If they're packing HMGs and nanoshields, they might have some other interesting pieces of equipment on them.

It would be best to keep hitting them as they retreat, to force them to choose between a fighting retreat which will slow them and any potential regrouping down or breaking ranks and running which will scatter their forces. I am worried about them heading to where their friends have set up an ambush, however.

Do these mercs have handheld radios, headsets, any sort of personal communication device? If they don't, then they likely don't have any way of setting one up and you should be fine to press the attack while you and your troops are in good condition and those mercs aren't; Time to recoup is in the favor of the force worst off, which given you report injuries as minor, is the mercs.

If the mercs do have communications devices, their fallback point likely involves a strong defensive position or a snare ready to close on whoever is following them, which is not in our best interest to siege. Send a small force to harass the retreating mercs on their retreat, and have them fall back themselves the moment the mercs reach their defensive line. An ambush will be set up assuming a larger force following them on the ground, so your rooftop scouts could work well to this end. Make sure your roof team is fleet of foot and can aim. Give them some of the merc's radios so they can listen in on their comms; it'll help them avoid any surprises along the way.

Lastly, check up on Lex and see how she is holding up. Time on the front lines in the middle of a siege the day after her brother died likely isn't doing her any favors.
No. 511774 ID: 2f4b71

Ideally we'd funnel them as they fall back to their base. Then blow it once they're inside.
No. 513800 ID: 95f8c0
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Questing advice: Improper preparation is a quest killer.

I decide that I should be the one to do reconnaissance. I tell Samael to join the others, and follow after me at a distance. Then, with an armful of pre-prepared grenades, I dash across the rooftops of the settlement, following in the wake of the fleeing mercenaries.
No. 513801 ID: 95f8c0
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As expected, they lead me to the town hall. Some have already prepared their cover in expectation of a follow-up assault. They were not wrong to do so. I do not yet have their attention, but if I linger about here for too long, I will certainly be spotted. I see two options here:

1. Leave the rooftop quietly, and return what I have found to the others, allowing them at least a small amount of intelligence, with which they may establish a basic plan in this very brief window.

2. Throw my home-made incendiary grenades upon them, which may demoralise them temporarily, but certainly result in a brutal, head-on battle.
No. 513919 ID: 0006f5

return with intelligence. this is a job for throwables and more so its not a prolonged shootout in their favorable defensive position
No. 513990 ID: 47d311

They've already holed up in a defensive position. Fighting here is pointless and disadvantageous when you can wait for them to come to you on your terms. Return with intelligence, and be prepared for a counter-offensive when the mercs rest and re-arm.

If the building they're holed up in is made of some flammable materials, go ahead and lob a few firebombs and immediately retreat. Otherwise, keep them for a better opportunity.
No. 514123 ID: 2f4b71

Who has the trigger for the explosives planted inside the Town Hall?
No. 514249 ID: 4f8952

if you can't rig the explosives to go off after you return and not be detected in the meantime, just leave.
No. 514478 ID: cb948e
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I leave the rooftop, and gather the group leaders. I share with them the sights I gathered from above.

“There are barricades about the town hall. Guarding its doors, perhaps ten soldiers. Inside, I suspect there to be more, though I did not see, of course. There are several armed with heavy machine-guns. I did not throw these onto them, so as to postpone the battle by a few minutes.”

I hold up my armload of grenades, for emphasis.
No. 514480 ID: cb948e
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Gryr is the first to speak. The morning sun gleams brightly off the dirtied white of her ordinator's helm.

>”Then we must demolish their base, and send them, gripped with terror, into the streets. From there, we could ambush the stragglers from multiple directions.”

“What is to happen if they choose to stand?”

>”They will run. They are largely undisciplined. It is plain to see this.”

“Then we will each take command of a group. When you are in position, I will detonate the explosives.”

There will probably just be a natural progression from here to the next update (i.e, no need to suggest), but if you feel the need to change the course of things, then be my guest.
No. 514503 ID: 882554

you could use your molotovs to cover all but one side of the base with flames and ambush them when they make the obvious choice of exit.
No. 514605 ID: 7e8516

We already have explosives planted in their base, no need to do that. Just rain the molotovs down on them as they run.
No. 514827 ID: fe7252

Maybe give a prostitute some molotovs and set her on one of the rooftops either on the other side of the building where you cannot cover, or to free yourself up to physically engage them.
No. 524572 ID: e59cd4
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I trigger the bombs. A loud crack splits the air moments later, followed by panicked shouting and gunfire. The town hall collapses in a cloud of dust and smoke. We begin the assault.
No. 524573 ID: e59cd4
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The remaining mercenaries resist us with all their might, and the battle becomes ferocious.
No. 524578 ID: 47d311

That mercenary leader is behind you with a knife, trying to take advantage of the confusion to cut you.

Step forward to put a bit of distance between you two, then drop down to lower your center of gravity. Shoulder-check him in the legs; he'll probably step forward when you do to catch up and you can use his forward momentum to table-top him over you.
No. 524869 ID: 0c326d

Depending on how close he is, that mercenary made the mistake of bringing a knife to a gun fight.
No. 524873 ID: 0006f5

lunge forward !
No. 524924 ID: 849089

disarm him, but be ready to block his knife with a thick part of your armor in case he's too fast.

he might help end this conflict if he's captured alive.
No. 526441 ID: d86f93
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I turn around to see Nosk, holding a knife. While I am surprised, it is not enough for him to end my life easily. In a matter of seconds, he lunges at me with the knife, and I duck below his attack. His weapon goes over my head, and I use the opportunity to grab his wrist. With my other hand around his leg, I manage to overturn him, throwing his body onto the ground.

In the following moments, he scrambles to get back to his feet. I do not have much time to capture him, if that is the course of action I desire.
No. 526451 ID: 0006f5

create distance, fire indiscriminately
No. 526461 ID: acb7da

Just bash him in the head with your rifle until he stops moving. Should be fine.
No. 526462 ID: c48e5a

Step on his knife arm, use your rifle as a lever for neck-breaking.
No. 526469 ID: 4f63c9

let's not kill at random, hit his head with rifle
No. 526766 ID: 9cb233

Lets kill him, and every other mercenary to ever exist. At random.
No. 526788 ID: 47d311

This guy is the mercenary leader, meaning people are following him; be it because he's scary, skilled, smart, or rich. Any way you look it, losing him will either further disorganize their ranks or be a hit to their morale.

Best to kill him now so that he won't stab you in the back later. In an environment like this there is nothing to gain by being nice to your enemies.
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