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File 151938173257.png - (11.54KB , 800x600 , King of games title 1.png )
869643 No. 869643 ID: c3709c

In just a few moments, the S.S. Block Spider will finally arrive at Neo Battle City, laden with supplies for the King of Games tournament. The weather was supposed to be clear today, with a good tailwind. You wouldn’t know this personally, of course. You’ve been stowing away behind a large pipe near the engine room for the past 6 hours with nothing to do, and at this point you’re not sure whether the hunger or boredom will kill you first if you stay back here much longer. Clicking the latches on your briefcase open yet again to take inventory of the few possessions you managed to escape with, you sigh and focus back on your watch. You won’t have to endure this for long. Once you make it off this wretched floating coffin, the entire city will be your oyster.

>INVENTORY CHECK! Select an answer for every question in parenthesis.

>Ornate watch, complete with hour hand, minute hand, second hand, and a silver blur of a hand that does a circuit every second.

>Briefcase. Leather exterior, plush interior, and internal armor plating that has stopped bullets meant for you before.

>Shadow Tome. You spent two years gaining the trust of the Cult of the True Game for this, and look where it got them: on a boat heading halfway around the world from you. They know exactly where you’re headed, though.

>Dueling Clothes. Appropriate for every occasion in your life so far. Which is good, because you don’t have any other clothes. (What style are they?)

>Duel Monsters deck. The game of Pharaohs. Yours isn’t particularly powerful compared to your peers, but it serves its purpose well enough. You have other ways of evening the odds anyway. (What theme deck is it? Links and Pendulums won’t be used this quest, and pick something fun! Decks that are too strong or uncohesive won’t be counted.)

>Cheating Tool. You used to have so many more of these. You almost regret sending the rest of your luggage with the Cult, but the illusion had to be maintained. (What is it? Loaded dice, marked cards, or something wilder?)

>Three Games. While Duel Monsters has always been the focus of the King of Games tournament, other games hold just as much power as it does, and you’ve always been very good at picking up rules fast. (What games are they?)

>A weapon. Games don’t always decide the winner. (What weapon is it? It’s in a rather packed briefcase, so make it small.)
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No. 869647 ID: cc5f4f

>(What style are they?)
Brown, simple, and leathery. You look like a Indiana Jones or a simple newspaper boy while wearing them.

>(What theme deck is it? Links and Pendulums won’t be used this quest, and pick something fun! Decks that are too strong or uncohesive won’t be counted.)
Time, i.e. wintertime, bedtime, playtime, worktime, breaktime, slave to the schedule.

> (What is it? Loaded dice, marked cards, or something wilder?)
Double-faced coins.

>(What games are they?)
Snakes and Ladders, Monopoly, and Scrabble.

>(What weapon is it? It’s in a rather packed briefcase, so make it small.)
A thick leather-bound dictionary with metal covers. You've whacked a gang unconscious with this antiquated device.
No. 869648 ID: cc5f4f

Oh shoot. Theme refers to something else here, doesn't it? There was no indication of choices.
No. 869649 ID: c3709c

It was yugioh but let's be honest here yugioh has enough cards in it that I could probably make a deck out of that for you.
No. 869650 ID: b96d5e

>Dueling Clothes
Retro leathery greaser outfit with a pomp that looks like a sea sponge to embrace your heritage as a Yutagonist.

>Deck Shaddoll Performage
Because at the end of the day you're a man of the simple things.Bad jokes,terrible conversations, and giant women.

>Cheating Tool
Your ability to spit fire and rule shark a opponent until they feel pressured enough to let your blatantly wrong plays go.

The classical trench knife passed down by your rambling war grandpa, with a blade that can bust through a helmet and brass knuckles around the handle just in case.
No. 869651 ID: b96d5e

Fuck, Marry, Kill
Rock, Paper, Scissors in case someone forgot dice to choose who goes first.
No. 869652 ID: 2990c9

>Dueling Clothes
You mixed a ballroom dress with a bellydancer top and a biker jacket. It took years to find the right patterns, but your current outfit manages to tie the menagerie together.

>Theme Deck
Shuffle - Your deck is centralized around constantly shuffling the deck, your cards, and your graveyard in your favor, frequently allowing you to draw above-average advantages for hit-and-run psychopathic cheap shots. And it's all meant to hide your ace in the hole:

>Cheating Tool
A mod for your arm-mounted holodeck that can swap out the leftmost face-down card for something FAR better. However, it utilizes the deck shuffler to function without being detected, so you can only activate it when your deck has been shuffled, and you'll need about three turns to subtly select a card or the shuffle will be random.

Three Games: Warhammer 40K, Rogue, and Strip Minecraft. That last one's an excuse to strip yourself in public.

A sword disguised as a haircomb. Use the switchblade option to fill in the holes by shifting the bladed parts out of the comb teeth. You keep it in your hair as an ornament.
No. 869653 ID: 2b002c

>Clothes: Goggles, yellow jacket with a cyan bubble pattern on it, a hot pink shirt under that, black fingerless gloves, and black cargo pants. They were actually your Digidestined clothes, but that's a story for another day.

>Deck: A deck that only has cards with "destroy all" or "banish all" in their description.

>Cheating tool: A special bracelet that allows you to astral project and see your opponent's cards. But you have to hide the bracelet glowing with power AND be sure your body won't just fall over so your opponent doesn't notice you're out of your dang body.

>Games you play: Bake-off, cook-off, and singing contest. (turns out, when you play shadow games of these, demon judges rise out of hell.)

Weapon: YOUR STAND [ ONE CARD SHORT ] (they are, in fact, as short as a card)
No. 869655 ID: 69d4b9

>Dueling Clothes
Your trusty dueling speedo. It is discreetly reinforced with extra elastics so it doubles as a jockstrap when you're not in the water.

The Umi series, the Legendary Ocean. You are as the water, and so shall your deck reflect that.

>Cheating Tool
A special joint liniment that makes you extra flexible. Apply it to your fingers to perform sleight-of-hand tricks with your cards! Apply it to your back to cheat at limbo! Apply it elsewhere for other effects!

>Other Games
Limbo (I really like this idea), water polo, volleyball

>A Weapon
Your trusty diving knife, made of titanium, with a bedazzled hilt.
No. 869656 ID: f551a7

>Dueling Clothes
full philadelphia eagles uniform, but with applebottom jeans

>Duel Monsters deck
instead of a deck you brought a box full of footballs. there's no rule against this that you know of

>Cheating Tool
one of the footballs is filled with lead weights

>Three Games
tic, tac, and toe

>A weapon
one of the footballs is filled with lead weights
No. 869705 ID: 1a603e

Clothes: Seconding dueling speedo

Deck: Holactie deck, you're just way too exited about how the Egyptian gods are real cards now

Cheating Tool: A greased hourglass that forces opponents to take their turns faster.

Games: Limbo, Dominion, Rock Paper Scissors (but with cards for some reason)

Weapon: Belt that can fold out into a sword. Pros: its a sword. Cons: Your speedo has a 50/50 chance to fall down and trip you if you take a step when you turn it into a sword.
No. 869706 ID: 136183

Dueling Clothes: Tracksuit and Adidas shoes. Commando.

Duel Monster Deck: Skull Servant archetype.

Cheating tool: Deagle-brand Deagle. Loaded.

Games: The circle game, Russian roulette, Uno.

Weapon: Mallninja-brand kukri.
No. 869783 ID: c3709c

>Your Dueling speedo: In the end, we are all naked when faced with the eyes of a superior opponent and hidden against a novice’s, so why would clothes matter? Modified to be much sturdier than usual, and has a back pocket to hold your banished cards. Used to be covered up by your cultist robe when not gaming, but that was sacrificed as part of your escape ploy. You’ll need to find more clothes later, likely.

>Your Skull Servant deck: You always related with the King of Skull Servants, gaining power from his defeated kin as you plan to do. While not the fastest or most durable deck around, its raw destructive power is nearly unmatched when set up, and its duel spirits can be rather helpful when they’re not playing around or in a direct confrontation. (You will be able to change your deck later.)

>Double-headed coins: A very finely made set consisting of common coins in both heads and tails varieties. Luck favors the bold, as the saying goes, and there’s not much more bold than taking things into your own hands. You don’t believe in luck, anyway.

>LIMBO: A game born out of the ancient dance. Traditionally, the bar was set at its lowest position to start and raised, signifying an emergence from death into life. You find it fitting that the modern incarnation reverses that order, especially for your purposes.

>ROCK PAPER SCISSORS: Dating back to the Han Dynasty, this game is rarely wagered upon, but has been built into other games as a means of selecting “randomly” or breaking ties. Studying this has given you an in on many other games.

>JENGA: Historians have long been baffled at how this game was seemingly invented simultaneously in ancient cultures across the world. You know better. As a representation of the destruction of the Tower of Babel itself, the folly of man always incurs the wrath of god… or gravity, for this version. (These are the games you are most familiar with, and start with a +1 bonus to them for any rolls made.)

>Spring-Loaded Titanium Limbo Pole and Lignum Vitae Jenga Set: You may not have a change of clothes, but not having the tools of your trade would just be ridiculous. Expensive, but the finest that money can buy.

>Bedazzled Switchblade: Sometimes, you just need to get a point across that you aren’t to be fucked with. The bedazzling only makes that more effective, not to mention the precise pattern providing a firmer grip.

>ALSO YOUR DUEL DISK, how did you forget to mention that! Unfortunately, you only managed to take your spare with you, so you’ll have to remodify this one as soon as possible. It’s truly a travesty to game with subpar equipment.
No. 869785 ID: c3709c
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The pounding of engines changes pitch, and the ship lurches, prompting you to stand up from your perch, briefcase in hand. You’ll be pulling into port soon, and you should take your leave before things get busy onboard. It’s not like you’ll have to depart via the docking ramp anyway, your briefcase is watertight and you’re a rather competent swimmer. The night should cover your escape once you disembark, so the only concern is leaving in one piece and with all your possessions intact. The ship’s horn emits a muffled blast from far above you. It’s time to act.

>Stealthy exit
>Fast exit
>Disguise exit

>STAT CHECK: Assign the numbers 1, 2, 3, and 4 once to a stat. This quest will use Xd4+Y for every roll (outside of, you know, games that use other dice), with X being your stat applicable and Y being any modifiers.

>ANIME BULLSHIT: Generic physical stat. Covers stuff like extreme stunts, more physical games, and pulling bullshit out of your ass. Also affects hairstyle.

>FRIENDSHIP: The dump stat. Covers stuff like making friends with your opponents, relying on your friends to do things you can’t, and team games. Also affects how much you can get someone else to pick up the bar tab.

>CHEATING: You know what this stat is about. Covers stuff like cheating undetected, doing increasingly impossible cheats, catching your opponent cheating, and improvisational cheating. Also affects lying.

>HEART OF THE CARDS: If you believed in luck, this stat would be it. Covers stuff like drawing just the right card, rolling a yahtzee, having the pick-up sticks fall in just the right way, having the Settlers of Catan board be set up favorably, the list goes on. Also affects how much duel spirits like you.
No. 869786 ID: fb45d4

go for fast exit, it's time to bail

No. 869787 ID: 1a603e

Screw those options, make a flashy exit to show just how much better you are than everyone else.

No. 869789 ID: 10c408


If our unmatched 'skill' at card games turns against, we can always 'play fair' to turn it around.
No. 869796 ID: 90f3c0


Make a stealthy exit.
No. 869798 ID: 69d4b9


Stealthy exit. We're dressed to just swim away.
No. 869803 ID: cc5f4f


Slink stealthily away.
No. 869805 ID: 094652


Parkour your way off the ship! The guards don't really give a @#$% so long as you're boosting public ratings.
No. 869818 ID: 136183

HEART OF THE CARDS even though lorewise it's literally cheating: 2
No. 869831 ID: d3c72f

No. 870907 ID: c3709c
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>Cheating: 4
>Heart Of The Cards: 3
>Anime Bullshit: 2
>Friendship: 1

>Sure, you get the rolls and draws you want most of the time, but let’s be honest; that’s not enough. Of course, your certain methods of improving your games beyond just hoping for the best has won you more dedicated enemies than dedicated friends, but victory is what matters in the end.

Darting through the shadows in the bowels of the ship, you make your way up the maze of ladders and railings towards the top deck, wondering why a ship was ever built so inefficiently after the second or so dead end. For a cargo ship, it has a layout much more devoted to empty bunks and gun emplacements than one would expect. Finally, you round a corner, revealing a final steep staircase leading out, rays of silvery light from the city illuminating the rough steps… and a sailor leaning on a railing next to them, focusing very intently on his phone, grumbling. “I swear to Neptune, if this goddamn gatcha gives me one more FUCKING time wizard instead of dark magician girl, I will PERSONALLY…” He drifts off into a string of obscenities, finger hovering over a button on his phone.

>Offer to help a fellow gamer out (Heart of the Cards)
>Sneak by (Cheating)
>Surprise attack before he sees you (Anime Bullshit)
>Strike up a Conversation (Friendship)
(Dice will be rolled after an option has been decided on unless specified.)

>TRAIT CHECK: Traits are what makes your character more than just a lump of stats and cool items. Pick one positive trait and one negative trait. You may pick two of each if you wish for the main character to have two, but if less than half the votes are for two traits, the first of each will be counted as your vote. (Similarly to your stats, you will have the chance to level these up eventually.)

>Positive traits:
>High Adrenaline: You always do better under pressure. When the stakes get high enough, gain +1 to all rolls related to the game.
>Hit and Run: No sense in only fighting when it favors you. Gain +1 to surprise attacks and +1 to escaping. These values can apply to games, given the right circumstances.
>Destiny Draw: Your unshakable belief in victory manifests itself. Once per game, if things are truly dire, you gain the ability to choose (6 - Heart of the Cards) different results of the next random result. One of them will happen. Has no effect on games without luck. (Current value: 3 choices)

>Negative Traits:
>Perfectionist: Gaming has a certain Feng Shui to it, and you won’t have it any other way. -1 to Anime Bullshit and Cheating rolls if the game is situated improperly, whether it’s shoddy pieces, disgusting surroundings, or an unfocused opponent. The effect ends if the cause is removed. Doesn’t apply if there is absolutely, truly no helping it.
>Rough Start: It takes you some time to get in the zone. -2 to Heart of the Cards and Anime Bullshit at the start of a game. The effect ends if you fall far enough behind, or the game has sufficiently started. Doesn’t apply if playing multiple matches in a row.
>Deja Vu: You always get disoriented when you repeat things. -1 to all rolls when in a situation similar to one that’s happened recently. The effect ends if the situation changes dramatically from what happened before. Doesn’t apply if playing multiple matches in a row.
No. 870908 ID: c3709c

As a note, the trait chosen WILL effect the roll here, but the future is more of a concern than what is essentially the tutorial.
No. 870912 ID: ffa7ee

So for the traits, I'm gonna do a bit of min maxing.

For the positive trait, I'm gonna say High Adrenaline, and for negative Deja Vu.

We will raise the stakes a lot of the time, so they cancel out.

Also, sneak by him.
No. 870917 ID: b1c8eb

For the traits id go with hit and run and perfectionist
Toss your double sided coin as a distraction to Sneak By
No. 870918 ID: 1a603e

Rough start and Destiny Draw, we're the protagonist, we can't just get a good starting hand, we need to turn it around dramatically at the last minute.

Offer to help that gamer.
No. 870930 ID: 094652

Rough Start, High Adrenaline, Help a Gamer out.
Rough Adrenaline, High Start, Help a Hobo out.
Help a Hobo out, a bottle of cyanide, and a tub of Kesha's skin shavings.
No. 870954 ID: 2fe26a

>help a gamer out
>Destiny Draw
>Deja Vu
No. 871020 ID: 90f3c0

Sneak by
Destiny Draw
Deja vu
No. 871027 ID: fb45d4

help a gamer out, rough start, destiny draw
No. 871062 ID: d2e2ce

>help a gamer out
>high adrenaline
>rough start
No. 871099 ID: 14581c

High Adrenaline. Pump it up!
Deja Vu. Lets keep things varied, shall we?
No. 872079 ID: c3709c

Votes to action closed because I already made a picture for that, votes for traits remain open because you guys gave me not just one, but two tie votes. If its a tie by the time I'm done writing the update, I'm just gonna flip a coin or two.
No. 873061 ID: a363ac

High adrenaline / Deja vu
No. 873069 ID: 2a13fa

Destiny Draw / Rough Start
No. 873072 ID: c3709c

rolled 2, 4, 3 = 9

closed and writing.
No. 873084 ID: c3709c
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>High Adrenaline. The world gets clearer when you’re risking it all. Distractions fade away, your eyes sharpen, you feel more… whole. Even if you didn’t have a reason to come to Neo Battle City, you probably would have come eventually anyway. There’s nowhere else you can get stakes as high as these… legally, anyway.

>Deja Vu. Sometimes you get caught up in memories of past games. A wonderful way to relax, but it does make it hard to keep those memories separate from what you’re playing at the moment. Luckily, the Shadow Tome does provide some ways of keeping things fresh… at certain expenses.

>Help a gamer out
The sailor is mumbling under his breath, staring intently at his choices and hovering between a couple of them, so it’s a pretty easy matter to sidle up beside him and take a look yourself. The one benefit of having no shoes right now, you suppose. He drops his finger for a moment and sighs, and that’s when you take your chance.

Your old master once told you, the Heart of the Cards isn’t just about believing in the cards, or the dice, or the elaborate mechanism of Mousetrap, or whatever it is that you’re relying on. You can believe that you’ll succeed all you want, but you first have to make that chance to succeed possible yourself, and then take it. He then proceeded to gamble you shirtless (metaphorically) in craps, before revealing that he had loaded the dice. You learned a couple of important lessons that day.

You know nothing about the game he’s playing, you know nothing about why he wants to get Dark Magician Girl, but you do know one thing, and it’s that he was only trying to choose between a few of the onscreen options. Before he realizes you’re there, you reach out and touch one of the options, with a small fanfare from the phone. Leaping away from the mysterious hand and turning to see you, he looks you up and down for a second before leaping away a second time in a row, past the stairwell, sputtering at both his phone and the mysterious stranger with a very nice watch in front of him. The phone finishes its fanfare with a tiny crescendo, before announcing the pick.

“Lemon Magician Girl!~”

“Oh, man, that’s a pretty good one too, though not as good as…” You take this momentary distraction to slip up the stairs as fast as possible, leaving him to his new character. Glancing behind you, the sailor is focused back on his phone, though his quick look up to your retreating form indicates that he seems content enough not chasing you even though he knows you’re there. One favor for another, in a sense… even though it could have gone much worse.

>Final Character Choice! Every good Gambler needs an alias. You left your real name behind years ago, after all.

No. 873085 ID: cc5f4f

No. 873087 ID: 7fad5d

Eyes "Baldy" McGurk. Yes, Eyes is your real name. The story behind "Baldy" is embarrassing and involves Nair plus a prank from some old friends, but at least it's not as embarrassing as your parents calling you Eyes.
No. 873088 ID: 33cbe7

Brooklyn, Brooklyn Raege.
No. 873108 ID: ffa7ee


yes, Brooklyn "Nyeh" Raege.
No. 873581 ID: 8a122e

They call you Brooklyn, because the last time you went to that town you cleaned it out so completely, you might as well have just taken the whole thing. You didn't choose the name yourself; people started calling you that the next place you turned up. "Look there, its the man Brooklyn himself,"

read in the most smooth voice possible. any other voice will ruin it ;3
No. 877612 ID: 6d9fef
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> They call you Brooklyn after the time you won the name of the city itself in a game of high stakes Mousetrap against the Mayoral triad. After all, if they aren’t using the name anymore you may as well.

You duck out the stairwell and into the open air, keeping cargo crates seemingly welded to the deck between you and the few crew milling above decks as best you can. Blazing golden light emanating from the floating city's many towers plays across the steel plates at your feet as you quickly make your way to the edge of the boat unnoticed and leap the railing, plunging into the tropical ocean beneath. The boat continues onwards one passenger lighter, heading towards a pair of massive docking clamps. Surfacing, you paddle in place for a minute, taking in the sight of the monstrously large city-ship before you, before picking a spot that looks like it’d be easy to climb out of the water from and starting to make your way towards it and the paradise of games beyond.

>End of Prologue

>Mechanics: This quest will involve a large assortment of different board games, card games, and other such activities, most of which will be for high stakes. I will both explain the rules in brief in the main thread and have a discussion thread to post the full rules in, but I’d like to get the audience’s opinion of how complex the games they’ll be able to handle will be, so we don’t end up with games that are too simple.

>Pick up to three games of a complexity level that you would be comfortable picking up quickly. I may or may not use these as suggestions for later games.
No. 877613 ID: 33cbe7

Monopoly, Mousetrap, and MYST: The Boardgame.
No. 877614 ID: e1c8f7

Mancala, "Who Am I" and the Dark Souls Board game
No. 877618 ID: 094652

Cosmic Encounter, Gears of War, and Bloodborne. All board games.
No. 877624 ID: 94bef7

Riddles, Snakes & Ladders, and Tower Defence.
No. 877691 ID: 4265a4

Catan, Monopoly and The game of Life.
No. 877742 ID: 10f30a

War, CAH and Munchkin.
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