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633187 No. 633187 ID: 225ed3






counciousness returns to you, your head hurts

thud, thud, thud, thud

the noise remains dull and constant but every time the sound bothers you less, you stretch your arms, slowly, you get up
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No. 634661 ID: 9297f4

You could have just said she used metronome and out came rest because for her it's like a 45% chance of it happening. That's actually a good hook to make sure we don't become overly reliant on it. Make up some backstory that she had trouble sleeping due to nightmares or something similar and would use metronome for rest and over time it became dominant.
No. 634662 ID: 296917

Not rest. Healing Wish. She gets knocked out, and heals us.
No. 634664 ID: 9297f4

Ah. THEN ENTIRELY IGNORE ME. Sorry for spamming so much.
No. 634707 ID: 330ce5

We should leave the other girls alone for now. Even if we free them from their bonds there is no guarantee that they will awaken. We should explore the train a bit more first before attempting to do anything else.
No. 634807 ID: 2691c4
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You come to the conclusion that clefairys can use metronome naturally, also yes, stopping carts is a priority. Now that you have help it might be easier. Perhaps if you try the communication room again or find the key to cart 2, hey, what's that sou... oharceus you never took back your butter knife,Xochitl is quite busy sawing the skiddo's hand off, and though she isn't making much progress, the skiddo doesn't seems happy at all, what's more, the timer in her collar is steadily lowering at a faster pace
No. 634815 ID: b88e47

No. 634817 ID: 330ce5

Stop her, but just tell her that no need to push the stasis button yet. If she resists or keeps trying then we hit the button. After we stop her we should explain why what she was doing was dangerous.
No. 634818 ID: 296917

If she doesn't immediately stop or gives us lip about it, use the negative reinforcement button. Mostly just to see what it does.
No. 634834 ID: a188a3

Nope. Never use any of the reinforcement buttons. Ever.
No. 634841 ID: 2a9886

Even when preventing mutilation or murder?
You have some skewed views.

What is a time-out, if not negative reinforcement? some things must be taught.
No. 634885 ID: ed70ad

Tell her to stop.
Give her ONE opportunity to do so.
Then hit Negative reinforcement, hoping it doesn't make her thrash around while she's got a knife in that girl's wrist.
No. 634952 ID: 225ed3
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you stern and firmly tell Xochitl to stop cutting the skiddo's arm, you can tell she hasn't done much progress, but still

she shakes her head "you want she free, she grow hand back, I help"

she speeds up the pace and you get the disctint impression of hearing something like sawing on wood as she starts moving the knife faster

you don't like this, using the device like this sets you as low as a team rocket member? well it can't be helped, it's the right thing to do

you tap the negative reinforcement button, Xochitl pulls both arms close to her body, shuddering visibly as you simultaneously call out in a firm voice "I said stop"

she slowly turns around, ears down, she doesn't seems hurt or in pain, but rather looks sad, she holds up her hand with the knife, handle pointed at you and eyes pointing down

"...Xochitl bad, Master forgive?"
No. 634953 ID: 739b70

We do forgive, but when we say stop, we mean stop. The arms may grow back, but it's causing her pain. Why don't we use our powers on the chains? She has focus blast, just use it on the cuffs. You might also wabt to take the knife.
No. 634954 ID: d3be40

Tell her that if she wants you to stop treating her like an animal, then she should stop sawing off other peoples' limbs like a butcher. Fair is fair.
No. 634955 ID: bd8b82

give her a head pat "yes yes, i forgive you, just listen to me when i ask the first time"

how strong is focus blast? we could shoot the spot the wires connect to until it breaks.
No. 634956 ID: a19cd5

Project forgiveness and understanding, but that we haven't tried everything yet
No. 634960 ID: a19cd5

Regret too, we don't enjoy abusing this stuff like that.
No. 634972 ID: a188a3

Also project emergency/urgency: Point at the timer, danger.
No. 635013 ID: d36a13
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You pat her on the head and reassure her, explaining it's not ok to hurt others like that. And she should ask first before doing something rash like that

you take the knife and ask her to attack the chains, after some back and forth you realize you misunderstood her attacks, she has

healing wish
cosmic power
stored power. And her natural metronome

she does attempts to fire off a couple stored powers at the cable but it doesn't does much. Moreover, the nidos counter is at 1:10 and the skiddo down to 12

on a side note. Being such a manwhore nudity does not bothers you and she clearly doesn't minds either but if you feel concerned you could always give her your shirt
No. 635018 ID: 9297f4

Unless we get close to civilization, we shouldn't worry about her nudity and even then, we can just have her wait somewhere else. Psyshock or disarming voice won't work on the cuffs?
No. 635019 ID: 296917

Down to 12? Let's wait for the timer to go all the way down, then. She'll probably come out of stasis then. Actually I guess you could maybe pinch her to accelerate the stasis some more. Or hell, pinch the nidoran too to speed up her timer.

Also hmm, if she uses Cosmic Power 6 times then Stored Power is extremely strong. How long does Cosmic Power last?
No. 635030 ID: 896652

Once that timer ticks down see if that bonding function is ready to use again.
No. 635479 ID: 225ed3
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metal isn't really responsive to emotional attacks, you still try however no luck

>>how long
you've never seen it in action, but there's only one way to know, you ask Xochitl to use it a couple of times, and whoa

the first time her wings give off a subtle glow as rings of energy suround her body, the second time her wings give off a more harsh glow and you notice she is hovering half an inch off the ground, by the third time, she is actually semi-levitating on the spot erratically and little sparkles of energy course over her body ocassionally, her eyes have a disctint purple-pink-ish glow to them, by the time she's done, she hovers slightly in periods of 5-8 seconds before gracefully bouncing from one foot to another, she has a focused expression and tells you that she has to stay concentrated in keeping the cosmic power working or else it fades away

>>Stored power
you tell her to attack the skiddo's chain with stored power, pointing a finger, the metallic wire glows and crackles slightly, that seems to have snapped a few strands, at last progress!

however Xochitl starts sweatting by the third time she uses stored power "n-not used do this" she weakly smiles and prepares a fourth round

suddently, however, you hear steps above you and then you hear the outter hatch being open!
No. 635481 ID: bd8b82

careful. watch what it is.
No. 635484 ID: a19cd5

No. 635497 ID: 296917

Toss up a Light Screen in preparation for a fight.
No. 635523 ID: 225ed3
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"what the? who's there?!" a rattata peeks trough the hatch, you recognice the complexion as the one in the first cart

right, no time for formalities, you sweep both hands in front of you and Xochitl and a crystaline purple barrier materializes

without thinking twice, you yell out at Xochitl to attack him with stored power


somehow the dickpunch thought was lingering in your mind the moment you said that... and it seems she took it literal, you can see a bright purple flash explode outside of the hatch and the rattata gives a sudden HIGH pitched squeal before he spasms in the spot a little bit

he limps forward, he seems councious but he's not about to react right now
No. 635526 ID: 9297f4

PSYSHOCK HIS ASS TO BRING HIM DOWN THEN CURB STOMP HIM. Wait, happened to that bottle from that spinda we got a couple carts back? If we still have that, OPA!
No. 635529 ID: bd8b82

grab his distracted ass and pull him down. then take over the train.
No. 635531 ID: 852502

Bind him with your PSI, I think it's time for an interrogation.

And if questioning don't work, there's always a good old fashioned mind dive.
No. 635532 ID: 296917

Yeah, get him in here for an interrogation. Ask about how, exactly, the bracelet and collars work.
No. 635603 ID: a08eda

Also once you've captured him, you can decouple the car.
No. 635839 ID: 225ed3
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Alright! reverse psyshock, instead of shoving him away you reel him close, before he crashes on the ground you flop your ears closed and levitate him on the spot

Damn, you look like such a badass!

now, in your best squeaky kitten pipsqueak voice you start telling him to better speak or else

unfortunately you don't know how to read minds very well

he gasps for breath and starts flailing, oh, right, if you stop choking him he might be able to speak better

you let him go and he falls to his knees, Xochitl hovers by your side with a hand raised "he moves and I make cock explode, yes?"

he hisses and lifts both arms
"whacha want ta know?" he glares at Xochitl "tsk, and I had my eye on you" looking over at you he lowers ears "tcha, fucking psycat... leaves m´ no choice
No. 635846 ID: 739b70

Ask him this device does and why these girls are her and where this train is going. Oh and keys for the cuffs.
No. 635857 ID: 296917

I thought we couldn't levitate anything above 20 pounds?

First, ask what the device does exactly. Second, ask if there's any good way of getting the Skiddo off that wall. Third, what were their plans for these three? Sex slaves or something?
No. 635862 ID: 330ce5

Constrict that guy's hands, he is up to something sneaky. After he is bound properly we can ask him questions. Perhaps we can ask what this train is for.
No. 635882 ID: 225ed3
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>>20 pounds

fffffff <.< I, uh, eh, you watch a black meowth pass by, and then another one just like it, changing the recent events. he was standing on his toes to make you feel better about yourself (?)
No. 635883 ID: 9297f4

No. 635885 ID: 225ed3
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>> tie up

good idea, Xochitl, get on that!


>> keys for cuffs
he shakes his head "thar ain't no keys, da collars work on the AlmaBall only"

>>what is
he doubts for a moment, but you glare and threathen to squeeze his troath again, so he sighs and nods "'da AlmaBall is a new project, same idea than 'da pokeballs, it links an owner to ta pokemon's insctints in the target, their mind functions normally but control on them insctints belong to ta user of the AlmaBall"

>>where to
"wes heading ta Orre, a customer thar is willing to pay serious cash and a load of weapons fer our cause"

>> sex slaves?
"nah, too messy an' not enough cash there, na worth ta risk" at that, Xochitl gives him a little shove

"we picked three subjects with different mentalities and backgrounds ta test how well the AlmaBall would perform on 'em, heh, figures you'd pick the easiest, dumber rout- unf!"

you scold at Xochitl after she bonks him on top of the head

"right... so, them Orre people wants ta mass produce the Collar and AlmaBall ta make a loyal army, such pussies, can't recruit the old fashioned way like us"

>> device features

he explains to you that the bar filling up is a safety measure installed, once it completes in eight hours, the user can choose to either disband the bond or make it permanent, either way, at this point the collar runs out of energy and opens on it's own, the subject will be either released harmlessly or permanently bonded to the user depending on the choice

the Berserk mode fills the subject with rage for roughly a whole minute and they lose their ability to think rationally, in most cases behaving like scared ferals lashing out

the Doll mode shuts down their nervous system temporarly and while they remain concious, they are unable to move or react, however they retain sight, hearing and speech

the Lockdown mode causes the collar to cling to the cuffs or release them

"if'n ya want, I can release these two fer you, just let me go, deal?"
No. 635890 ID: 9297f4

Grab his hand by the wrist and if he tries anything, choke.
No. 635894 ID: 852502

wake them up, just watch for funny stuff.
No. 635897 ID: 296917

Deal. How is he going to do that, though? We can't just let him do something unexpected. ...hang on, he said the collars only work with the Almaball. How is he going to release them without an Almaball?

What is the bond, exactly? Is that causing her to have feelings of love, or is that legitimate?
No. 635909 ID: 330ce5

How about you talk us through it and then we let you go. If that isn't possible then you have to give us one good reason to trust you.
No. 636685 ID: d5d12f
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>> how to work them

he stares straight at you for a moment, but then sighs and rolls his eyes "... no use lying to a psychic type huh, okay, I am wearing two, one on each wrist, I was part of the experiment to see if a single host could control two almaballs... or more" he shrugs "was going ta have mah fun with 'em without bonding, they expect the bonding ta be done under their supervision"

>> what is bond

he shakes head, getting somewhat annoyed "I told you, you control the side of pokemon insctints in them, just like you can't force a feral caught in a pokeball to love you, but you can order it to attack, dodge, cut things up, move boulders etc, the bond established can't control their emotions but to their brain, whatever you order them sounds like the best possible idea... of course, we don't know how the emotional aspect plays in this"

he points his nose at the nidoran "that lady thar is more educated than me, would she respect the judgment of a grunt ordering her ta attack an alakazam head on, or will ta bond trick her into thinking it's a great idea regardless?"

he then noses towards the skiddo "she comes from a tribe where only ta strong survive, will she obey when I tell her ta sit and beg in order to recive a meal, or will her pride be stronger than ta voice ´n her head?"

chuckling, he closes his eyes and shakes his head "you, on the other hand, took the dumbest, weakest whore of the thr--oof..."

though you're preety sure by her look, she isn't understanding a lot of the words he speaks, Xochitl is picking up on his despective tone towards her as she gives him a psychic jolt

"... meh whatever, she was mere discount bin material to try out ta most extreme features, but what are you going to do now? y' really think it's a good idea to wake them? go ahead, all ya have ta do is flick the buttons and undo thar bindings"
No. 636690 ID: 09fbce

Alright, here's the plan.

Thank the dude for the intel, knock him out, put him in a front car, detach that car you're on then wake the others up.

It's what Batman Crobatman would do......probably.
No. 636698 ID: 9297f4

Cut off his hands so he can't use the alma balls anymore. Leave him to die from the blood loss. Then crash this train. WITH 4 SURVIVORS.
No. 636700 ID: d3be40

Let's compromise.

Give him mortal wounds, do what he said would free the girls. If he was telling the truth, heal him.
No. 636719 ID: e114bc

...buttons? What buttons?
No. 636721 ID: 09fbce

Oh, and don't forget a clever, badass one-liner thrown in somewhere.

You ARE a professional, after all.
No. 636739 ID: 140972

Enough with the murderous instincts.

Ask about range (don't tell him this, but we want to know if it's short enough that escape is good). If the answer is satisfactory, decouple the car, knock him out, tie him up and make your escape with the prisoners.
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