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File 142370338227.png - (13.26KB , 800x600 , 1.png )
624735 No. 624735 ID: 886e6f

I don't like this. Roy G. Biv is real. There's nobody but me and Lonnie so far. The... the others. I wonder if they're still alive. I'm so scared. What do I do?
78 posts omitted. Last 100 shown. Expand all images
No. 625946 ID: 330ce5

Maybe it is time to talk to Vinson, also is there anything you would like to do before you die?
No. 625947 ID: 2f2fc2


throw crab
No. 625958 ID: d3be40


This happened in another quest: someone suggested throwing away a useful food source / pet. Just put the toy crab in your inventory; it's not harmless, right?
No. 625979 ID: d787a7

...Don't approach that crab, look around.
In a world where there's only seven people left, where did that 'toy' crab come from?
No. 626060 ID: 454297
File 142457043548.png - (8.73KB , 800x600 , 29.png )

>...Don't approach that crab, look around.
I see beach, beach and more beach, brother.

>In a world where there's only seven people left, where did that 'toy' crab come from?
Who knows and who the hell cares? It smells like sea water and feels like it hasn't been given any love.

>Maybe it is time to talk to Vinson, also is there anything you would like to do before you die?
...I... wanted to meet someone I really liked. but ... I don't think he's even alive...
No. 626062 ID: 454297
File 142457062840.png - (7.66KB , 800x600 , 30.png )

>NO. This happened in another quest: someone suggested throwing away a useful food source / pet. Just put the toy crab in your inventory; it's not harmless, right?

The thing is not notharmless. It's just wet. And... I don't have pockets, if that's what inventory means. I'm in a wetsuit, brother.
No. 626064 ID: d958ad

You can talk to that person once you save the world, sister.

Where's your phone if you don't have pockets?
No. 626066 ID: a19cd5

Who's that, exactly?
No. 626070 ID: 454297
File 142457510864.png - (9.46KB , 800x600 , 31.png )

>You can talk to that person once you save the world, sister.
Well... how about I don't tell you.

>Where's your phone if you don't have pockets?
Don't be lolo, I can just put it on the ground.

>Who's that, exactly?
I'm not telling you, jeez.
No. 626075 ID: d958ad

Hah, that crab is cute. Nice shade of blue too.

Go on, talk to violet.
No. 626080 ID: 454297
File 142457901270.png - (10.37KB , 800x600 , 32.png )

>Maybe it is time to talk to Vinson
>Go on, talk to violet.

I keep forgetting to do that.

[now chatting]
yo vinz
how ya holding up brother?
hey, it's hard. a little lonely. i haven't talked to anyone yet. howzit?
boring, but i found a crab. I'm gonna name it something.
did you ever tell gar that you wanna ride him like a pony
dont call me lewd, it is the truth bailey
no, fuck gar. thats what you wanna do.
understandable, but what am i to do? I don't have a smartphone, so i cant text everyone on the go. >.<
once we meet up, you can send messages via my phone.
meet up. 0.0
yes. i can ride a ferry to japan. I'll be gathering stuff.
i mean not now, but after this conversation i will
are you mad?!!
this is wonderland
we are all mad
now shut up and prepare for surviving on the sea
i am guessing you want me to gather food and suchlike. nonperishables, right?
yea. lots of it. and clothes and stuff. after i get you, we're getting nez.

No. 626081 ID: ce3b31

wow you managed to be friends with the only person in Japan without an advanced phone, that's impressive
No. 626084 ID: c994ef

So much for having headcrabs, HEYOO!
And I suppose we'll be swapping over soon enough...I think. It fits the pattern at least.
No. 626085 ID: d958ad

Maybe you can get a strap.
No. 626094 ID: 330ce5

Maybe you can wear it like a necklace, that way it is always giving you a hug.
No. 626186 ID: ec63c1

Just for news sake, any updates on COLORQUEST will be on yhe discussion thread which is now live.

Any questions, theories and error reporting goes there. Thank you for your support!

Also, my friggin laptop is at my grandmother's so I'm not going to be able to update for a bit. Sorry! X:
No. 626450 ID: 9da1ab
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Why do I hear voices?

you are so awesome vinz!

They sound a little like Ruby.

im glad you got that little purple kitty plush. i know how you like cats!

They're giving me advice... but it sounds directed to someone else.

;3; awww vinzy... i wish you didnt live a world away

No. 626451 ID: 9da1ab
File 142482099923.png - (11.09KB , 800x600 , 34.png )

.... I love you...I love you so much...
No. 626452 ID: 69d482

2 things: one, your kind of a creep. put some clothes on. two, turn around some asshole is there
No. 626454 ID: 9da1ab
File 142482189132.png - (11.24KB , 800x600 , 35.png )

What's the point of clothing if I will rot and be food for scavengers? Naked I came in and naked I shall go.

wish you were here, vinz
i dont have many friends here.

Sweet angel of death who speaks to me, shall I even bother to read your note?
No. 626455 ID: 69d482

well if the experience with everyone else is the same, theres no one else except you and 6 other people. so there probably isnt even scavengers.

also go ahead and read the note.
No. 626456 ID: a19cd5

yes, go and read the note you emo nudist dorkass.
No. 626457 ID: 4c6600
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>well if the experience with everyone else is the same, theres no one else except you and 6 other people. so there probably isnt even scavengers.
They're all dead. All dead. I've been alone for weeks. I can't bring myself to suicide. I want to die. But I can't. I have to wake up.

>yes, go and read the note you emo nudist dorkass.
I shall...

...but i am no "dorkass."
No. 626458 ID: 4c6600
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No. 626459 ID: 4c6600
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Who wrote this?!
This lie!!
Who are you?!
No. 626463 ID: d958ad

Oooookay after we're done saving the world you're gonna have to go see a psychologist.

What do you mean, "lie"? Ruby was the first person we talked to. Get a grip. Also, the mere presence of a note proves that there are other people around. So did the conversation you just had with Bailey.
No. 626465 ID: 11cf6f
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>What do you mean, "lie"?
Shut up. I am done listening to you. You know what this lie is. YOU led me to it.

>Ruby was the first person we talked to. Get a grip.
I will do no such thing!! What good is sanity in this world void of life!?! Why can't I wake up?!

>Also, the mere presence of a note proves that there are other people around. So did the conversation you just had with Bailey.
They're dead!! They're all dead!!! I watched them die!!! MONTHS AGO!!! And I failed to stop him!! I am weak! I AM NOTHING!!!!
No. 626468 ID: 31666e

Okay, we didn't prepare for time shenanigans so when is it, where are you and how did it all go wrong?
No. 626470 ID: 11cf6f
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>Okay, we didn't prepare for time shenanigans so when is it, where are you and how did it all go wrong?

I'm home now. Ruby she... she used her powers to... no. It's too painful to talk about this. Especially to you.
You led me astraybzzZzzZZ vile bastards... BZZzzzZzZzZZzzzzlied to me. He was not to be trusted. Ruby is dead. My love is dead. My friends are deaBzzzzZZZZZzzzt.

You did this to me

you ruined me with your advice

she isnt okay

you are the Monster.
No. 626471 ID: fef726

If you don't believe us go see for yourself. You have wings! Ruby is wandering around her home city wondering what the hell is going on and how to gather the 7 of you.
No. 626473 ID: 31666e

So who's this he?
And did we ever say why we betrayed you?
No. 626474 ID: 228a49

Don't you just hate time shinanigans? Whelp now we know that there is tratior among those we know. We should try to fix this before it happens.
No. 626475 ID: d3be40


You connected to a different network of advisors. We don't know ^&*( about what happened, we just got here like two weeks ago!

We don't have ANY idea what happened in your world before that. So don't hold us directly responsible for something that a different network did. We may feel compelled to fix a mistake that a similar team made, but we don't have any obligations to continuing this job. If you don't want our help, fine. Just realize that we're claiming that we aren't the same people who worked with you and lost Ruby.

As far as WE know, Ruby is alive. Maybe we are WRONG. WHO CARES? Ruby is our client for this connection, we might be a new team of advisors, do you want our help or not?
No. 626481 ID: 11cf6f
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Ah... That was ... awful.

Is Ruby okay? Oh, I should be messaging people instead of napping. But I was really sleepy. >///<

I think "he", whoever he may be, is a friend who betrays me and my friends in the future... I guess.

Well... I think that whatever it was, that horrible vision-nightmare... I think it's a possibility where another set of voices imitated this set of voices...

I... suppose.

Do you have a name?
No. 626488 ID: 31666e

We are apparently the Channel of Advisors.
Anyhow, do you have that kinda dream often? Might be something to take note of.
No. 626491 ID: d958ad

Or it's possible that we trusted someone when we shouldn't have...
No. 626745 ID: 8bd968
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>We are apparently the Channel of Advisors.
Hello-- wait, we? Okay...

>Anyhow, do you have that kinda dream often? Might be something to take note of.
I don't. I most definitely will take note of that, channel.
No. 626746 ID: fef726

You are naked, and someone is staring at you through your window.

He put up a note again too.
No. 626747 ID: 8bd968
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>You are naked, and someone is staring at you through your window.
No. 626749 ID: 8bd968
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>He put up a note again too.

pi pi pi!
pi pi pi!
No. 626751 ID: 2a6915

Hunh...To each, his own.
But seriously, peeper in the window, might wanna check that out...Or just get on the computer because I think that's Lonnie wanting to talk to you.
No. 626757 ID: 8bd968
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>Hunh...To each, his own. But seriously, peeper in the window, might wanna check that out...
I'll do that later. I feel uncomfortable with the idea of a stalker in my window, so I don some cloth.


>Or just get on the computer because I think that's Lonnie wanting to talk to you.
... What impeccable timing you have. ">.>

hello to you also lonnie.
i've been messaging you for a while now
you do know the world is void of life except 7 of us
of course, i was just napping
Id rather not be tired when i go hunting for supplies. -.- besides, bailey is coming to get me, so i dont have time to talk.
as you may recall i lack a smartphone to chat with you.
thats a cryin shame
from one of the most technologically advanced countries, and not having a smartphone
(╬ ಠ益ಠ) i broke it, sheesh.
lol, im joking, hon.
i gotta keep some kinda humor in these times.
anyway, im prepping to meet with Ruby in virginia.
perfect. I'll be meeting with bailey
oh dear i just realized we didnt agree on a meet up spot
I'll talk to you later
Say hello to Ruby for me
No. 626764 ID: dec4c2
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No. 626775 ID: d3be40

That bun-hairstyle doesn't suit - oh wait, let me guess: you stuffed the crab in there.

So, Vinz had a freak-out nightmare where one of your squad betrayed everyone and Ruby died so the world was screwed. Is that normal for him?

Keep following the coastline to the nearest town or city. Give us a map/description of your current location and we can use our network's archive to keep track of things.
No. 626794 ID: d958ad

One of the squad, or the mystery person that keeps leaving notes for everyone. Somehow. Seems like he can teleport or something.

Oh and you're probably gonna have magic powers. In the vision Vinz had, he sprouted wings.
No. 627297 ID: a95d51
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>That bun-hairstyle doesn't suit - oh wait, let me guess: you stuffed the crab in there.
Everyone is a comedian and nobody's funny. But no, I didn't. I'll find some string and then my crab will become a headcrab.

>So, Vinz had a freak-out nightmare where one of your squad betrayed everyone and Ruby died so the world was screwed. Is that normal for him?
The only ones of us who have nutty dreams is Ruby.

>Keep following the coastline to the nearest town or city. Give us a map/description of your current location and we can use our network's archive to keep track of things.
You got it, brah.

>One of the squad, or the mystery person that keeps leaving notes for everyone. Somehow. Seems like he can teleport or something.
That is not creepy whatsoever.

>Oh and you're probably gonna have magic powers. In the vision Vinz had, he sprouted wings.
That also is not creepy.

Here are all yhe things I gathered while you were with Vinz.

No. 627299 ID: d958ad

How about we name the crab Binky?

I don't see any water in those supplies.
No. 627302 ID: a95d51
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>How about we name the crab Binky?
If I don't get any cuter names, then yes.

>I don't see any water in those supplies.
Well, since I'm going to be on a boat for a while, I can learn to filter water to be drinkable, or raid a store to supply the boat. I can drive a car with a stick shift, so I can hotwire a truck and use it to transport supplies en masse to the boat.

Oh yeah, here's the map you requested.
No. 627347 ID: d958ad

That sure is hawaii. You ever go snorkling? It's pretty great.
No. 627974 ID: a0db87
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>That sure is hawaii. You ever go snorkling? It's pretty great.
Yes, I live here --!
No. 627975 ID: a0db87
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No. 627976 ID: a0db87
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No. 627977 ID: a0db87
File 142569870458.gif - (155.22KB , 800x600 , 51.gif )

No. 627978 ID: a2236e

What the fuck was that?!
No. 627981 ID: d3be40

They can color-portal?!

Search the area, see if that guy dropped a tele-pen!
No. 627983 ID: a0db87
File 142570147488.png - (8.30KB , 800x600 , 52.png )

>What the fuck was that?!
A ghost? A made of ink? A ghosty-inky-magic thing?!!

>They can color-portal?! Search the area, see if that guy dropped a tele-pen!
I suppose that was portaling. Eh...
"Ugh... my head..."
What the hell was that!!?
No. 627984 ID: d3be40


No. 627985 ID: d958ad

Ah, the ink-ghost teleported Green here. Go look at that note then open the door.
No. 627989 ID: a0db87
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No. 627992 ID: a0db87
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My everything hurts from that warping... Ow...

"Garrett?" I recognise that sweet voice...
"Ugh... B-Bailey?..."
"H-hi, uh... howzit?"
"How is what?"
"It... it means how are you? Who was that?"
"He... she... I think it's a girl... calls herself Keyplate."
"Did he/she leave that teleporting pen?"
I look around. "Unfortunately, no."
"I see...."

Jeez... that sucked...
No. 628002 ID: d958ad

Keyplate...? Interesting. Perhaps we won't need to use the ferry after all. Hi Garett! Where are you from?
No. 628008 ID: 1d3e68

He's from Italy, or at least that's what Bailey said earlier.
More importantly, Garret?
Do not be alarmed. We are the Channel of Advisors, and yes we are voices in your head.
You, are one of the seven Rainbow heroes destined to save the world! Or something like that.
No. 628068 ID: fb0f66
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>Keyplate...? Interesting. Perhaps we won't need to use the ferry after all. Hi Garett! Where are you from?
"What do you want?! Huh?!"
No. 628069 ID: fb0f66
File 142577454159.png - (14.51KB , 800x600 , 56.png )

>He's from Italy, or at least that's what Bailey said earlier.

>More importantly, Garret? Do not be alarmed. We are the Channel of Advisors, and yes we are voices in your head.
"Keyplate, this better not be you fucking with me again!"

>You, are one of the seven Rainbow heroes destined to save the world! Or something like that.
"I... Okay."
Oh shit.
No. 628070 ID: d958ad

Psst. Dude, she's got a thing for you.
No. 628071 ID: fb0f66
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That was utterly embarassing... god my heart, it's trying to break my chest open.
"So that was something, huh?"
"Sorry, Blue." Oh my god what was that you idiot
Bailey giggles: "Blue, huh?"
"I, err... yes. You know, because of the um... you're Chatterbang icon... and stuff."

what the fuck am i doing

"Voices in your head, eh?"
"Yeah... weird, yes?"
"Not really." Blue sighs. "I started hearing 'em too."
No. 628073 ID: fef726

shadowy mouse escaping to the left!
No. 628075 ID: d958ad

Oh, I see, the crush goes both ways. Tell her you like her!
No. 628077 ID: fb0f66
File 142577612205.png - (7.21KB , 800x600 , 58.png )

>shadowy mouse escaping to the left!
That would be me. Hello Channel, I am Meganta. Do not be alarmed. I am no threat. I am a guardian of sorts. No sense in hiding since Keyplate revealed ourselves. Sir Biv instructed subtlety, a concept she clearly doesn't understand.

How may I be of assistance?
No. 628078 ID: d958ad

Alright who are you guys? Are you going to use that teleport thing to bring the various warriors together?

Also what are you even doing all this for? What caused the mass vanishing?
No. 628079 ID: 56dac6

What do you need us to do, Magenta?
No. 628087 ID: b676d0
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>Oh, I see, the crush goes both ways. Tell her you like her!
The fleshy ones smell of oxytocin, testosterone, estrogen, sweat, and their faces are flushed with affection. Not admitting their obvious affections would be preposterous. Then again, I am unsure how human mating rituals work.

>Alright who are you guys? Are you going to use that teleport thing to bring the various warriors together?
Spectrawarp? No. The hero of earth obviously couldn't handle it. His adrenaline kicked in immediately, his heart began to palpitate, he began to hallucinate. No. They cannot handle it. Not yet. As for your question concerning our identity, we are minions of Sir Biv, called Inklings. He doesn't like that word, and he calls us his... chil-dren.

>Also what are you even doing all this for? What caused the mass vanishing?
Monochromio caused the mass vanishing on Earth. Sir Biv gave the last bit of his rainbow magic to the heroes. The one called Murasaki has already begun to experience it.

>What do you need us to do, Magenta?
Meganta. I don't need you to do anything. You're doing your job fine, guiding the heroes. I only ask you all to do your job to the best of your ability.
No. 628088 ID: b676d0
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"Hello, Keyplate."
"Are ya talkin' to the Channel! Hey!! I been lookin fer those Spectrawarpers! They're mine!"
"No. You cannot obey, so they are no longer yours to use."
Awwwh. I got in trouble.
No. 628104 ID: d958ad

We ran into someone who looked similar to you guys. He knocked out Oliver. His name showed up as "Nameless Shadow Man" and he wouldn't talk about Biv. He said that name was "not to be spoken". He had a marker with stripes of colors on it, and said that more colors appeared the more warriors we directly contacted.

I'm going to go out on a limb here and say he wasn't one of you, because unlike you he didn't want to tell us anything.
No. 628118 ID: def0e9
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>We ran into someone who looked similar to you guys. He knocked out Oliver. His name showed up as "Nameless Shadow Man" and he wouldn't talk about Biv.

>He said that name was "not to be spoken".

>He had a marker with stripes of colors on it, and said that more colors appeared the more warriors we directly contacted.
HMMHMMMMMMM. Yeah i know who that is.

>I'm going to go out on a limb here and say he wasn't one of you, because unlike you he didn't want to tell us anything.
But it was.
No. 628119 ID: def0e9
File 142578562687.png - (10.28KB , 800x600 , 62.png )

Cyano got punished for knocking out Ol-iv-errrr. Fleshy names are really weird.

Ruuubyyy. Ee-ness. Garrett. (Huh. I can say his name okay.) Vinsun....

Oh yeah, my point!

Cyano noticed that Oliver hadn't had his magic awoken in him and so, he tried to make it come out! He probably said that " Sir Biv's name can't be spoken" because he's afraid of Sir Biv. Or maybe he doesn't want you to say it because he was supposed to be sneaky and failed.

"Say hi Cyano!"
"Please don't be angry! I'm sorry..."
"Hahaha! You're okay, Cyano."

He makes that noise that... "puppy dogs" make when they are sad...
No. 628149 ID: d958ad

So, the warriors are named after the primary and secondary colors, and you're all named after the tertiary colors. Biv sure liked his naming schemes.

Okay, new question. Why all the secrecy? Also, just who is Roy G Biv?
No. 628577 ID: cc6792
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>Okay, new question. Why all the secrecy? Also, just who is Roy G Biv?
I’ll answer that for you.

Sir Roy G. Biv was the former guardian of the Grand Iris, an ex-minion of the evil Lord Monochromio. For a very long time, there were no Heroes to protect the essences of the Life Rainbow.

Red, for Blood
Orange, for Fire
Yellow, for Air
Green, for the Earth
Blue, for Water
Indigo, for Life
Violet, for Death.

After a falling out with Monochromio, Sir Biv left to serve King Crayola III's son, Crayola IV. As the heroes had died in the arms of Monochromio, Biv stepped up to protect the Iris until the time for the heroes came. His Inkling servants (that'd be us) assisted in keeping the Iris safe.

Cyano, his most trusted and loyal servant, chose the heroes based on their personalities and how well they responded to Rainbow magic. Sir Biv wanted them close when the time came to unite them, but Cyano spread them out, claiming that it was for the good of the heroes.

Thankfully, his intuition was right! Monochromio struck just a mere 20 or so years after his fall from grace. He hoped to wipe the planet of its life for use in some kind of machine, but the bit of magic in the seven saved them from certain doom. Just enough magic to be protected from Monochromio, and still be barely detectable. Imagine if that magic were concentrated in one place. There would be no heroes!

As for your question regarding the secrecy.... we fear that there may be a set of ears listening, keeping tabs. We haven't found the threat, but we're still combing.

I believe you have one last hero to meet, dear channel. I shan't keep you waiting much longer. She'll be expecting you, so ask all your basic questions, give all your initial advice and all that now.
No. 628579 ID: fbc59e

Wait wait wait hang on!
We gotta stay incognito or something? Because I thought we needed to gather the heroes!?!
Oh boy...
Um, Hi Indego, quick question: You sound like you know what's what better then the rest of the rainbow heroes so...What's up? We're the channel of Advisors, and we've been thinking 'get the heroes together, kick butts, take names.' that's right right?
No. 628852 ID: 5079fd
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>Wait wait wait hang on! We gotta stay incognito or something? Because I thought we needed to gather the heroes!?! Oh boy...
No. There is a spy hiding among those we already know. The only confirmed non-spies are the heroes.

>Um, Hi Indego,

>quick question: You sound like you know what's what better then the rest of the rainbow heroes so...What's up?
I do not. I know only that the seven of us are heroes of seven elements, each being either light or dark, excluding the one neutral, blood.

>We're the channel of Advisors, and we've been thinking 'get the heroes together, kick butts, take names.' that's right right?
No. 628855 ID: fbc59e

Right, so provision getting because travel, and where to go...
IDK where you are, but, if I have this right, Red&Yellow are in USA,Orange is in England, Blue&Green are together and off to get Violet who's in Japan...So yeah.
No. 628877 ID: d958ad

Whatcha doin' there?
No. 630155 ID: 7f5321
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>Right, so provision getting because travel, and where to go...
I do not require gathering of supplies. I can literally live of of the land. I can manipulate plant life and grow food.

>IDK where you are, Colombia which has been stated at least twice in the thread!!

>but, if I have this right, Red&Yellow are in USA,Orange is in England, Blue&Green are together and off to get Violet who's in Japan...So yeah.
Yes yes. I'm going to meet up with Lonnie and Ruby in New Mexico, and they have names, you know! Ow ow. You're breaking my concentration.
No. 630161 ID: 296917

Um, should we go somewhere else then? Not sure how.
No. 630352 ID: de5cbc
File 142705821906.png - (14.30KB , 800x600 , 65.png )

>Um, should we go somewhere else then? Not sure how.
No. 630354 ID: de5cbc
File 142705838535.png - (7.25KB , 800x600 , 66.png )


It isn't hard.

All you have to say is the maaaagic woooords...



"let's go to someone else."

You pick who.
No. 630355 ID: a9753c

1. Yolanda
2. Ruby
No. 630369 ID: 7656df

lets see how ruby is doing
No. 630370 ID: fbc59e

Ruby...Actually, maybe we should see Yolanda? Not sure, but I'm voting Yolanda myself.
No. 630375 ID: 9be3d8
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Ruby, get online...
Get online...
No. 630377 ID: 9be3d8
File 142707471865.png - (27.49KB , 800x600 , 68.png )

No. 630378 ID: 9be3d8
File 142707473922.png - (31.54KB , 800x600 , 69.png )

No. 630379 ID: a9753c

...Wow. I thought you were the sane one.

Anyways, we talked to your friends (and some of Roy's minons... hyperactive bunch). Long story short, Roy WAS one of the enemy generals, but he switched sides because the ringleader who caused everyone else in the world to disappear went off the deep end over twenty years ago, or something. The others are doing fine, but you need to develop some skills for fighting, hacking, designing, etc. Or everyone could die for real.

Also, one of Roy's minions is a spy. We're not sure which. Could be that one of your friends is also going to get everyone killed, but we'll sort that out later.

Alright, find the nearest supply or research center (a library, general store, etc.) and we'll start planning.
No. 630380 ID: fbc59e

Ah, that crash would be because you whipped yourself up into quite the gale! But before you blow a house down, lemme tell you some interesting things!
First, apparently, you and Ruby meet up in New Mexico with Inez the Indigo.
And secondly? I dunno if you've known this before...But apparently you have power over air. Which seems to translate to some pretty sweet levitation effects! Wanna try and learn to fly?
No. 630382 ID: 296917

Hi, we're Ruby's headvoices sortof. We are called the Channel of Advisors. It appears you are developing some of your Warrior powers. Telekinesis, looks like.

Ruby's freaking out I think.
No. 631750 ID: a0e916
File 142772208829.png - (10.92KB , 800x600 , 70.png )

>...Wow. I thought you were the sane one.

>Anyways, we talked to your friends (and some of Roy's minons... hyperactive bunch). Long story short, Roy WAS one of the enemy generals, but he switched sides because the ringleader who caused everyone else in the world to disappear went off the deep end over twenty years ago, or something.
Oh. Don't you just hate when that happens?

>The others are doing fine, but you need to develop some skills for fighting, hacking, designing, etc. Or everyone could die for real.
I can paint a little. And... I guess I can do windy stuff.

>Also, one of Roy's minions is a spy. We're not sure which. Could be that one of your friends is also going to get everyone killed, but we'll sort that out later.

>Alright, find the nearest supply or research center (a library, general store, etc.) and we'll start planning.

>Ah, that crash would be because you whipped yourself up into quite the gale! But before you blow a house down, lemme tell you some interesting things! First, apparently, you and Ruby meet up in New Mexico with Inez the Indigo.
Are you really calling her that

>And secondly? I dunno if you've known this before...But apparently you have power over air. Which seems to translate to some pretty sweet levitation effects! Wanna try and learn to fly?
Hahahahahahahahahaha no.
No. 631751 ID: a0e916
File 142772230806.png - (10.02KB , 800x600 , DUH-YOU-ARE-LATE.png )

>Hi, we're Ruby's headvoices sortof. We are called the Channel of Advisors. It appears you are developing some of your Warrior powers. Telekinesis, looks like.

>Ruby's freaking out I think.
No. 631752 ID: a0e916
File 142772275599.png - (901.83KB , 1800x1200 , 72.png )


No. 631753 ID: a0e916
File 142772304605.png - (719.49KB , 1800x1200 , 73.png )

No. 631797 ID: 296917

Oops I forgot we met Lonnie already.

Shit. Well I'm pretty sure it's the one that's not named after a color. Also, use powers too soon? We can just tell people to take it slow I guess. You should probably specify what we can't tell people!
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