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File 144640623837.png - (4.58KB , 263x352 , 1.png )
680611 No. 680611 ID: 791d63

This is Tim. Tim has become too powerful and it's gotten to his head. Time to teach him a lesson and kick his ass.

LV 1
HP 1000/1000
EXP 0/20
36 posts omitted. Last 100 shown. Expand all images
No. 680772 ID: 791d63
File 144643233242.png - (8.95KB , 438x438 , 16.png )

In an act of self preservation, the telekinesis user throws the bomb down the hole.

Yim is grumbling about stupid players and their stupid powers dragging him into his stupid brothers mess.
No. 680773 ID: fbc59e

okay two things
*return telekenetic&Yim to their prior locations*
We're to whoop Tim right?
*grins* I've an idea.
*summons bucket of acid over Tim's head*
No. 680774 ID: 3663d3

the floor is lava, everyone besides tim is given a pair of lavaproof boots. if the boots are taken off, ether by the person wearing them or a third party, they magically vanish.
No. 680775 ID: 791d63
File 144643400883.png - (9.16KB , 438x438 , 16.png )

>*summons bucket of acid over Tim's head*
>the floor is lava, everyone besides tim is given a pair of lavaproof boots. if the boots are taken off, ether by the person wearing them or a third party, they magically vanish.

The floor is now lava sand acid is mixing into it. Tim climbs back onto the wire.

The TK user's robes catch on fire.
No. 680776 ID: 12b273

Coat Tim in honey to attract bees.
No. 680779 ID: 791d63
File 144643510420.png - (8.88KB , 438x438 , 17.png )

Tim, feeling pity for them,pulls the TK user out of the lava.

No. 680780 ID: 791d63
File 144643515020.png - (8.92KB , 438x438 , 18.png )

>Coat Tim in honey to attract bees.

Tim is now coated in honey. Too bad the bees were exploded by he bomb.
No. 680784 ID: fbc59e

well crap.
Okay...so first things first:
No. 680785 ID: 12b273

Send in the honey-badgers, then.
No. 680790 ID: bb9a5d

Hold up, do we need to kick Tim's ass? Sure, he might be powerful and gotten to his head but he hasn't done anything bad with it as far as we can tell. Like, do we REALLY need to 'Destroy Him'?
No. 680792 ID: 2ccbb3

No. 680795 ID: f2461f

Summon a Lava proof bear made out of bees.
No. 680810 ID: f56624

yo psyker, sorry bout your robe man.
>refresh robes
No. 680813 ID: 5ad4a7

I cast magic missile at Tim.
No. 680822 ID: 791d63
File 144644426412.png - (13.29KB , 438x438 , 18.png )

>refresh robes
>Summon a Lava proof bear made out of bees.

Tim looks like he's cornered now! There's monsters everywhere and there isn't an exit to be seen. Well, at least TK has some nice new robes.
No. 680824 ID: 791d63
File 144644440177.png - (5.44KB , 694x521 , 19.png )

Tim drops down past the, now nonexistent first room into the room below it. He takes massive damage!

LV 1
HP 785/1000
EXP 215/20
No. 680826 ID: d78b39

Well, as long as TK's getting new robes, let's enhance them.
Change TK's robes to Robes of Permanent Immolation, to burn Tim, and grant TK increased protection.
No. 680827 ID: 791d63
File 144644458578.png - (5.46KB , 694x521 , 20.png )

Tim levelled up! Twice! As a levelling perk he earns the ability to fly.
"Gonna be a lot harder now, huh?" Tim says. "Not that you did much to begin with!"

LV 3
HP 785/1000
EXP 215/500
No. 680830 ID: 791d63
File 144644480887.png - (5.53KB , 694x521 , 20.png )

>Change TK's robes to Robes of Permanent Immolation, to burn Tim, and grant TK increased protection.

TK gets some sweet new gear.
No. 680831 ID: 3663d3

more bees
No. 680832 ID: 791d63
File 144644608469.png - (6.64KB , 694x521 , 20.png )

>more bees


Tim stays still as to not agitate the bees. TK is still pretty unconscious at the moment.
No. 680833 ID: 5ad4a7

No. 680834 ID: 88e46e

I agree, time for sodomy.
No. 680835 ID: 2ccbb3

Summon COrPulent Ambient Fake Eldritch Emergence Lake with STINGING TENTACLED MAGGOTS
No. 680836 ID: f56624

Summon a wizard to cast a heart attack spell on him or something
No. 680846 ID: 791d63
File 144644983988.png - (9.72KB , 694x521 , 20.png )


Tentacles were summoned.
No. 680847 ID: 791d63
File 144644984013.png - (9.72KB , 694x521 , 20.png )


Tentacles were summoned.
No. 680848 ID: 791d63
File 144644999979.png - (11.67KB , 694x521 , 21.png )

The tentacles agitate the bees.

Tim pulls TK away from the fighting forces. he pulls out some stove popcorn out of his inventory and makes pop corn while the two forces of evil duke it out.
No. 680849 ID: 791d63
File 144645005043.png - (13.14KB , 694x521 , 22.png )

>Summon COrPulent Ambient Fake Eldritch Emergence Lake with STINGING TENTACLED MAGGOTS

The location of the tentacles is revealed.
No. 680850 ID: 791d63
File 144645014354.png - (15.06KB , 694x520 , 23.png )

>Summon a wizard to cast a heart attack spell on him or something

A wizard appears and casts a heart attack spell on Tim. Unfortunately Tim has no heart to stop.

Tim offers the wizard some popcorn.
No. 680852 ID: 2ccbb3

Summon Agitated Kernel-Pult
No. 680853 ID: 3663d3

maizemancer who rips the ingested kernals out though tim's flesh.
No. 680858 ID: 63658b

Man fuck this divide by zero
No. 680862 ID: d78b39

Let the wizard take some popcorn, then detonate wizard.
No. 680865 ID: f0e552

Call in the patriots. We're going to clone him using the Les Enfants Terribles program. Make the perfect soldier... To destroy Tim...
No. 680869 ID: a107fd

Offer Tim a tall, frosty steel mug of liquid oxygen, add flinty gravel to the floor, then spray powdered aluminum and volatile hydrocarbons everywhere. Fuel-air kaboom.
No. 680873 ID: 88e46e

Convert precisely half of Tim's mass into antimatter.
No. 680875 ID: 7a6915

Redefine the popcorn as spontaneous explosive, comparable to nitroglycerin. Soak his clothing in gasoline too while we're at it.
No. 680876 ID: 350a50

[Send Tim a healing potion]
No. 680877 ID: 24ae7e

Damnit, this is the story of how Tim becomes the Omnimancer, isn't it.
Summon Tim the Omnimancer from Wild Wizard Tournament (http://tgchan.org/kusaba/quest/res/678701.html). I want to see how this goes.
No. 680878 ID: ad936f

I don't think any of you understand, just some bees won't do. We either need to encase Tim in a series of incrementally smaller indestructible orbs which we can then fill with lava. Or we need to summon INFINITE hyper aggressive death bees.
No. 680895 ID: f2461f

Summon a small ghost girl with a grudge against Tim with the ability to heal and relive allies.
No. 680896 ID: 58caf6

teleport tim onto the event horizon ship, with Shodan as it's AI, and warp that into the hellscape to hang out with pinhead and the other cenobites for a bit.
No. 680905 ID: db86e9

Send Tim a bottle of poison disguised as a healing potion.
No. 680917 ID: 2ccbb3

Send Tim a bottle of used dishwater

after Sushi Friday.
No. 680918 ID: fbc59e

Guys, we need to co-ordinate our attacks because at this rate we're just gonna keep making things that crash into each other.
No. 680932 ID: 6e773d

Provide Tim with a shotgun. Give him cookies if he shoots himself in the gut three exactly three times. The cookies will be poisoned with extreme poison of killing people and also dieing and exploding (except not really) and tell him the antidote is in the fourth shotgun shell which is laced with bees.
No. 681012 ID: 791d63
File 144652655576.png - (15.51KB , 694x520 , 24.png )

>Summon Agitated Kernel-Pult
No. 681013 ID: 791d63
File 144652671529.png - (15.59KB , 694x520 , 28.png )

>maizemancer who rips the ingested kernals out though tim's flesh.

The amazing Maize Master is summoned onto the scene as Tim gives out popcorn.

Their introduction is cut short by one earth shattering kaboom.
No. 681014 ID: 791d63
File 144652693279.png - (10.13KB , 694x521 , 29.png )

Maximum damage!

Timm is now partially blinded!

>Redefine the popcorn as spontaneous explosive, comparable to nitroglycerin. Soak his clothing in gasoline too while we're at it.

The popcorn was destroyed by the blast, but now tim is soaked in gasoline.

LV 4
HP 385/1000
EXP 615/1000
No. 681015 ID: 791d63
File 144652703963.png - (12.85KB , 694x520 , 31.png )

>Summon a small ghost girl with a grudge against Tim with the ability to heal and relive allies.

They're aliiive!

"Oh, hey abi... You're here too now? Still hate me? ... Yeah, i would hate me too."
No. 681016 ID: 791d63
File 144652718970.png - (13.86KB , 694x520 , 32.png )

>Send Tim a bottle of used dishwater
>Send Tim a bottle of poison disguised as a healing potion.
>[Send Tim a healing potion]
>Provide Tim with a shotgun.

Tim is presented with a choice. He briefly considering it but declined.
No. 681017 ID: 12b273

Summon a deadly airborne virus, tailored to target Tim's DNA.
No. 681020 ID: 791d63

>Summon Tim the Omnimancer from Wild Wizard Tournament


>Convert precisely half of Tim's mass into antimatter.

You discover you can't even move him without a summon.

>Offer Tim a tall, frosty steel mug of liquid oxygen

"Fuck no, get that shit away from me." Tim politely declines.

>Call in the patriots.

You call in the patriots. They might take a while unfortunately.
No. 681021 ID: ad936f

Block off all exits using the least destructible material we can conjure, let Abi do her thing. If that doesn't work flood the room with deadly neurotoxin. If that doesn't work fill the room with chlorine trifluoride.
No. 681023 ID: ad936f

Oh, and cancel all impending summons, operation gas chamber must not be interrupted!
No. 681025 ID: 88e46e

Summon Tim Made of Antimatter and allow him to interact with the ordinary-matter universe.
No. 681026 ID: 791d63
File 144653203517.png - (14.47KB , 694x520 , poinon.png )

>Block off all exits using the least destructible material we can conjure, let Abi do her thing. If that doesn't work flood the room with deadly neurotoxin. If that doesn't work fill the room with chlorine trifluoride.

The exits are blocked and it looks like its finally the end for Tim.
No. 681027 ID: 791d63
File 144653212702.png - (13.36KB , 694x520 , 33.png )

In a last ditch effort he takes the poison and the health potion and drinks them both at once.
No. 681028 ID: 791d63
File 144653235074.png - (13.48KB , 694x520 , he ded.png )

It feels like there's a war going on in his body, but somehow he managing to pull through.

Level up!

LV 5
HP 6/1000
EXP 1444/∞

Tim gained the most powerful ability of all, to summon.
No. 681029 ID: 791d63
File 144653241050.png - (14.49KB , 694x520 , victory.png )

He summons a portal to get him and the others the hell out of there.
No. 681030 ID: 791d63
File 144653242138.png - (9.80KB , 694x520 , 34.png )

No. 681031 ID: 791d63
File 144653245749.png - (8.97KB , 694x520 , 35.png )

Is it over?

LV 5
HP 1/1000
EXP 1444/∞
No. 681033 ID: 2ccbb3

Screw it


No. 681035 ID: e6fcea

No. 681036 ID: f0e552

send up a hunter to kick him, winning the hunt.
No. 681041 ID: 88e46e

Antimatter Tim, now.
No. 681053 ID: 7a6915

Summon Mit, Tim's magical clone that will fight him to the death and ensure he stays dead.
No. 681062 ID: 052e15

Did I not say /0 fuck it Tim get in here and help us kill Tim.
No. 681063 ID: 052e15

On wait what I meant was Tim the Omnimancer help us kill Tim.
No. 681068 ID: 350a50

Tim! Don't give up!
No. 681069 ID: ad936f

Summon ten pounds of actual antimatter, not shaped like Tim, not alive, just ten pound of antimatter. "10 pounds of antimatter contains 195.2 megatons of destructive force. This is more yield than the most powerful H-bomb exploded to date."
No. 681092 ID: 20d4df

Wake the TK user and wizard.
Open a portal to where Tim just left so Abi can finish him off and totally not remove everything we just summoned.
No. 681096 ID: f2461f

Bring Abi to Tim's current location.
Give TK the option to leave if they want to.
Ask Tim if he has reconsidered joining the Council.
No. 681109 ID: cd90cb

Make it rain infinite knives onto Tim.
No. 681112 ID: ad936f

Veto, but if we do do this then send some antimatter over there too, just to be sure.
No. 681120 ID: baa4fd

Cover the portal with a force field, so that when he tries to toss the antimatter though he fails.
No. 681127 ID: ad936f

Heheh "toss antimatter" he says, good luck with that one, Tim.
No. 681172 ID: 095fc6

we were just supposed to kick his ass guys
No. 681174 ID: ad936f

Killing him is just kicking his ass permanently.
No. 681178 ID: 350a50

>TK&Wizard: Return the favor
Since Tim saved your lives, get an abjuration/TK shield up to protect against all the bullshit flying at you.
No. 681207 ID: ad936f


Unsummon all living summons.

Tim. Must. Die.
No. 681230 ID: 6e773d

Summon a black hole to trap Tim for eternity, if not kill him.
No. 681232 ID: 12b273

Cast magic missile. Low damage, but 100% accuracy. And that's all we need.
No. 681245 ID: 350a50

Tim has done nothing but help people while you've thrown this shit at him. He doesn't deserve this at all, narrator a faggot.
No. 681254 ID: f26928

Yes. You are beyond our jurisdiction forever.
>Learn Valuable Lesson
No. 681279 ID: f0e552

No. 681328 ID: ad936f

But he's such an asshole!
No. 681392 ID: 6e773d

Can we summon an infinite number of Tims now? Wait can Tim read this? Is he going to summon an infinite number of Tims? OH NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO
No. 681393 ID: fbc59e

guys. I have a simple solution.
*delays until other actions are taken*
*deploys 1 trillion hostile bats*
Let's see what happens.
No. 681394 ID: ad936f

Bats are actually made of antimatter.
No. 681414 ID: 350a50

You're an asshole.
No. 681467 ID: ad936f

no u
No. 681472 ID: 185585

can u not
No. 689133 ID: 161b16

have the TK user realise that his life is a lie because his only mission was to destroy the bad guy tim, but in reality tim is pretty cool (the TK user gives his life to partially restore tims health)
No. 691071 ID: 2ccbb3

Happy New Year!

Drop The Apple On Tim's Face.

Then release the anti-zombies.

Then release the zombies.

No. 691082 ID: b5b419

Wait, can someone explain this to me.

Why are we trying to kill Tim again.

I thought we were just kicking his butt, we're done here.
No. 691180 ID: 4c8693

Summon a small piece of paper with the word "Truce?" on it, with a 'yes' and 'no' checkbox below the word.
Also, a pencil.
No. 691188 ID: 99a64d

This quest seems pretty dead, why are people still suggesting?
No. 691205 ID: cf91e4

Cause Kome. The advocate is also partly to blame. Shame really, the quest was almost done one way or the other.
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