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File 140644063945.png - (412.58KB , 1024x768 , Crypt 1.png )
586038 No. 586038 ID: 189a54

Cryptstrong is a Soldier of Ospram. An angel of the exalted Kadest, he was sent to earth with an army of his brethren to defend the resting place of an object of great power. He is an elite warrior of the gods, on a mission so important no mortal could possibly comprehend it without great assistance from a deity. Wielding a divine weapon and clad in holy clothing, he is the best of the best, one of the true elite, quite literally worlds apart from any other warrior this continent has ever scene.

He's been standing facing a wall in the dark for 125 years. And he's getting very, very bored.
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No. 586115 ID: 189a54
File 140647380559.png - (512.08KB , 1024x768 , Crypt 5.png )

>>what's suppose to be on the other side of that door? is whatever behind it moving? If so is it getting closer or further away?
Crypt has no clue what's supposed to be behind the door, except that it's not supposed to be this thing. It's not moving, just standing there--wait, a second thing has joined it. They're very close now, right behind the door.

>>Get closer to the door and see if you can hear through it/see through the cracks.
Crypt edges closer. He freezes when the two things shift a bit. They seem to be communicating.

>"Hellh, letzjusgetoutufere, okaie? Weeve ollredy lossago, thuh ainguls arr evvrywear!"

>"Weere tooh klose, Meetuh. Weere ghettingthuhslabh--ow damm, lukh!"

>"Undurr thuh dore, that glowe...dammitt, anuthur ufthuh armedwuns! Eye cannt fite anuthur--"

>"Kalmyurselffmeetuh, rumumbur hoo yur with. Kuraima, rumumbur?"

>"Rite, rite...eye juspanickedsum. Wee cann taik himm toogehthur, eye no."

It takes Crypt a moment to realize the odd syllables are the language of Man. He hasn't spoken it since the moment he was conceived in a time before time, and his grasp over the language has slipped quite a bit. He racks his brain, trying to translate what the hell the things on the other side just said before they try something funny.
No. 586116 ID: a36601

>ollredy lossago
No clue what they lost but I got the rest of it.(maybe they said they've already [got] lots of gold?)
They can sense/see you just as well as you can them. They are planning on attacking you to get to whatever you are guarding. Also you were set to specifically guard a lever. Not sure what it opens.

I see 3 options coming of this. Listed best to worst.
1. Run away from them as far as you can. You might have to give up the object of great power though. (the slab?)
2. Drop your weapon and try diplomacy with them. Their names are Meetuh, and Kuraima. Kuraima feels like it's getting too dangerous in here for them to continue; maybe play on that.
3. Test your might. Do your best to summon allies. Try to pick the one that looks more awesome(the one picking the lock) to wound. If you can get him hurt enough then his friend will most likely run. (with or without him I am not sure)
No. 586138 ID: 2fd516

One is panicky, the other competent. They think they can take you.

Talk to them, try to scare the panicky one off so you can deal with the competent one alone. Also maybe try to find out why they're after the slab.

Once that door opens you'd better attack.
No. 586163 ID: 189a54
File 140648719101.png - (468.90KB , 1024x768 , Crypt 6.png )

>>They can sense/see you just as well as you can them. They are planning on attacking you to get to whatever you are guarding.
Crypt's hearts start to pound. Raiders that think they're strong enough to get past heaven's guards themselves...he's not sure if he's feeling intrigued or terrified.

>>I see 3 options coming of this. Listed best to worst.
>>1. Run away from them as far as you can. You might have to give up the object of great power though. (the slab?)
No matter how he feels Crypt can't do that. To enable raiders to take the slab wouldn't just be a huge shame to himself, but a great danger to the world.

>>try diplomacy with them.
>>One is panicky, the other competent. They think they can take you. Talk to them, try to scare the panicky one off so you can deal with the competent one alone. Also maybe try to find out why they're after the slab.
Crypt steels his nerves and edges closer. It's all he can do now.

>>Once that door opens you'd better attack.
The angel keeps his pike held tightly...
No. 586164 ID: 189a54
File 140648761780.png - (504.57KB , 1024x768 , Crypt 7.png )

Crypt presses his head to the door. He can hear the clinking as one of them fumbles with a lock, and the other's talking nervously.

>"Ow hellh, itts juhsstandingdere...hurree wi--"


There's a loud clunk from the other side.
>"Ow hellh! Ow hellh Jernywispurrs saive mee! Et noes mee!"

>"Mmeetuhh, w--whie, arr, uhhh...whie arrrr yoo...heyurr? Tahlll meee..."

No. 586165 ID: 189a54
File 140648772006.png - (568.77KB , 1024x768 , Crypt 8.png )


Oh Kadest help.
No. 586173 ID: 6d3b18

>heaven's guards
Awful... skeletal for an angel, aren't you?

>No clue what they lost
I think it's a name. They're already down one member of the party.

Jerk away from the blade.
No. 586175 ID: 2fd516

No diplomacy, then. Before he's able to yank his weapon back out, open the door and kill him.
No. 586201 ID: 5b2288

Battle stance!
No. 586208 ID: 9ddf68

think you can brake the blade of that weapon before he can pull it back? If so do it, if not force the door open and knock back anyone on the other side of the door.
No. 586229 ID: 189a54
File 140649979996.png - (534.42KB , 1024x768 , Crypt 9.png )

>>Jerk away from the blade.
Crypt springs back, shocked. That door is made of Kadest's most blessed slade, as is the rest of the building. That weapon should not have made a scratch on it, much less smashed through!

>>Awful... skeletal for an angel, aren't you?
Crypt doesn't think this is the best time to contemplate why Kadest created him and his fellows the way he did!
No. 586233 ID: 189a54
File 140650029570.png - (517.24KB , 1024x768 , Crypt 10.png )

>"Yoo misstim, mann!"

>"Damm, thuwepponstuck!"

>>No diplomacy, then.
>>Battle stance!
Crypt lowers his center and offers a fast prayer to Kadest. He can almost feel his hearts swell with the courage of his god as he aims himself at the door.

>>think you can brake the blade of that weapon before he can pull it back?
If it could bust through solid slade, Crypt doubts he has the strength to break it.

>>Before he's able to yank his weapon back out, open the door and kill him.
He crouches even lower, places all his energy into his legs...
No. 586234 ID: 189a54
File 140650056548.png - (547.37KB , 1024x768 , Crypt 11.png )

And charges--into empty air.


No. 586240 ID: a36601

Recover to the right and go go into a full stance. Can your weapon slash too or only stab?

Basic strategy is do your best to separate the two and go after the one who still has his sword sheathed. While you have a fair chance of killing these guys I think letting them escape and having them tell everyone about how terrible this place is would do more in the long run.
No. 586242 ID: 2fd516

Keep going and alter your momentum a bit, to take out the one who has yet to draw his blade. Then it'll be 1v1 against the other guy.
No. 586245 ID: 9ddf68

keep rushing forward and veer a little to your left, their's another guy just a little ahead of you.

No. 586358 ID: 76b151

Nah humans are persistent and they've already lost one person and haven't retreated. Better for them to disappear entirely.

I think you should slash the guy who is tugging on the sword stuck in the door, he is wide open and unable to block.
No. 586366 ID: 321d85

Agreed. Though, you should be prepared for him to pull out a dagger or something.

Also, do you know how many more of you there are? Can you call the rest of them, somehow?
No. 586408 ID: 189a54
File 140656978571.png - (639.20KB , 1024x768 , Crypt 12.png )

>>Keep going and alter your momentum a bit, to take out the one who has yet to draw his blade.
>>I think you should slash the guy who is tugging on the sword stuck in the door, he is wide open and unable to block.
Crypt makes his decision quickly. Pivoting, he jams his pole-arm through the nearest man's side. The intruder only has time to utter a small "unf" before the judgement of Kadest rushes into him.

Crypt is not tiny, he is a courageous size, crafted by Kadest to better commit heroic acts!
The angel tries to heighten his posture a little...
No. 586410 ID: 189a54
File 140657013317.png - (362.62KB , 1024x768 , Crypt 13.png )

>>Also, do you know how many more of you there are? Can you call the rest of them, somehow?
The Soldiers of Ospram are 50 strong, and spread throughout the vault. Crypt doesn't know of a way to rally them--the only being with the power to call them to a location is Kadest himself.

Crypt turns to face the second--oh, no.
No. 586412 ID: 189a54
File 140657060975.png - (446.76KB , 1024x768 , Crypt 14.png )

The second man is nowhere to be seen. And it looks like the Soldiers are a few less than 50 now.

From somewhere a trumpet blares twice. All around Crypt, muffled shouts in the language of Man carry through the heavy walls. Armored boots echo through hallways from above and below, to the left and right. On top of it all is a constant scraping, a low and thick sound that causes the angel's hearts to sink.

Somewhere they've found the slab.
No. 586427 ID: 2fd516

What was that lever that you were staring at? Does it do anything useful? Maybe go pull it.

Also go "Retuuuuurn the slaaaaaab"
No. 586430 ID: 53ba34

can you restore your fellows?
No. 586434 ID: 9ddf68

damnit now we're going to have to get that back huh? So any idea on where the sounds are coming from?
No. 586573 ID: 07463b

Go back and check on your lever.
No. 586584 ID: 5b2288

I don't suppose Kadest has a Plan B for this sort of situation?
No. 586743 ID: 189a54
File 140668720321.png - (451.65KB , 1024x768 , Crypt 15.png )

>>can you restore your fellows?
Crypt doesn't know the secrets of life and death. Even if he did, though, no matter how noble the reason the Soldiers are still outcasts of heaven. Their deaths are irreversible and they will see no afterlife.

>>Go back and check on your lever.
Cryptstrong gestures the mark of Kadest to the fallen and hurries back to his lever...

>>Also go "Retuuuuurn the slaaaaaab"

>"Reh...reh-tuuuurrhn thuh...thuh....."
Cryptstrong's voice breaks a bit. He doesn't think now's a good time to speak...
No. 586745 ID: 189a54
File 140668793067.png - (345.64KB , 1024x768 , Crypt 16.png )

The lever's still as it was. Nothing seems to have changed in this area from before.

>>Does it do anything useful? Maybe go pull it.
Crypt couldn't do that. He's disgracing Kadest enough without defiling one of his mechanisms.

>>I don't suppose Kadest has a Plan B for this sort of situation?
Not that Crypt knows of. Kadest trusted his creations to take care of things...the angel prays that his god doesn't have his divine eye on the area at the moment to see this shameful failure.

>>So any idea on where the sounds are coming from?
They sounded like they were coming from everywhere, adjacent rooms and hallways from every level of the Vault. It's all getting worryingly distant now, though...Crypt fears the intruders are nearing the exit with the slab.

Crypt contemplates his next action quickly. If he lets this theft be completed, everything will be ruined.
No. 586752 ID: 2fd516

Right, better just try to follow the trail of dead Angels back to where the humans are, then.

Speaking of the humans, what exactly did your weapon do to the one you killed? It looks like his body went black.

What is Shade?
No. 586818 ID: 53ba34

outcasts of heaven?
No. 586985 ID: 879a42

The only sure way to stop them is make a stand at the entrance. Use surprise to kill off one or two to increase your odds. Wait there is only one entrance right?
No. 587171 ID: 189a54
File 140683117099.png - (420.54KB , 1024x768 , Crypt 17.png )

>>Right, better just try to follow the trail of dead Angels back to where the humans are, then.
Crypt begins navigating the twisting hallways and rooms of the vault. Following the trail isn't hard--the bodies of the Soldiers litter the ground only along certain halls, lining out a sickly glowing path with their corpses.

>>outcasts of heaven?
It's been a rule since before time began that anyone who leaves the afterlife for any reason is deemed an outcast, soulless and not allowed to come back no matter what happens to them in the mortal realm. Even those who leave to do the work of their god have to follow it...

>>Speaking of the humans, what exactly did your weapon do to the one you killed? It looks like his body went black.
It was Kadest's Judgement, the blessing placed on all of the Soldiers' divine weapons. When the weapon pierced the man's flesh he was judged by it, and was found to either have committed a crime against Kadest or not have enough courage in his soul. Crypt would guess both.

>>What is Slade?
It's the densest stone known in this world, created by the gods for the purpose of protecting artifacts that they have deemed too great for mortals to possess. The walls and doors of the vault are made from it, which should have made them nearly impenetrable for a group of mere men--so much for that, Crypt thinks...
No. 587172 ID: 189a54
File 140683144327.png - (364.23KB , 1024x768 , Crypt 18.png )

>>The only sure way to stop them is make a stand at the entrance. Wait there is only one entrance right?
Crypt is pretty sure there's only one entrance, or at least the men only seem to be going for one.

>>Use surprise to kill off one or two to increase your odds.
The angel starts being a bit stealthier to keep his element of surprise. He peeks around the next corner to check for stragglers--


>"Damm! Pyrasm!"
No. 587173 ID: 189a54
File 140683161598.png - (605.29KB , 1024x768 , Crypt 19.png )

A blazing hot cloud of something surges by, almost taking the angel's head with it. Crypt hears two pairs of armored boots start running, and they're getting closer fast.
No. 587179 ID: 9ddf68

oh, they seem to have a mage with them. Wait for one of the armor guys to come around the corner and stab him however if you get a chance to take out the mage take him out first.
No. 587191 ID: 2fd516

Attack them as they round the corner. You'll have to try to ambush the mage at the corner as well.
No. 587324 ID: c24f6f

Can you turn off your heavily glow? It seems like that's been giving away your position repeatedly.
No. 587629 ID: 189a54
File 140700764821.png - (362.87KB , 1024x768 , Crypt 20.png )

>>Attack them as they round the corner. You'll have to try to ambush the mage at the corner as well.
Crypt backs up and drops to a knee, bracing for the first man to turn the corner.

>>Can you turn off your heavily glow? It seems like that's been giving away your position repeatedly.
The glow is coming from Crypt's divine clothing. He can't turn it off, but even if he could his pride as a Soldier would still make him--


No. 587632 ID: 49004e

Hit the top of the book with your spear making it shoot the ceiling then continue the thrust to impale its holder.
No. 587633 ID: 2fd516

Too big to dodge. Spear the book.
No. 587654 ID: 9ddf68

stab the book, and the hand that's holding it if you can.
No. 587718 ID: c24f6f

Go for his hand with your spear
No. 587775 ID: 189a54
File 140708507327.png - (527.01KB , 1024x768 , Crypt 21.png )

>>Too big to dodge. Spear the book.
>>and the hand that's holding it if you can.
Crypt acts quickly, making a desperate lunge for the book and the hand holding it. He feels the polearm connect with flesh, and the burst of heat meant for him fires harmlessly toward the ceiling.


>"Damm, jusgojoone! Jusgo, yoocanntdye!"

The magic user continues dashing past. In two steps he'll be a blackened husk--
No. 587776 ID: 189a54
File 140708525435.png - (615.43KB , 1024x768 , Crypt 22.png )

Or not?

He--wait, she, Crypt thinks--continues bolting down the hall, working some spell on her wounded wrist without anything happening. What?
No. 587778 ID: 189a54
File 140708557810.png - (398.24KB , 1024x768 , Crypt 23.png )

Before he can wonder what just went wrong, a throwing axe nearly splits the angel's head. The other man's still here, and he looks like he can use the hammer in his hands well.

>"Eym gunna brake ehvry bown yoo havv fore whut yoo did too Joone, yoo littul basturd..."
No. 587780 ID: a36601

>hammer in his hands
Wait, that means the experienced sword guy is still in there somewhere. You have multiple groups of adventures separate and all trying to escape. This does not look good.

Try to pull the axe from above your head. If you can throw it back at him you could distract him pretty well. If you can get him off balance with his weapon he should be easy to run through.

wait a sec...
>committed a crime against Kadest [led to the person getting zapped to ash]
She wasn't zapped. Does that mean she is innocent in this?
No. 587784 ID: 2fd516

Inflict a minor wound on this guy too. If he doesn't get zapped either, then... try to evade, and tell him to stop. If they are not being judged then they might not be your enemy. If that is the case they may be able to help.
No. 587811 ID: 9ddf68

you're small he's big, stab him in the leg and then pull out, you got reach on your side so just don't let him get in close. Also do you think the chick you stabbed has some kind of magic to counter your lance's blessing?
No. 587897 ID: 879a42

Either the mage is working a counter spell on your weapons divine effect, or it just cancelled out his filthy magic making him useless. Either way he is trouble to let him live so per sue him as soon as you kill this one. Hit his legs, then bring the fury up to his face.
No. 587932 ID: 76b151

Maybe what happened is the blessing had two targets and only could target one. To me it looked like it chose the book over the woman because the book was being consumed by those dark flames.
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