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File 145964657290.png - (32.28KB , 600x400 , nanogoo_3_title.png )
713386 No. 713386 ID: 76c187


Dad sent some nanomachines. Things are getting out of hand here.

What to do, what to do.
254 posts omitted. Last 100 shown. Expand all images
No. 751422 ID: 2a7417

Well, you heard him. Give him your hand, tell him to use it on the card reader (to clear out our nanites and undo the jam, probably). We'll be at our desk, doing *absolutely nothing* with this printer. Which IT just threw out. She'll order a replacement, probably.
No. 751454 ID: 91ee5f

You idiots! We're trying to be subtle! Flat out telling someone you're made of nanites is the opposite of subtle!

This is a much better idea.
No. 751465 ID: 2a7417

You don't seem to be understanding that our objective is to see how un-subtle we can get before someone notices. It's been stated repeatedly.
No. 751466 ID: 7f917c

Aye! We can just tell Toad we have magic hands after all.

Although... I wonder how she'd react if her knockers occasionally did a loud croak.
No. 751467 ID: 398fe1

Oh my god just let her out already. No funny stuff.
No. 751489 ID: 3abd97

>"Oh nooooooo?!?!?"
Maybe one of you should pet the dog. Or play fetch or something. Dog-daughter seems sort of stressed about something.

Weird she's so easily confused. The goo that ended up has half of you seemed a lot more coherent and able to figure things out before she converted/merged with you. What's Graphene missing?

>Jitters pauses. "You OK?"
What, do I seem off to you?

>You mind giving a hand getting her out?
I suppose it'll give me something to lord over her. Who could pass that up?
No. 751690 ID: 37f049
File 147580123542.png - (10.18KB , 600x400 , bridges_burned.png )

>Maybe one of you should pet the dog. Or play fetch or something. Dog-daughter seems sort of stressed about something.
Indoor fetch sounds like something that can only lead to a disaster. OK.

"Graphene, do yOU want to plaaAy fetch?"

"I am playing under the bed!!"

OK, suit yourself dog. If you've got something important you're working on, don't let me stop you.

>Weird she's so easily confused. The goo that ended up has half of you seemed a lot more coherent and able to figure things out before she converted/merged with you. What's Graphene missing?
It was all so bright and clear back then. I had things I knew I had to do, solutions to find.

>What, do I seem off to you?
I ask Jitters more or less those words you just said.

"You just seem a bit upset."

Upset? Why would I be upset?

I mean I only died a few days ago being hunted down by my birthday present as the culmination of a series of mistakes and bad decisions that all came together in a hilariously fatal punch-line. I was only saved (haha, yes literally saved/uploaded) by making the right mistake at the right time. Was that me being merciful? I'm a little confused around the time of integration. The world has apparently decided I wasn't supposed to die then and popped out a copy of my old existence. So how long until it notices me and corrects the error of my existence? Naturally in response to all this I decided to return to my office job of unheralded mediocrity.

>This is the perfect incentive to traumatize toad, you can offer to help her, but only if she lets you fix her face and knockers. Y'know, to be less toad-ey.
That's dumb. You know we call her Toad because she's short and squat and tends to puff up belligerently. Like a toad.

>Curse you, stimulants man, for accelerating our Toad timetable! How did he even pry himself away from his desk?
>Take the long route to help Toad: five minutes to get something to help from your cubicle, ten minutes to forget about Toad, one minute to suck all the nanites out of the card reader. Your destination will be on the right.
Yes, all decisions can be improved by stalling. Because until then the situation won't change.

I clap my giant nanomachine hands together. "OK, I'lLll helP. Give me a fewW minUTes. I'll try to f-f-find the mANual for that lock."

Jitters frowns and leaves without a word. He saw right through me. Well, I can't back down now. Back to my cubicle.

Change character!
No. 751693 ID: 987bda

Shopkeep! There was a thing she was working on that I forgot what it was, and we should check on that.
No. 751694 ID: 3abd97

Aw, poor [default]. Existential mopiness isn't fun.

>who next
Let's go back to Shopkeep! See if the place is burning down yet, or if she's being harassed by some other idiot who accidentally sicked a world-destroying disaster on themselves.
No. 751698 ID: 71d443

Shopkeep! Business must be blooming.
No. 751699 ID: 398fe1

Son. Because we gotta interrogate the dog.
No. 751701 ID: 37f049
File 147580835816.png - (11.59KB , 600x400 , remember_this_register_its_important.png )

>Shopkeep! Business must be blooming.
Been pretty busy, yeah. People are worried about the storm. Surprised the boss didn't hike up the price on some of the emergency gear.

>Shopkeep! There was a thing she was working on that I forgot what it was, and we should check on that.
Would that be the little cooler I decided not to open, my decision to enhance my dexterity and knockers or the scuba gear I had to put on display?

I know what you're really interested in: yes, my baps have bloomed and I think the agility stuff is starting to come in. I'm feeling kind of twitchy, like [default] said would probably happen for a while after fiddling with that DEX slider. It's making me a little clumsy but I haven't killed anyone yet. So now my strength, toughness, dexterity and chest are all augmented to some level. Haven't touched that intelligence option.

The drawback is I'm starving now. I ate my lunch early so now I need to ransack the cheap food and cook up some noodles or something in the break room. There's just one problem with that.

>Let's go back to Shopkeep! See if the place is burning down yet, or if she's being harassed by some other idiot who accidentally sicked a world-destroying disaster on themselves.
I'm being hassled by this idiot. He's in the aisles right now, probably making a mess. I'm going to have to clean up after him, I know. I don't think he has any world ending disasters but I've got that axe under the desk just in case.

Came in blabbing about how he's got a shift for his oh-so-important call centre job this afternoon and now he's grabbing a sleeping bag and other supplies in case he gets stranded thanks to that maybe blizzard. Talk talk talk. I played dumb about where everything was and told him he can find the stuff himself. Problem is he's taking ages. I'm hungry but he's probably coming to complain endlessly if I'm not at the counter when he comes back to haggle and it'll take forever to get rid of him. Worse he might just try to steal some stuff. I wouldn't put it past him.

Ah, what to do, what to do.
No. 751702 ID: 3abd97

>Ah, what to do, what to do.
Poke your little goo girl in the belly like she was the Pillsbury Dough Boy.

>need a plan to get rid of the idiot
Have your goo-doll morph into a giant spider. Prank slash terrify him with it!
No. 751706 ID: 71d443

Amuse yourself by shooting rubber bands at his head. When he asks what you're doing, explain that you're scaring off the wasp that keeps trying to land on him. Have mini-goo provide buzzing sound effects for authenticity.
No. 751755 ID: 2a7417

Play spooky music from your knockers. Or should I say, your boo-bies.
No. 751756 ID: 595d54

Have goo-doll morph into a spider with breasts and play music as it slashes at him. Not like monstergirl breasts, just a spider with boobs on the thorax. That's sure to frighten anyone off.
No. 751762 ID: 7f917c

Keep your eyes on the customer and whatever mirrors you might have to keep track of em, keep your hands near the register or your knockers.

You can goof around with the music player and play some bass tones while you wait.
No. 751769 ID: 91ee5f

He's probably waiting for you to come down the aisles looking for him. That's when he'll leap out and hit you over the head to knock you out and then he kidnaps you.
No. 751785 ID: 987bda

Have you worked out how to use your new internal radio to talk to your harem? Use that to order the doll to take the shape of a machete.
No. 751793 ID: 71d443

I don't think Mini-goo is capable of shaping herself. Besides, there isn't enough material for anything bigger than a shiv. We have a perfectly functional axe below the counter.
No. 751802 ID: 37f049
File 147589263094.png - (12.21KB , 600x400 , beware_i_hunger.png )

>Have you worked out how to use your new internal radio to talk to your harem?
I don't science good. I don't got the brain-smarts.

>Poke your little goo girl in the belly like she was the Pillsbury Dough Boy.
"hee, do you nEed something? s-s-sorry, i was sleeping."

>Have your goo-doll morph into a giant spider. Prank slash terrify him with it!
"There's a jerk." I whisper to her. "Can you turn into a spider so we can spook him off?"

She melts and reforms into a leggy ball. "Default, honey, spiders have eight legs."

"oh. oh! i'll get soMe help on this." This time's better.

"OK, now get into character."

[default] waggles her front legs. "nyam nyam nYam, i eat bugs and spooOok people."

"Perfect. OK, here's the plan - I drop you in the aisle next to him then go and distract the guy. Then you jump out and spook 'im."
No. 751804 ID: 37f049
File 147589277345.png - (11.87KB , 600x400 , this_is_the_guy_hate_him.png )

>He's probably waiting for you to come down the aisles looking for him. That's when he'll leap out and hit you over the head to knock you out and then he kidnaps you.
Paranoid much? Next you're going to tell me he's an Illuminati spy, my boyfriend's dying of cloneitis, my girlfriend's turning into Skynet and my dog's the mastermind behind it all.

>Play spooky music from your knockers. Or should I say, your boo-bies.
Theme music on, I glide around the corner. The guy turns and looks at me, his eyes solidly one foot below my eye level.

"So what, you decided to help at last?" The guy says.

"Eh, not really. I just wanted to watch you struggle."

He gets smugger (more smug?) instead of angry. Annoying. "Y'know what, I think I'd like a discount. I mean, I work with the emergency services so it'd be a real shame if your work here got blacklisted and burned down." What? Oh, his stupid call centre job. He's on the emergency line? And they let the peons blacklist people? What is this country coming to? Real ass, threatening me like that. Now I really want to teach him a lesson.

"wait, waIt, waaaaAaAITT!" Oh no [default], remember the plan!

[default]'s voice modulates, gaining volume and inflection. Mainly rage. "I remeMbeR you now. I knOw that voiCE! You're tHat jerk FRom the eMergencY phoOOonNe."

The guy looks around frantically. "Who's talking? Who said that?"

"I diED beCauSe of y-y-yOU!!"

I look around too. Ah, shit, I don't know where she is. I gotta do something.
No. 751811 ID: 71d443

It's the ghost of all the people you've killed through gross negligence! They heard we were having a sale on the souls of the damned. You should run before they get your name and call your manager!
No. 751812 ID: 3abd97

>I gotta do something.
Point at him accusingly.

"You're haunted?! Bringing ghosts in is a violation of store policy! Get out and take your spooky spook with you!"

Blaming him will disorient and confuse him, setting him up for an ambush.

>I gotta do something.
Help your googirlfriend get revenge on those who wronged her? It's not like you liked this guy in the first place.
No. 751844 ID: 726a91

>"You're haunted?! Bringing ghosts in is a violation of store policy! Get out and take your spooky spook with you!"
That's amazing.
No. 751858 ID: 16bb01

Yessssss best plan.
No. 751874 ID: 7f917c

Enhance knockers for an enhanced distraction!
No. 751900 ID: 71d443

I think they're already doing that.
No. 751948 ID: 37f049
File 147598142415.png - (15.18KB , 400x600 , jaws_theme_plays.png )

>Help your googirlfriend get revenge on those who wronged her? It's not like you liked this guy in the first place.
True that.

>Enhance knockers for an enhanced distraction!
Aye aye captain, magnifying mammaries! My stomach rumbles.

>Point at him accusingly.
I lean coolly against the shelves and get my finger ready!

>"You're haunted?! Bringing ghosts in is a violation of store policy! Get out and take your spooky spook with you!"

Call Guy looks around wildly in panic. "Haha, this is one of those TV shows right?" He forces another fake laugh. "You really tricked me!"

"HeeeREee I cooOoome!"

>Blaming him will disorient and confuse him, setting him up for an ambush.
Ah, there's [default]! On the shelves just above his head.
No. 751949 ID: 37f049
File 147598150268.png - (12.69KB , 600x400 , spider_bite.png )

[default] jumps at his head but she must be pretty uncoordinated for a spider made of goo. She flails and latches on to his shoulder instead, legs moving more like an octopus than a spider.

Call Guy screams.

She bites him. His scream jumps up an octave. It's bleeding a lot.

He abandons his trolley and runs past me for the exit. [default]'s still firmly attached. Shit, he's getting out and taking his spooky spook with him! She can't survive outside!
No. 751950 ID: 3abd97

Well you could always write this blob off, but that's kind of a jerk move, and call guy doesn't deserve a piece of frozen nanogoo.

Grab her as he goes by? Or trip him so you can grab her?

If he's already past, it's time to put your long practiced skills throwing store goods to use- you need to nail him with something off the shelf before he clears the door.

When you get her back "so did you inject flesh eating or perpetual de-pants-ing nanos into his blood or anyhing?"
No. 751954 ID: 71d443

"Hey! You didn't pay for that thing! Drop it!" And rescue her. She'll need someplace warm to recover. Someplace like you. (Watch for additional shed nanites, they may form additional Graphenes if you thaw them separately.)
No. 751964 ID: 398fe1

>magnifying mammaries
No, undo that. You're burning calories too fast!

Anyway yell at him to stop running you have to save him from the giant spider. Give the "spider" a whack then scoop her up. Then tell him he'd better go get that bite looked at.
No. 751985 ID: 7f917c

Eh, don't knock the knockers.

Given that he's running, he'll probably trip on the patch of ice that's likely outside your store. Or you could probably still catch up to him with your enhanced physique?
No. 752004 ID: 71d443

The effects we're feeling are from previous stat boosts, this time won't interfere with our pursuit of Mini-goo. That said, we should maybe check our progress before progressing further. After we catch that runner!
No. 752012 ID: bb78f2

Well... I mean she could burrow into him to maintain her body heat, like a tick... just more parasitic.

Default's killed before, well the clone bashful did. No reason to think the original won't to stay alive, especially thanks to the guy that's ignorance got her killed... by herself in a different body without her brain that may have been the best thing to ever happen to her.
No. 752081 ID: 987bda

Tackle him and grab [default] off of him.
No. 752425 ID: 37f049
File 147617867163.png - (13.69KB , 600x400 , catch_that_spider.png )

>Anyway yell at him to stop running you have to save him from the giant spider.
"Stop, it's eating your neck!" Call Guy just keeps running and flailing. No use in a crisis, clearly. To think he's almost an actual part of emergency services.

>Given that he's running, he'll probably trip on the patch of ice that's likely outside your store. Or you could probably still catch up to him with your enhanced physique?
The door bell jangles wildly as he exits. Call Guy stumbles on the slippery pavement outside and I use my enhanced physique to catch up.

>Give the "spider" a whack then scoop her up.
I swat at his neck and snatch spider-[default]. My hand twitches. I drop her. Shit!

Call Guy staggers for a few seconds and then spins around, stomping back. "Aaaah, I'll kill it!"

It's fight or flight, make up your mind!

I try to see where [default]'s gotten to. Don't want a round two.
No. 752427 ID: 37f049
File 147617876540.png - (8.80KB , 600x400 , a_tragedy.png )

Double shit!

Is she dead, that looks pretty dead? Spiders curl up like that when they're dead but she's not a spider so maybe she's playing dead.

>Well you could always write this blob off, but that's kind of a jerk move, and call guy doesn't deserve a piece of frozen nanogoo.
Right, if she dies she can be replaced. Don't die though, lil' [default]! I boot her back indoors. A kick is probably less bad for her than lying in the snow for any longer.

"Spider's dead already!" I shout at Call Guy.

>Then tell him he'd better go get that bite looked at.
I grab him by the uninjured shoulder and shake him a bit. Get in his face. You're bleeding, you're bleeding, you gotta get to the hospital. That sort of thing.

Both mentally and physically shook up, he stumbles down into the snowy street, muttering about how he'll have his revenge or something. I don't care.
No. 752428 ID: 37f049
File 147617884187.png - (30.71KB , 600x400 , snack_time.png )

>She'll need someplace warm to recover. Someplace like you.
Back indoors, I gingerly pick the minigoo up. One of her legs falls off. That's not good. Her spiderbutt feels warmer, maybe its just her legs. I unbutton my top few buttons of my shirt and pop [default] in to do the body heat thing. Getting crowded in there. I might need a new shirt.

>(Watch for additional shed nanites, they may form additional Graphenes if you thaw them separately.)
I wrap the shed leg up in a napkin and put it in my pocket.

>>enhanced knockers
>No, undo that. You're burning calories too fast!
>Eh, don't knock the knockers.
OK, definitely break time. I help myself to a few bags of chips, several choco bars, mystery soup and have some of those noodle cakes that taste better dry too, then boil up some coffee. Urp, I'm stuffed. Stat boosts are fully fuelled, I'd say.

I feel movement and fish [default] out.

She flails stiffly, shedding flakes of damaged nanogoo as she tries to change shape. "aaaaAa, i thought i was going to dIe."

>When you get her back "So did you inject flesh eating or perpetual de-pants-ing nanos into his blood or anything?"
I ask her for the dets on the terrible and awesome things she might have done.

"oh, i wish i'd thoUght of that. i sucked some of hIs blood. because i am a sPiiider."

"That's ticks, Default."

"oh? ooOoh."
No. 752429 ID: 37f049
File 147617887934.png - (25.72KB , 600x400 , status_of_various_statuses.png )

>The effects we're feeling are from previous stat boosts. That said, we should maybe check our progress before progressing further.
OK, I'll show you my convenient screen thing again.

My knockers have upgraded from HGE to HUGE. I didn't even know it could go past three letters. Looks like another victory for science.

Still a little twitchy but I think the other update's pretty much done too.

Gotta clear Call Jerk's trolley away and clean up the aisle. And the blood. Or is there anything cooler I should do?
No. 752437 ID: 1b358e

Got a screw or two to feed spiderfault? Just enough to recover lost mass (unless she can recycle the damaged nanites).

And how did your clothing stand up to the rigorous movement with the recent changes?

I almost want to suggest enhancing knockers, but nah, we're good for now.

Try giving INT a small bump in either direction? Flip a coin and say Heads = INT up, and tails being INT down obviously.
No. 752443 ID: 18c950

...you may notice that INT only has a + by it, indicating that it can only be raised.

Did the jerk conveniently drop any money or anything, or did he just drop a big pile of work in your lap? Because it sure would be convenient if he could "buy" some stuff for you to feed to mini-[default].

Oh hey, at the very least she might be able to get some material out of the blood and stuff he left places, rather than you having to clean it all up yourself.
No. 752458 ID: 3d2d5f

Don't mess with your int. You don't want to do that unsupervised. Mental "twitches" or bad decisions could be bad, and the mini goo isn't bright enough to keep an eye on you.

>what do
Feed spider goo some screws. Maybe pretend like they're flies.

Harvest blood and uses it to make a badass and intimidating sign warning off shoplifters and rulebreakers.
No. 752460 ID: 71d443

Yes, feed the mini-goo's taste for human blood.
That's enough stat boosts for today... eh, one more Dex.

Start putting back all of call guy's non-purchases. Go into the mirrors aisle to make sure he didn't crack any with his face.
No. 752551 ID: 3abd97

So is your dex high enough that you can use your fingers as vibrators yet.
No. 752566 ID: 987bda

Bump up your INT. Then you can make more intelligent choices faster!

Have [tinyDefault] start savaging bits of cloth, and reworking it into a tiny sweater.
After that, she can create some tiny heating elements and have those all along her surface. Also, engulf some batteries.

If she winds up out in the cold again she can start consuming power to generate heat until she can be rescued or get back inside.
No. 752567 ID: 3663d3

we need someone we can trust watching our body, and possibly be tied down so we don't do something weird while our brain rearranges itself.
No. 752573 ID: 71d443

How lewd.
No. 752644 ID: 37f049
File 147626490653.png - (14.70KB , 600x400 , spidergoo_evolved.png )

>Got a screw or two to feed spiderfault? Just enough to recover lost mass (unless she can recycle the damaged nanites).
There's buckets of them. I get one out to feed [default]. She's gone down to just 50% spider but she takes it anyway.

"nyam nyAm nyam."

I'm getting a weird craving so I try some screws too. With my super-tough teeth and jaw I chomp them up and don't horribly cut up the inside of my mouth. Too crunchy and the taste's nothing to write home about but I feel better afterwards. I guess my personal nanamagoos are getting low on metal from all this upgrading?

Speaking of which...

>I almost want to suggest enhancing knockers, but nah, we're good for now.
Knackered on knockers? Works for me!

>And how did your clothing stand up to the rigorous movement with the recent changes?
It followed my lead closely.

>So is your dex high enough that you can use your fingers as vibrators yet.
Let's see. Nope.

>That's enough stat boosts for today... eh, one more Dex.
Filling up, uh, flexibility?

>Try giving INT a small bump in either direction? Flip a coin and say Heads = INT up, and tails being INT down obviously.
Hmm, there's nowhere to go but up but I guess I might as well finally give it a try.

>Don't mess with your INT. You don't want to do that unsupervised. Mental "twitches" or bad decisions could be bad, and the mini goo isn't bright enough to keep an eye on you.
Hey now, all my decisions are awesome.

>We need someone we can trust watching our body, and possibly be tied down so we don't do something weird while our brain rearranges itself.
OK, that's it I'm calling an expert. I ask [default] what side effects I might expect.

She pauses in her screw nibbling. "um, one momeNt. bwuy bwuy byuw bweeeeeEE. you'll feel a l-little slow witted and slEepy while it's upgrading."

I feel like that half the time while a work so no drawback. Score! I wrap my arms around myself and squirm. "So I won't need you to tie me up?"


It went over her head.

>Bump up your INT. Then you can make more intelligent choices faster!
With that feedback from [default]'s brains trust, I make the smart choice to go ahead. I set intelligence to a SML increase (the smallest increase). I'm going to be using big words and getting bullied any second now.

>Did the jerk conveniently drop any money or anything, or did he just drop a big pile of work in your lap? Because it sure would be convenient if he could "buy" some stuff for you to feed to mini-[default].
Call Jerk's wallet did not conveniently (five syllables, look at that) leap out of his tight pants. There's just a trolley of stuff he picked out but hadn't paid for. Woe is me.

>Have [tinyDefault] start savaging bits of cloth, and reworking it into a tiny sweater.
After watching her fumble for a bit I decide I'll just find a small doll and take its sweater. Maybe she is still damaged.

>After that, she can create some tiny heating elements and have those all along her surface. Also, engulf some batteries.
>If she winds up out in the cold again she can start consuming power to generate heat until she can be rescued or get back inside.
A single AA battery would be about the size of one of her legs. Uh, once she's back to normal legs. It's not going to fit. I think we're out of watch batteries.

>Harvest blood and uses it to make a bad-ass and intimidating sign warning off shoplifters and rulebreakers.
There's just a few drops in any one spot but there's a trail of it all the way to the exit. It would be a sign for ants.

>Oh hey, at the very least she might be able to get some material out of the blood and stuff he left places, rather than you having to clean it all up yourself.
>Yes, feed the mini-goo's taste for human blood.
Good thinking. I set [default] on janitor duty. I hang out near the door ready to intercept any customers and watch her stumble around and mop it up. Good work, minigoo!

Change character!
No. 752654 ID: 16bb01

Hmm, maybe we should make sure Son isn't dead.


No. 752658 ID: 1b358e

I think Son might be awake, let's pay him a visit.

(I'd rather go [default] again, but I don't want to oversaturate it.)
No. 752668 ID: 3d2d5f

Son: wake up in a pile of goo.
No. 752670 ID: 2dee8e

mini-drider-goo is pretty cute.
No. 752681 ID: 71d443

So true. I hope Son hasn't lost the entire day to his minor, insignificant, only-a-meatbag-would-be-hindered-by-it concussion.
No. 753059 ID: 37f049
File 147649867216.png - (13.46KB , 600x400 , wake_up_and_smell_the_ashes.png )

>Hmm, maybe we should make sure Son isn't dead.
>I hope Son hasn't lost the entire day to his minor, insignificant, only-a-meatbag-would-be-hindered-by-it concussion.
My head hurts. Less than it should, I think. A dull ache. Thank you nanomachines.

I had a bad dream. It was cold. I was chasing after something but I tripped and fell. The snow swirled around me as I sat up on my knees and realised I was totally alone. It's probably a metaphor for brain problems.

"What you're looking for, you can't have it." I hear Shopkeep say.

"HmmMm, neeEds more saSs." [default] says back.

What are they talking about? Where am I?

Let me think. Where was I? This morning I was watching TV since using the wifi with my phone was really slow. Maybe [default] ran through the data quota or something. I was watching some mediocre movie. Right, I heard some noise in the basement. Graphene was down there. I called out and the last thing I remember is a tsunami of dog. She really doesn't seem to know her own strength. I should to do something or she might end up killing someone.

How long have I been out if Shopkeep's home? I don't feel in any rush to move. It's warm here. Soft, comfortable, a little jiggly.

>Son: wake up in a pile of goo.
I must be in bed with [default]. Speaking of killing, I still don't know where exactly I stand with her. I mean she was trying to kill me before I cancelled that order and then she set up an elaborate prank to sabotage my date with Shopkeep. I think she wants her all to herself. I feel like an impostor sometimes. I didn't earn any of this. [default]'s the original, she's the one who got the girl, she has me outnumbered six to one, she's still a little psychotic and she's basically better than me in every way. I'm kind of screwed.

I start to open my eyes.

"Howdy stranger." Shopkeep says, leaning over me. "What can I do you for?"

Wait, no this isn't right. Those eyes! The goos have replaced her and now they're going to eat me! I should have known that yanderes are shit!

My mind flashes back to the movie I was watching. Typical plot: man becomes millionaire from inventing microchip. Success means isolation. Becomes very lonely, meets girl. They hook up eventually. But it turns out his new love had been a spy from the beginning and she poisons him. He has a synthetic liver from a shrapnel wound during WWIII so he didn't die. And because he'd been a commando or something he hunted his girlfriend down and kidnapped her out. Out on his millionaire yacht he put a gun down on the table between them and asked her if she'd ever really loved him.

Then the yacht exploded. Who writes this shit? I guess it's a metaphor for how struggling for success is futile and someone's going to kill you.

These thoughts all race through my head instantly in a torrent of inane bullshit! What should I do?!
No. 753060 ID: 3663d3

no, it's another prank bro. ask for next upgrade to be a reinforced shock absorbent skull.
No. 753061 ID: 71d443

Squeeze Shopkeep to make sure it's really her.
No. 753062 ID: 3abd97

>Wait, no this isn't right. Those eyes! The goos have replaced her and now they're going to eat me! I should have known that yanderes are shit!
Or she opted to have her eyes enhanced.

Or [default] is pranking you with a fake shopkeep, like when she pretended to be that other girl at the restaurant.

>I think she wants her all to herself.
Well too bad, it's Shopkeep's harem.

>What should I do?!
Stop panicking and listening to your head injury before you make an idiot of yourself.
No. 753064 ID: a606da


Clearly the only logical option.

Oh, and if it isn't her, but is in fact a goo replica:

No. 753065 ID: 398fe1

Freak out and flail around like an idiot. Then calm down a bit more and tell Default that's a terrible way to wake someone up.
No. 753066 ID: a8cc1c

Maybe this is [default] trying to have Shopkeep all to herself by giving you your own shopkeep, rather than strictly a prank.
No. 753067 ID: 7bfeb5

Man I don't want to be the voice of reason today. Ah well...
Anyway the real answer is she's creating a goo stand in so Shopkeep doesn't have to go to work.

But that's boring so continue freaking out about dopplegoongers.
No. 753068 ID: 71d443

Now now, let's not be ungracious, we did wake up in a pile of nanogoogirls.
No. 753070 ID: a8cc1c

Actually, yeah, good point. Who cares what's going on, enjoy the the zen of the nanogoogirl pile for a moment.
No. 753073 ID: 18c950

Pretty sure Shopkeep there is just [default]'s Shopkeep impression. Remember the lady at the restaurant? She can do skin colors.

Smooches for everybody! You're basically all dating at this point, it'll be fine. If anybody complains, you've got a minor concussion and it's the dog's fault.
No. 753085 ID: c2552b

No. 753089 ID: 7f917c

Man, you should check your own eyes. They're also looking awfully grey.
No. 753090 ID: c441c1

You need to order default to eat 0 earths.
No. 753124 ID: 1e1842

"Nice try [default], but I know you're not Shopkeep."
No. 753150 ID: 987bda

"Why are you wearing a mask?"
No. 754238 ID: 37f049
File 147704403263.png - (17.62KB , 600x400 , hola.png )

>Stop panicking and listening to your head injury before you make an idiot of yourself.
>No, it's another prank bro.
Oh, right.

>Pretty sure Shopkeep there is just [default]'s Shopkeep impression. Remember the lady at the restaurant? She can do skin colors.
That one's here too, staring at me. It creeps me out, the way it's always watching me. I don't know why [default] keeps that one around. Probably to mess with me

>>I think she wants her all to herself.
>Well too bad, it's Shopkeep's harem.
I'm not going to tell her that. She'll get mad.

>"Nice try [default], but I know you're not Shopkeep."
"Aren't I?" She says. Agh, her eyebrow game is strong!

>Man, you should check your own eyes. They're also looking awfully grey.
Don't start messing with my head like that!

I screw shut my eyes, I flail and shout.

Blopkeep baps me with a pillow.

>Now now, let's not be ungracious, we did wake up in a pile of nanogoogirls.
>Actually, yeah, good point. Who cares what's going on, enjoy the the zen of the nanogoogirl pile for a moment.
I give a matyred sigh, tossing one arm back over my face. "Oh woe is me, I am defeated. Here I am, in a pile of nanogoogirls and here I must remain."

She gives me a few minutes then she presses the pillow down on my face.
No. 754239 ID: 37f049
File 147704412363.png - (18.10KB , 400x600 , smugoo.png )

>Squeeze Shopkeep to make sure it's really her.
I struggle free! I sit up, raise my hand, look down from her face and- Damnit [default], you're just messing with me now.

"Your impersonation isn't very good." I say.

Her face slowly widens into an awful smile. "It fell a little flat?"

Argh, it burns. She played me like a damn fiddle. At moments like these I think there may be too many smug goo women in my life

>Anyway the real answer is she's creating a goo stand in so Shopkeep doesn't have to go to work.
"So you're planning to stand in for her at work, huh?"

"Oh, I didn't tHink of thaaAt. [default] mutters to herself.

"Nah." Blopkeep says.

>Maybe this is [default] trying to have Shopkeep all to herself by giving you your own shopkeep, rather than strictly a prank.
Hmmmm. "Is it for me then?"

"Nah. Her and me. We're gonna do it." She's got the voice down, I have to admit. She leans in and whispers. "Clone makeouts."

I guess that's fair.

>You need to order default to eat 0 earths.
"Oh, eat zero earths by the way."

Blopkeep crawls towards me and boops my nose. "You're no fun." This is getting kind of weird. Sexy but also weird. The bed thumps. Agh, Graphene must be under the bed again. I'm basically hiding out at home today but maybe there's something important I should be doing?! Aside from putting my dick in something, I mean! This could just be stress and paranoia talking I guess?!?!

>Ask for next upgrade to be a reinforced shock absorbent skull.
Like that maybe?!
No. 754241 ID: 398fe1

You could try to upgrade Graphene's brain so she isn't so foolish. Feed her some electronics... wait is there even any left you can spare? Go rummage in the basement.

Oh, you could also try to figure out why you're alive. Can you contact your father? Do you have anyone else to contact?
No. 754242 ID: 7f917c

Y'know, you could probably convince her to let you join in on the clone makeout if you don't mind certain things happening to you.
No. 754254 ID: c441c1

as always the true answer is stick you dick into the goo
No. 754257 ID: 2a7417

Well, you know what relieves stress...

Teaching Graphene more dog tricks! Such as *not* tackling your owner, playing dead, playing poker, and speaking.
Ask default how work is going.
No. 754263 ID: 3d2d5f

>Sexy but also weird
The best kind of sexy

>hiding at home
>something important I should be doing
Figuring out what to do with yourself? Just cause you're a clone doesn't mean you sit at home as your own pet the rest of your life. Someone else has your job, you've got goo superpowers, maybe you should be looking for something new to do? A new job! A new hobby! Something you could have never done before.
No. 754293 ID: 594c18

Yes, you need a new hobby. This one didn't turn out to be dangerous enough, somehow.
No. 754308 ID: 3663d3

maybe get a thermostat in your guts, and the required other power of being immune to temp extremes. then you can be a walking heater for the goos. this will make you too useful to throw away.
No. 754336 ID: bb78f2

Ask her if she could also make a clone you... that is her.
Mostly I just want to know if she'd feel weird looking like her old self again.

You know, I wonder if you consider yourself a different person than Bashful, and consider Default the true Bashful and you're just like her son with all her memories pre-goo. You could call yourself a different name if you wanted, I mean, we call you Son, so... like is THIS you real name actually now Son?
No. 754403 ID: 3abd97

Inform her she has some work to do if she wants the clone makeouts to be hot and not creepy. Shopkeep probably won't be into her own eyeless bisected torso.

Have you told Dad you're not dead yet, or that he has a spare son yet? Maybe you should get on that.
No. 754425 ID: 71d443

Sticking your dick in goo sounds pretty important. She could use some stress relief from work while she's still at work. Get to work!

Maybe ask how work is going. You can enjoy the less fun bits of your life vicariously now.
No. 754663 ID: c2552b

Oh, huh. The weird thing where she doesn't like being separated from "herself" is probably extending to you. Likely why she's so clingy.

Don't be a complete goof. Wrap your arms around them for snuggling.
No. 907929 ID: d18b05
File 154019709964.png - (30.85KB , 800x550 , too_many_goo.png )

>Y'know, you could probably convince her to let you join in on the clone makeout if you don't mind certain things happening to you.
I do mind! I don't want to become some kind of double-clone.

>You know, I wonder if you consider yourself a different person than Bashful, and consider Default the true Bashful and you're just like her son with all her memories pre-goo. You could call yourself a different name if you wanted, I mean, we call you Son, so... like is THIS you real name actually now Son?
She's not my mother, that'd make things extra screwed up. I'm real! I'm a real person and I have a real name!

>Inform her she has some work to do if she wants the clone makeouts to be hot and not creepy. Shopkeep probably won't be into her own eyeless bisected torso.
"So shouldn't you be showing more skin?" I say to Shopgoop.

"Hmm, I suppose." She starts changing colour.

>As always the true answer is stick you dick into the goo
>Well, you know what relieves stress...
"And do you want to have some fun then?" I employ my best suggestive eyebrow waggle on one of the the other [default]s.

"NaaAh you waited too lonNg."

This is bullshit. I can't believe that didn't work. It's an omen that everything's not going to work out in the end, or something!

"What were you e-exPecting? 'Slot your genes into my moTherboard!'?"


She clenches her fists and rocks on the spot "Kyaaaah, there's nO user serviceable pAarts inside! My buffers are overfLowing! Commit access violaaAations on me!"

"Default no."

"Honestly though, yoU have been plaYing this game for a long time. Don't you h-have anythiNg else to do with your tIme?"
No. 907930 ID: d18b05
File 154019726946.png - (18.16KB , 800x520 , what_do_dogs_look_like_again.png )

And with that, [default]'s kicking me out of the bedroom...

Between the office worker, her office reinforcements, her miniature goo and the shopgoop she's going to send to the stores, she's going to be in a lot of places at once. So she's decided to take it easy for now and turn the bed into a sort of sleeping nanogoo cuddle pile. She gives me the rather insulting instructions to not burn the house down and flops over. She's snoring, probably just for my benefit.

Maybe I should play a prank on her.

As I consider that, Graphene slides out from under the bed and vibrates enthusiastically. "Hiiiiiiiii?!"

I should probably take her out of the bedroom too. What are you even doing under there, dog?

>Have you told Dad you're not dead yet, or that he has a spare son yet? Maybe you should get on that.
Sent him a letter but haven't heard back yet. Dad's weird like that. Can't get in touch with him by phone or email.

>You could try to upgrade Graphene's brain so she isn't so foolish. Feed her some electronics... wait is there even any left you can spare? Go rummage in the basement.
>Teaching Graphene more dog tricks! Such as *not* tackling your owner, playing dead, playing poker, and speaking.
>Just cause you're a clone doesn't mean you sit at home as your own pet the rest of your life. Someone else has your job, you've got goo superpowers, maybe you should be looking for something new to do? A new job! A new hobby! Something you could have never done before.
>Yes, you need a new hobby. This one didn't turn out to be dangerous enough, somehow.
I guess I need to do something with my life! What should I do?!
No. 907931 ID: 080aaf

Learn a programming language. Test it on the dog.
No. 907942 ID: 65c9b9

teach your dog some new tricks
No. 907955 ID: 0c3c2c

Teach Graphene new tricks. Spend time with your weird cyberdog. She is cute and deserves your affection, and unlike [default] has absorbed you zero times!
No. 907963 ID: 7c21ff

I think the biggest thing is teaching Graphene just how freakishly strong she is and that she shouldn't break furniture/home/you/other people with full-on body slams.
No. 908003 ID: 2a7417

A dog is fine too.
What did you do with that sled? Where did you even find a sled? Better eat the evidence.
No. 908005 ID: 7efe6b

Stick your dick in Graphene
No. 908024 ID: b1b4f3

Don't fuck the dog.
No. 908025 ID: 977456

Try to get a listing of common dog behaviours out of Graphene. You want advanced warning if she is going to chase things or such.
No. 908055 ID: 2007b6

Take Graphene back down to the basement, start digging out a sub-basement. Best solution to overcrowding is to create more space.
No. 908086 ID: bb78f2

Show her more pictures of dogs and ask her which breed she likes most as a goal to improve her self image.
No. 908089 ID: afdebc

>I don't want to become some kind of double-clone.
I mean you sort of already are.

>I guess I need to do something with my life! What should I do?!
Since you're reinforced with nanogoo and have a goo-girl clone backup that means you can enjoy every young adult's favorite hobby of dangerous extreme sports without having to really worry about what happens if you get killed.

So go out and do some x sport snowboarding on a volcano or something. Take Graphene with you, train her to be your rad dog. What crazy daredevil doesn't need a mechanical canine sidekick?
No. 908101 ID: 7c90bc

I think we should go with having graphene carve out more rooms in your basement. Can you make more nanites out of dirt rock and cement?
No. 908102 ID: b7627b

You could play chess.
Or go help shoptits at the store.

Actually, can default or graphene do any sort of 3D printing? without leaving nanomachines in the end product of course.
No. 908104 ID: 977456

Lack of architectural background + overenthusiastic half-tonne dog with matter-erasure function = sad house. Non-innuendo plans named "Basement Expansion" will lack my vote pending further elaboration.

Attempt to prank [Default at work] by convincing [Defaults at home] to transmit instructions to "Expand the Basement" directly to DaW's nanite distribution systems without alerting the 'consciousness'. Maybe hide it in junk data. They could spam asking if the new guy is hot, then admit that they are just doing it to prank themselves, followed by a discussion on self-deprecating humour. That should provide plenty of signals too annoying to look too closely at, and it even admits that it is a prank, but hides the body-modding prank behind an annoying spam prank. It is also a useful experiment into information warfare. If Default can trick Default into a rounder rump, then someone else might be able to trick Default into becoming Giant Deadly Spikes Everywhere while holding All of the Orphans.
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