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File 153659206753.png - (103.14KB , 1004x986 , Opening.png )
901188 No. 901188 ID: 358f8b

War's a wonderful thing really, it's a spectacle to those outside, and hell on Earth to those within.

Man against man, bullet to flesh, with a pull of the trigger the fate of the Universe could change. But throughout all the excitement, when titans battle upon the fields of ants, one question normally goes unanswered.

What happens to those left behind?
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No. 901219 ID: ff82d2

There does seem to be a couple of bags hanging off of him so check those out. Also, the bedroll might be useful.
No. 901221 ID: 0e18be

Dog tags if possible, other than that I suggest getting a bag, ammo, maybe even a sidearm if you can find one.
No. 901228 ID: 977456

Three limbs and a head is an odd damage spread. Could be multiple shooters converging on the communications, or... best check for traps.
May as well take their pack. It makes you a bit obvious and slow, but you don't have a pack, it is portable enough, and you might be able to make one working radio out of two busted ones if you find another. It shouldn't take a technician if the damage is minor and you have an example to work from...
No. 901231 ID: 358f8b
File 153661264027.png - (34.16KB , 575x541 , Dog tags.png )

You dig around the mush near his neck and find something small and metallic. After closer inspection it's a pair of stained dog tags with the words "Davis" and "Infan-" written on it. Everything else is illegible. You can't tell if they're his or not though, considering he has a radio operator patch yet his tags say otherwise. Could just be a logistic problem.
Although the bedroll's in good condition, you don't have any way of carrying it at the moment. Having to hold it under your arm would be massively inconvenient.
No. 901234 ID: ff82d2

Okay then. Go back and check out the rucksack that you saw.
No. 901235 ID: f7b510

Why are these peruvians fighting? The damage seems out of this world, so Immediately I imagine those ancient peruvian aliens
No. 901237 ID: be7ea9
File 153662007582.png - (98.66KB , 943x1137 , Out of the muck.png )

He still has his limbs, they're just sort of buried. You assume the ground may have just been more wet when he died. The head's gone though, although that's a given.
As you try to lift up the body to see if you can carry the radio, it becomes clear that if he had any ammo on him, it's unusable under all the grit. The radio's also pretty heavily damaged, but you could try dragging it along in case you find some parts. There's only one small pouch on it though, so outside of the sleeping mat, it doesn't look like it could hold much, it's basically all mechanisms inside of there.
The damage isn't all that bad outside of the clearing you're in, it just looks like what ever convoy you were a part of got stuck in the mud and ambushed.
As far as you're aware, you're the only species that's not supposed to be on this planet, the guys who did this were probably just the guerrilla forces trying to take you out while they had the upper hand. It's odd though, considering nothing seems to have been taken, and all the bodies are still here, which isn't like them.
Still though, it isn't any form of alien invasion or ancient prophecy, as far as you're aware, it's just politics. And with the war against Brazil, groups like these tend to pop up.
No. 901238 ID: 358f8b
File 153662037719.png - (161.93KB , 1315x1376 , Map pack.png )

Finally you check the small satchel he had lying next to him. It looks like the only thing on his person that hasn't been either shot or completely ruined. The straps look to have been torn though, so it can't really be carried in it's current condition unless that's fixed.

Inside you find what looks like a map. Although all the pages are stuck together, it looks like the last side that he was using was your current location.
No. 901239 ID: 0e2ebe

The war against Brazil? What happened there?

And is there anything on that map that looks like you might want to head to or avoid?
No. 901240 ID: e176c9

Check out the tank, it looks like the turret is still on so maybe the inside isn't burned out and you can use the radio?
No. 901242 ID: be7ea9
File 153662174734.png - (77.63KB , 1107x757 , It's the mao.png )

Looking at the map, or at least what isn't stained, you can see the guerrilla compound a few miles North, and some text next to the arrow reads "Friendly Pueblo, on hill." Looking at where you are from above shows that your convoy may have been trying to go around the guerrillas, but from where the radio man's little arrow was drawn, it implies that they were heading to this exact spot.

As for the war, to the best of your knowledge, after some of the super powers collapsed, a few American and German Arms companies encouraged a proxy war between a couple of South American nations to stay afloat. Neither country was complaining about the sizable gift of arms, so it's been a pretty interesting situation. At least that's to the best of your knowledge, you can't ever tell what is or isn't propaganda during war time.
No. 901244 ID: 358f8b
File 153662261383.png - (116.27KB , 1350x1307 , The boy on the treeline.png )

You tuck the map into your knee pocket since it's the only one with a water resistant coating, and look towards the treeline behind you. The tank to the right looks promising, but the possibility of the guy ahead of you having rations has the highest chance of keeping you alive at the moment. You have your map pouch in one hand and your broken handgun in the other as you sit here quickly weighing your options. You're not sure how much time you have, but you're quite certain you'll only be able to look at two more things before the area could became dangerous, especially considering you now know how close the compound is. If you carry the radio, you won't be able to use the rucksack ahead of you, severely limiting what you can carry, yet communication might be your only way out. Should you bring it along just in case? And what should you check out first?
No. 901307 ID: 977456

You should probably get an early start on the cannibalism, you don't want ot sprint through your rations and then be stuck with an all-protein diet sooner than necessary. Then again, cannibalism is icky, the convoy must have tagged some natives?

That looks like an intact pack in front of you. The scenarios in which it has no supplies are few. If you can just quickly don the pack then you might have time to haul the radio a few-hundred metres into the woods and hide it somewhere to come back to later.
No. 901317 ID: dbf422

Okay drop the radio, grab the rucksack, and then check the tank. I think that's probably the best way forward, if you don't hesitate. Radio could get you out if you can repair it, but supplies will keep you alive without that condition.
No. 901318 ID: ff82d2

The chance of radio getting fixed seems pretty low, so I'd drop it if the rucksack has plenty of stuff. Yeah, go for the rucksack first.
No. 901462 ID: be7ea9
File 153678130456.png - (143.69KB , 1465x1026 , Collection.png )

Although you don't think you'll have the time to carry the radio that far out, you drag the body out to the treeline so that if you need it, it should be well within cover.

Going over to the corpse you can tell that at the very least, it's a 72 hour pack. From the uniform you can tell that the guy carrying it was probably the gunner for one of the vehicles. He seemed to be in a rush as the waist clips were undone, but it makes it easier to lift it up. A quick glance at the outside shows that he has 1 full canteen, and after popping open one of the back pockets you can see what looks like a full day meal. You'll have to check out the rest when you're out of the area, but it seems promising. He didn't seem to have a gun on him, but you're sure the tank will probably have one for the driver.

Although you aren't one for eating corpses, you look around while putting on the rucksack to see if your guys hit any of the attackers. You shouldn't waste what you hunt after all. As far as you can tell though, there doesn't seem to be a sign of anybody other then you're convoy. Of course they probably stayed in the woods if they were attacking, but you still find it odd.
No. 901463 ID: ff82d2

Quickly check out the tank for any weapons and then let's get out of here.
No. 901483 ID: be7ea9
File 153678627798.png - (99.32KB , 1010x925 , Insiders look.png )

With the ruck on tight, the map bag stuffed haphazardly in one of the pockets, and your jammed handgun tossed near the dead radioman, you proceed out towards the submerged tank. After an awkward attempt at getting on, you finally pop open the hatch. You conduct a quick search, as you're unfamiliar with the interior of these types of vehicles, and find the handgun and it's ammunition strapped to the left side of the turret.

"Bingo" you say to no one in particular.
No. 901489 ID: ff82d2

Great. Collect the handgun w/ ammo and start moving in the direction of the... er... old guerrilla hideout? I'm a bit confused with the map - what's that "Friendly Pueblo" supposed to be, where are the enemies and where was the convoy headed?

Also, you were here when the convoy was attacked. What exactly happened? Was there a manmade mudslide that was unleashed as a part of the ambush?
No. 901497 ID: 891b91

Grab the handgun and ammo, and make sure to give it all a brief inspection, see if a round is chambered, etc. Be careful while climbing down, too, since there's no telling how stably the tank has settled in the water.

I think the arrow in the lower right indicates the convoy's heading, the arrow in the upper right points towards the friendly pueblo, and the box with the exclamation point is the guerilla compound. The darker area might be jungle... I'm not sure whether the area shaded with diagonal lines is supposed to be water or hilly territory, but I assume it's water. If that's the case, then we might need to find a way around the lake if we can't cross it.
No. 901498 ID: 977456

Get to cover and work your way around to the North, towards the "Friendly".

The zombie theory seems off, but time-displacement is still on the menu.

>your convoy may have been trying to go around the guerrillas, but from where the radio man's little arrow was drawn, it implies that they were heading to this exact spot.
You have reached your destination.
No. 901514 ID: be7ea9
File 153679196171.png - (87.29KB , 1064x960 , Wait a moment.png )

You grab the three magazines and tuck them you chest pouches. The handgun looks to be in working condition, and nothing seems to be in the chamber. The magazine already in it appears to be loaded as well, giving you four of them in total.
You look over the map again to quickly check your heading. The large blotch in the bottom left looks like it's just a massive mud stain, and the diagonal lines appear to be the jungle around you. It's odd though, because this area is clearly wetland, but it's not marked as such. Considering the last time there was a survey here though, it's more then likely the rains turned the area to mud.
Your memory's a little fuzzy, but you at least remember the briefing somewhat now. A small group of Peruvian soldiers called for assistance when their vehicle was attacked by some guerrilla fighters. The signal checked out, and their coordinates matched up with an area with some activity. They said the area was flat, and the enemy were using jeeps of some kind, so they requested armored support. You got into the APC, and the convoy headed over as fast as they could. The more you think about it the more it seems like something is extremely off here. From up here you can't seem to see a single sign of friendlies outside of your own guys.

As you prepare to crawl down the tank, your attention is suddenly grabbed by something rising from behind the tree line.
No. 901515 ID: be7ea9
File 153679220138.png - (88.65KB , 938x968 , He's here.png )

Once the giant steel beast finishes it's assent, everything seems to fit together.

This whole place was a trap.
By the way, you can die
No. 901519 ID: deec6e

Th... that's no guerilla force.

Cover is good. Not being seen is better. Hop behind the cover of the APC and try to crawl for the jungle. If you think you've been seen, run like hell for the closest piece of jungle.
No. 901520 ID: ee2d6e

Either your helmet in or lose the strap, private. That's gonna get caught on something and yank your helmet off, or keep slapping you in the face while you move.
No. 901533 ID: 0e2ebe

Not the time.

Did it see you? If not, hiding in the tank or playing dead on it would be a great idea right now.
No. 901559 ID: 977456

Going to second taking cover behind the turret here. Getting trapped in the tank would be a bad thing. If it has support then you are pretty much toast regardless. If it is alone, then bide your time and break for cover when it seems occupied with something other than your tank.
No. 901571 ID: e176c9

Are there any drugs you'd like to tell us about now?

Get to cover behind the turret. No telling if that thing has thermals somewhere.
No. 901576 ID: d49498

Assuming you haven't already been spotted, a tank could attract attention, even if it's toast. Probably best to slide to the opposite side of the wreck, to try to shuffle your way as far away from it as you can without coming into view. Find a nice muddy spot, other debris to lay face down in. Don't drown tho.
No. 901597 ID: ee2d6e

With fleeing for your life very possibly being close in your future, buckling your helmet is something you should find time for. It's not going to protect you if it's dropped.
No. 901600 ID: ff82d2

A worthy opponent! Jump into the tank, spin the turret towards the enemy and unleash the firepower.

That should get their attention. They will undoubtedly return fire so your job is to jump out of the tank and run away before they do. The explosion from their attack should create enough of a cover for you to run away huehue
No. 901733 ID: ae8ec4

Supporting this.
No. 902416 ID: be7ea9
File 153740084246.png - (161.37KB , 1375x1325 , Back from the grave.png )

There's no way you'll be able to work the turret, and getting trapped in a metal box with no way out doesn't seem like a good idea either, so you decide that jumping to the side of the tank and booking it at the earliest convenience seems like it'll be the best call. It doesn't look like it noticed you, but obviously something caught its attention. Before you drop and run though,
No. 902418 ID: be7ea9
File 153740099033.png - (161.84KB , 1470x1185 , Safety first.png )

You buckle your helmet.
No. 902474 ID: 9125e0

ok so it might have not seen you, now do you know what is,Like does it see in thermal because if it doesn't play dead mybe rub some blood and dirt on you, or crawl under the tank.

If it does see thermal then your kinda screwed
but I don't think it does or it would have finished you off like the others

also is that Soviet markings on it
is this a cold war(and you just got involved in black ops) or is that kind of equipment "normal"
No. 902476 ID: a94e23

If it still hasn’t noticed you then book it the the treeline so you can hide and move away at the same time. Good luck, try not to die, etc.
No. 902481 ID: 93f082

I don't think the helmet would've protected us against the armoured unit either way.

Anyway, once you feel that you're done with running and are safe enough, check your bearings. Also, would you happen to know anything about what that was?
No. 902482 ID: 977456

Ooh yeah, looking good with that strap on.

The tank currently seems to be buried well up to its turret in snow. Three-odd metres of snow and steel would indeed block most thermal scans. There would be some concern over our snow-tunnel being discovered or collapsing. Digging a snow tunnel from the bottom-up seems like a difficult proposition, even if there is enough air under the tank to keep us going for hours.
No. 902484 ID: 93f082

> >>902482 >snow
It's not snow.
No. 902489 ID: dbf422

I mean, stay still until you are reasonably sure it'll look away for long enough to get to better cover.
No. 902697 ID: 5e29f9

Get to some cover before doing anything, standing there in the open will lead to your demise; just remember to watch your step.
No. 902905 ID: 7e4d22
File 153771143524.png - (122.79KB , 1027x862 , Crouch.png )

The tank itself seems like it'll be the best cover in the area, considering it's the only thing you're aware of that might survive a shot from one of those.
It's more of a flak helmet then anything. It probably won't stop anything more powerful the what's in your hands, but it'll at least protect you from any shrapnel if that thing starts firing.
Speaking of it, you've never encountered one in person before, but you've heard of them. It's one of those "walker" tanks the Peruvian government's been using to deal with the minefields that the Shining Path had been laying around the area. You're not sure exactly how it works, but last you checked they weren't putting cannons like that on them.
Although they normally have one of those cheap AI's for navigating areas, and pretty limited optics, they mostly rely on satellites and visual scans. This one might be different considering the turret looks like it was added on afterwards, so who knows what kind of equipment it has now. And you doubt it's Soviet, it would be far cheaper for the guerrillas to just steal a tank and spray the symbol on afterwards.
From what you can tell, although you think it might be the same group, it seems like they're planning on actually staging an invasion again. Either that, or another Communist force has started up, but you won't know for sure until you can get some communication set up.

It looks quite old, and considering it isn't facing you, you should be able to run to the trees and book it before it can lay a shot.
No. 902906 ID: 2202fb

Cover urself with mud, esp parts not covered with armor. Might help with thermal, but at the very least, it will work as a makeshift camo.
No. 902907 ID: 93f082

I think that the longer you stay here, the greater the chance you get noticed because I think that sooner or later it's going to check out remains of the convoy.

Take a good look at the path where you'll be running, get ready, and sprint.
No. 902908 ID: a94e23

Book it, we are next to a giant tank that navigates by satellite and we have nothing above us. We’ve gotten lucky so far but let’s not push it.
No. 902914 ID: 9125e0

ok lets see here.

the walker has one portside gun facing your direction so if it see's you that one will probably fire, and it probably has a high fire rate, and jugging from what I assume the size of it is frown the distance it looks like a 25mm gun.

so if you don't get hit by that somehow the main gun will probably turn and fire in the general direction that you ran in, or maybe they wont fire the cannon because it would be a waste to use it one just on man and I bet ammo is not cheep for that.

I still say play dead and hope it pass's to ruin someone else's day.

but if you do choose to run just Forest Gump it, and expect a LOT of gun fire, and remember not to look back.
No. 902915 ID: 9125e0

and yeah cover yourself with mud and shit
I know its slimy and feels like shit I have done it before but trust me it'll save your ass later
No. 902923 ID: 2202fb

Story time? :3 (in dis [assuming we have a dis] if you want to share)
No. 902950 ID: 5e29f9

Book it, this may be some type of escort for a scavenging team or some other type of rebel troops.
No. 902963 ID: dbf422

>last you checked they weren't putting cannons like that on them.

Well, think about it. Something like that could be the metal gear linking infantry and artillery! The future of warfare.

Anyway, stay low and flee, and sprint the second you see it turn.
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