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94220 No. 94220 ID: 9e9b47

It's early in the morning as Steve waits outside of the Cerulean City Gym, waiting for Mewtwo to show up. He got off lucky, waking up before Misty and her sister, whose name he can't quite recall. He's got to make a move on towards his next goal, and girls always wanted to do stuff like eat breakfast together and hold hands and shit in Steve's experience.

Damn pokemon. Steve can't wait forever.
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No. 244577 ID: f82d85
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>>244453 >>244210 >>244209 >>244205

Great idea! I take all my clothes off except for my shoes. Those're just black, so we're ok.

Alright, we're in. The place is pretty quiet. I'm torn on the best way to track Steve down. There's the search everything method, but this place is a hotel too. Could be tricky. I could find the front desk and just use their computer. I could just wait until the morning, but I'd rather not wait that long. I could also try going to find some clothes to steal. What should be the first priority here?

Ohhhh, I'm so nervous. I don't know what I'm gonna say at all when we meet. Butterflies in my stomach. Please please please don't throw up.
No. 244622 ID: e31d52

>I could also try going to find some clothes to steal

>Member of team rocket

Man steve would love it if you just stole all the lady's clothes.

Not even kidding.
No. 244810 ID: c71597

Ask at the counter. Tell them something about a date and stuff. They shouldn't have any reason not to tell you if he's there or not.

Then go to the bath area for the females, get a nice calming drink and see if there are any clothes in the locker room that fit you and then nab a few from several different lockers. Probably no need for any underclothes.
No. 245405 ID: f82d85
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It's much easier than expected to get Steve's room number. I just explain I'm his date and that we got separated, and sure enough he's here!

It's easy enough to find a locker with some clothes, not as easy to find something in my size. Luckily there's some jeans and a hooded sweatshirt here. Now, should I just go break into his room and wait for him there? Maybe I should bring something! No, I'm just getting nervous again. I should just go there and we can talk, right?
No. 245416 ID: 701a19

Go to his room. Strip naked. Wait on his bed in a seductive pose.
No. 245563 ID: c71597

Go find some nice drinks (and maybe a nice pill or two that would make things easier) and then go wait in his room. He might take some time getting there, so you might have to order some roomservice.
No. 245583 ID: a1c38e

Find some rope. I'm sure he'd appreciate getting tied up and fucked.
No. 245603 ID: fd5f36

Gonna second the drinks and pills, if you can get them.
No. 256191 ID: f82d85
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>>245563 >>245603

I don't know where I'd be able to find any sort of fun pills, but they've got a bar here. This late at night, there's nobody around. It's easy to find alcohol in this place, it's a damn spa with wetbars fifty feet. They're closed this time of night, but it's not hard to jimmy a lock and lift a bottle.


I can find rope, but not exactly the right kind for that sort of thing. Plus, bedsheets work just fine for that.


This is a good plan! I find his room... wait. There's someone talking inside. What's going on?

"Look, you PROMISED to show me, Marvin. Please? I promise I won't tell anyone!" Sounds like some little girl.

"...Fine. But you have to promise never to tell anyone about this, alright?" And that sounds like some little boy. His voice is familiar though. Hmm. Where have I heard that?

Well, this is something. What should I do now?
No. 256230 ID: c71597

Peek in and see what's going on.
No. 256263 ID: 8c0848

Sneak that shit. Something is happening and you need to find out what.
No. 257315 ID: f82d85
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>>256230 >>256263

Alright then. As quietly as I can, I open the door and look in.

"Wow, Marvin. That's... incredible!" the girl on the bed says, watching this kid across the room.

Holy shit, that kid is lifting a pokeball with his mind! Why's he in Steve's room?

Wait a second. I'd have known if Steve was traveling with some psychic kid, right? Oh man, that's his pokemon! Zealot told us he might be able to look human. That's crazy though. Why's he doing this?

He's got his eyes shut. He's not looking over here yet. "It takes a lot of concentration to use these powers. But, can you see why I don't need pokemon?"

The girl giggles. "Yeah, if I had superpowers I wouldn't need to train pokemon either! That's so cool!"

This is all sorts of weird. Hmm. This is... a unique situation. I'm unsure of what to do here. Is he hitting on that little girl?
No. 257324 ID: a4b4e3

no i am sure what they are doing is entirely platetechtonics

you should ask him if he knows steves favorite sexy things for girls to do to him like maybe touch him with yor tits or maybe your other parts (if u know what i mean ;))
No. 257359 ID: c71597

Hmm, he might recognise you, which would give you away before you had a chance to strike at Steve. Better to just wait nearby for Steve to return to his room.
No. 257428 ID: e9e1df

Just go in and talk to him. Make sure you make it clear you're not here to do anything bad to Steve.

Also, assure him you won't tell Steve about his little girlfriend. :3
No. 257459 ID: 41ac19

Close the door, then knock on the door so it doesn't look like you were snooping. Maybe we can find out what's going on.
No. 257472 ID: 1854db

Talk to the weird pokeymans!
No. 257760 ID: f82d85
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Alright. I'll close the door and knock. Let's see what's going on here.

There's a moment of silence, and then the door opens. The Mewtwo-kid looks at me for a second, and then tries to slam the door. Fortunately, I'm ready to catch the door. "What the hell are you DOING here? Go away!" He says to me in a kind of loud whisper.

"Marvin? Who is it, Steve?" The girl asks.

"Um, nobody important! One second!" He calls back, then glares back at me. "What the hell are you doing here? Didn't Steve tell you that you guys couldn't be together?"

"I came here because I quit Team Rocket, if you must know. Also, why are you trying to impress that little girl? You don't have the hots for her, do you?" I ask, teasing him a little.

He doesn't look happy at all. "I... of course not! Don't be stupid!" He looks like he doesn't really know what to say. "You... quit Team Rocket? Why did you do that?"

I can feel myself starting to blush. "Well, that's sort of private. But, I know he has feelings for me, and I think I've got feelings for him too. I want to make him happy like he made me happy."

The Mewtwo-kid sits there quietly for another minute. The girl speaks up again, sounding a little annoyed. "Marvin, what's going on?!"

"Coming, sorry!" He calls back, then looks to me and lowers his voice again. "Look, I think we need to talk about this. there's some things you need to know. Could you come back in about ten minutes? I promise, I'll try to help you out with Steve. But you also have to promise NOT to tell Steve about what you saw here. Deal?"

Hmm. Stuff I need to know? The pokemon sounds pretty serious... should I accept?
No. 257761 ID: d3dfb8

Why the hell not, it's not like we'd gain anything from fucking with him. After all he IS mewtwo, and he could fuck us up pretty hard.
No. 257769 ID: 632591

Take him up on it.
No. 257793 ID: 6f6fd6

Have your pokemon ready in case it's a trap.
No. 257804 ID: c71597

Yeah sure, just be ready for anything weird. Also. write this down so you can use it as potential blackmailing material in the future.
No. 257827 ID: 71034e


This seems like a good plan. Maybe leave Sneasel out of his pokeball as well.
No. 257994 ID: f82d85
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>>257761 >>257769

I tell him "Alright" and leave without another word. I'll let him have his privacy.

>>257793 >>257827

It might not be a good idea to release Sneasel. Hot springs and all. I'll release Ditto when I'm in the room. That'll feel less suspicious. Hopefully.


I quickly scrawl a note on the situation and slip it into a pouch on my pokeball belt. If he wipes my memory or something I want to remind myself of the facts.

When I get back to the room, I don't even have to knock. The pokemon opens the door, ushers me inside and closes it. I go ahead and take the opportunity to get out of that sweatshirt and jeans getup and release Ditto. "So, where's Steve, what do you have to tell me and what were you doing with that little girl?"

Mewtwo looks stoic, not angry or even bothered. "I will answer your third question first. I was... indulging her. Quite frankly, I've never had anyone admire me before. I kind of liked her thinking I was this neat person. Make fun of me if you'd like I suppose."

I smile at him. "No, we all like to be liked. I can sympathize with that."

He seems a bit taken aback, but continues on. "Yes, well. Anyhow. Steve is... there's no easy way to put this. Steve had me wipe his memory of that night with you."

I feel like someone just punched me in the gut. "What?!"

"Not for the reasons you're thinking. You see, Steve was extremely depressed after that night. He was convinced that you would never leave Team Rocket, and he didn't want the pain to go on any longer."

I feel like crying. I did this to him. I made him wipe his own memory.

"Look, this isn't terrible. Like I said, I'll help with with Steve. I'll even go talk to him before he shows up. But you have to understand that it might take a little bit of time for the two of you to get exactly back to that level. Alright?"

Why's he being so nice to me? I guess he feels responsible for doing this to Steve... what should I do?
No. 258016 ID: c71597

Tell him you can handle it yourself. You just need a sock filled with sand that has been put in a freezer for some time. Oh, and no interuptions to the room for the next ... 12 to 14 hours and preferably sound proofing.

Get stuff set up for a time that Steve will never be able to forget.
No. 258027 ID: 1578e2

Well Steve does enjoy banging women. I suggest waiting around naked and letting nature take its course.

Angst isn't nearly as strong as the sight of a naked woman.
No. 258032 ID: 9b7e5c

Just.. lets just let the pokemon do his thing. And no wet frozen socks, that might kill the poor guy.
No. 258062 ID: fb8baa

Tell Mewtwo you trust him, and thank him.
No. 258063 ID: c71597

Only if we hit him too hard. Just need to give him a hit on the right spot on the back of his head and he will be out for some time, so we can set everything up to be perfect when he wakes up.
No. 258071 ID: 701a19

"Can you... un-wipe it?"
No. 258182 ID: f82d85
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>>258016 >>258063

What?! I don't wanna hurt him badly like that! Head wounds can be hard to control. If I wanted to knock him out I'd just use chloroform or just use a hold to just gently coax him there.


"Um, Mewtwo? Is it possible to just unwipe his memory? Like, just put his mind back together?" It's probably a long shot, but it can't hurt to ask.

Mewtwo shakes his head slowly. "No. I'm sorry. There's a good chance they'll never return either."

>>258032 >>258062

I guess... the best option is to trust him. I guess he's really looking out for his master. "Alright. I'll do it. I'll try to be brave for him. Thank you, Mewtwo. I never thought you'd be so understanding."

He heads towards the door and opens it up, looking back at me for a moment. "You're welcome. Goodnight."

I wave at him as he shuts the door.


Hey, good idea! I guess I'll make myself comfortable. I'll go and take a shower as long as I have few minutes free.
No. 258186 ID: f82d85
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(Control has switched from Tessa to Mewtwo.)

Alright. One thing at a time. I've got to convince Steve that keeping this girl around is a good idea. I imagine he'll come stumbling home sometime soon, so if I just wait in the halls he'll show up eventually. The real issue is what to tell him.

This would be so much easier if I could just access Steve's mind.
No. 258187 ID: d3dfb8

Damn him and his being to stupid to form coherent thoughts.
No. 258211 ID: fb8baa

Look, we just need to explain to him how beneficial Tessa can be as an ally. More pokemon, free sex.

Why exactly are you trying to get them together though?
No. 258212 ID: fb8baa

Look, we just need to explain to him how beneficial Tessa can be as an ally. More pokemon, free sex.

Why exactly are you trying to get them together though?
No. 258369 ID: 701a19

"Hey, Steve, I thought you might like to know that you had me wipe some of your memories the other day.
See, you hooked up with this Team Rocket girl you apparently thought was incredibly hot and then had some amazing sex, but you were convinced she would never leave Team Rocket so you asked me to make you forget because you would never be able to be happy again without her.
Well, funny story, see, it turns out she felt the same way and left Team Rocket for you and is in your room right now."
Too bad you can't just copy her memories, tweak them, and shove them in Steve's skull.
No. 258380 ID: c71597

There is the chance that he's so drunk he won't notice it's Tessa until it's too late. Just tell him there is some hot chick in there waiting to slobber all over his knob and then let nature take its intended course. You can calm him down and argue about stuff in the morning after he wakes up next to her.
No. 258614 ID: f82d85
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It's not that. I just... can't do whatever I want. He's my master. I don't have the ability to just alter his kind how I please. It's something to do with being captured by him, I know it.


I'll use this approach as a backup plan. If ordered to tell the truth I might have to obey. I don't know how that works yet, but I'd rather not find out. Being called on a lie could ruin this all.


This seems logical. Steve does seem to react well to straightforward benefits.

As for getting them together, please, don't get me wrong here. I'm not trying to get these humans together because they'll make a cute couple. I'm hoping she'll satisfy his lustful urges while we're on this trip. The thought of stopping by every stupid city in this land and trying to get some 'chick to bone' every night with me having to play a role as his... his... assistant man whore fills my stomach with bile. Not only that, but she does have some relatively powerful pokemon. It would be good for Steve to have someone to back him up besides me. The boy makes enemies rather fast.

I just wait quietly in the halls outside the woman's room. After a bit, there's some raised voices, and then Steve comes out the door in a hurry, closing the door behind him. He stands there for a moment, not noticing me at all as he gets his bearings.

"Master, are you alright? You seem to be... not in the best of states."

Steve looks up at me. His voice is slow and tired. "Mewtwo? Hey buddy. I'm fine. It's not a big deal. I was with this chick, and it was cool for a while. Then it wasn't cool. She started all gettin' angry... I'm gonna go back to the room."

I take a deep breath. Let's just get this over with. "Listen, Steve. I came to you because there's an issue. That Team Rocket girl is back. She's fallen in love with you, and she's quit Team Rocket to join you on your pokemon journey. I don't sense that she's doing anything underhanded or malicious either. Not, before you turn me down listen to the possible advantages of letting this girl stay. She has good pokemon, and from what I gather she's an attractive girl by your standards."

"Uh..." Steve sways gently as he takes this all in . "Alright then. Where's the girl at?"

"Tessa. Her name's Tessa. She's in your room."

He doesn't move. "Didn't I ask you to like, take care of her the other day?"


"Look, master. I did what I could. I made her think she had a good night with you and then sent her on her way. Now, she likes you enough to to want to have intercourse with you, and stop being evil. Isn't that at least good enough for the moment? We can argue about this in the morning more, after all."

Steve perks up at 'intercourse' and again at the mention of sleep. "Well, you got a good point Mewtwo. Tessa. Yeah, she had some nice tits. I suppose I'm cool with it for the night."

Hmm, are there any other preparations I should make, or you think I can just leave him to it?
No. 258626 ID: 9b7e5c

Tell him about the mindwipe story, maybe? Gotta get up to speed with all lies...
No. 258641 ID: c71597

Tell him that she thinks he doesn't know they did the nasty because you told her a story about some mind wipe thingie. Oh, and that maybe he should take a shower before getting it on with her, she might flip or something silly like that if she smells another woman on him.
No. 259006 ID: fb8baa

I think we've pretty much done what we can for now.

Stay nearby and make sure Steve's not accidentally killed by Tessa though.
No. 259007 ID: fb8baa

I think we've pretty much done what we can for now.

Stay nearby and make sure Steve's not accidentally killed by Tessa though.
No. 292376 ID: f82d85
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(Control has switched back to Steve.)

>>258626 >>258641

Mewtwo just keeps fucking talking and talking to Steve. Something about showering and his memories being altered. Steve decides it'd just be best to act completely normal in every way, and go to sleep.

Once in the room, Steve makes sure to firmly lock the door behind him. No need to have ANOTHER crazy chick open his door in the middle of the night. Sure enough, there's that crazy chick in his bed. Neat.

"I've been keeping the bed warm for you." Crazy Girl says, not looking at Steve. She's blushing and crap.

Fuck. Steve has to do something before he goes to bed, right? Is she naked?
No. 292385 ID: 8c0848

Fuck her. What the fuck do you care? Get some.
No. 292426 ID: 383006

Fuck that. Steve is a man who knows how to be tired. Just go to sleep. Women is nothing but trouble.
No. 292456 ID: 60477c

punch her in the tit and shout "tunnel snakes rule"
No. 292463 ID: 081e71

Steve this is important Steve get mewtoo to give you a permanent erection and do her until your dick falls off
No. 292492 ID: 40c013

Before you do anyway, give the appropriate reaction of finding a random person in your bed.

Then stare blankly. If youre tired, say so. If not, let her make the first move.
No. 292504 ID: c71597

Do what you would normally do. Fuck her silly.
No. 292648 ID: 332134

Just go to sleep. Now you have some sex that you can save till morning.
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