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292083 No. 292083 ID: 8c0848

So here we are. Out in the middle of nowhere, freezing our asses off.

:shera: "Where is that old fart? He was supposed to be here an hour ago."

:rynh: "He said he forgot something and would meet us out here. He'd better not have forgotten that too."

We could wait inside, but it might be trapped or collapsing or a haunted pit of demon hate, so we probably want to know about any surprises before going in.

:thodren: "Is that him? I hear a rider, but I also hear something else."

I can hear it, too. It's definitely a horse and some kind of weird cackling and whooping... Oh gods, damn it all.
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No. 364603 ID: 453e62

i say SWORD what is behind you, because it looks like it has an aura and touching auras with your hands is never a good idea.
No. 364607 ID: 1854db

Jump over and help her. Like, let her grab onto you so she doesn't have to worry about falling down there.
No. 364654 ID: 72d8c7

well turn around and take a look to make sure it ain't one of your companions atleast. then kill it
No. 364727 ID: 45b227

This and also shout: "You were wrong the freaky thing is UP HERE!"
No. 364949 ID: 8c0848
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Whoa shit! Floating magic skull thing!

>Jump over and help her.
No. 364955 ID: e3f578

you pussy you should have killed it while you were over there
Now you're on a skinnyass platform with two people that's going to buttbump each other off of it like in Dead or Alive Xtreme 2
fuck it
No. 364968 ID: 453e62

wait for it to move over solid ground then jump stab it.
No. 364974 ID: bccf7b

Aside from the "possibly wreathed in an aura of fell magic" thing, it seems relatively harmless so far.

Keep your distance just to be sure.
No. 364999 ID: 20f620

What if it starts shooting fell magic at her or something? Toast it.
No. 365034 ID: 73eb25

Get dat fucking shiny back! Both of you jump over and grab for it. Then deal with the floating skull thingy.

Rynh, use an air magic boost to push you up a bit to make sure you clear the gap.
No. 365051 ID: 1444d5

Shera can jump back and grab the thingie, Rynh can jump back and sword the skull in the... skull.
No. 365052 ID: a0c2e6

Is ti coming after you? If so jump across to the next solid bit of ground and draw your sword in readiness.

Try speaking to it as well. It didn't bite you in the neck so maybe it's just trying to help.

"Excuse me, but what are you? Do you think we could have the shiny thing? Nod if you understand."
No. 365100 ID: 01e7ef

No. 365239 ID: 8c0848
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>Try speaking to it

Okay, I'll try the diplomatic approach before going directly to the slashing and burning, but if it tries anything, I'm fucking it up. Also because if I kill it now, it'll probably drop whatever we're after here down the hole.

"HEY BONEHEAD! Give that to me now, before I crack you open like a-"

Shit, it's fast.
No. 365240 ID: 453e62

after it, as soon as it's over solid ground explode it with a rock out of the floor or something.
No. 365242 ID: 31c942

It's a fucking floating skull. Can you shoot a lightning bolt? I bet you could at some point. So do that.
No. 365247 ID: b7bf27

It appears to be trolling us, also, take care in following it, it may be trying to bait us into a trap.
No. 365252 ID: 1854db

lightning's faster.
No. 365264 ID: 8c0848
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Nothing escapes my inescapable wrath! DIE FUCKER!

"Holy shit!"
No. 365265 ID: 8c0848
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Aw, man. That was awesome. It would have been more awesome if I actually hit the damn thing.
No. 365266 ID: 31c942

It dropped the shiny! Shoot it again!
No. 365267 ID: 1854db

UGH you're only good at fire breath 'magic' now aren't you.

Go hit it with your sword instead. At least we know you can hit things with it.
No. 365270 ID: 73eb25

Tell kitty to grab the shiny.
No. 365271 ID: 573166

Distract it so that it is focusing it's attention on you while someone else takes care of the SHINY.
No. 365301 ID: 20f620

Make mental note to practice aim with magic later. You badly need it.

In the immediate term, you'll have to make do with your sword.
No. 365381 ID: 8c0848
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I clear the second crevice and take a swing at the skull thing, but it darts out of the way and only gets a bit chipped.
I'm going to hack this little fucker in half if it's the last thing I do! It just won't sit still enough for me to score a solid hit. It's like it's sole purpose is to be an aggravating little shit.

>it may be trying to bait us into a trap.

Maybe. It is moving down the hall farther, now that we're clear of the pits. I just want to get it dead before anything like that can happen.
No. 365383 ID: 453e62

hi power air shockwave deal, just make a wall of air and slam it into the thing and make it slam into a wall.
No. 365384 ID: 1854db

You can flail about with magic *and* swordsmanship at the same time. Make it dodge your magic in order to smack it with your sword. Or, since you nicked it with your sword once already, charge your sword with lightning so it empties the charge into it if you even so much as nick it again.
No. 365385 ID: 40cb26

I know your ice magic isn't your strong point, but if you can pull off a spread out freezing effect to slow him down or better yet freeze it to the wall that would be perfect.

Otherwise use earth magic to trap it from below and the sides, and smash from above.
No. 365426 ID: 1444d5

Earth magic up a wall of spikes and the like behind it. Even if its not enough to completely block the passageway, it should slow it down enough that you can hack it to bits as it tries to negotiate it's way around them.
No. 365469 ID: 846a87

This if you think it will definitely hit.

Honestly I think it might just be too small and fast for most magics. You could always just sheathe the sword and get Shera to help out as you try to catch it bare handed or with a swipe from your tail.
No. 365585 ID: 8c0848
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>Do something elaborate with magic

Magic? I can do magic. Here's all the fucking magic! This thing's going down!

No. 365586 ID: 453e62

awesome. get shiny. lvl up.
No. 365587 ID: 8b0bdb

epic...the shiny is not melted,rigth?
No. 365588 ID: 210977


retrieve what is left of the shiny.
No. 365591 ID: 73eb25

You better not have destroyed the shiny. Recover what's left of it.
No. 365597 ID: 40cb26

Magical, yes. But that was not elaborate at all. Grab that damn ring, or whatever is left of it. Even if the skull isn't toasted yet.
No. 365599 ID: 846a87

Don't grab shiny too quickly, it may be incredibly hot.

If Shera hasn't been violated yet then this is the time to do so. Victory!
No. 365602 ID: 3d7a30

hold your horses, we don't know if the annoying skull has been obliterated. It may yet laugh at us
No. 365612 ID: 8e18cd

Grab Shera's boobs/butt while cheering. Celebrate your victory over the devious skull.
No. 365652 ID: 8c0848
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"After so many centuries, I seem to have guests. Forgive me if I forget my manners, as I said, it has been so many centuries since I've had any visitors. Such lively guests too, destroying my servants over trinkets. I should think that any host would find such actions wholly unacceptable..."
No. 365653 ID: 8c0848
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"However, I do not care for such things. If you are here, then I am presented with an opportunity to leave this place and I will take it. Stand aside."

Shit. This is probably bad? I don't even know what that is. Some weird, bony mask thing.
But something tells me this is the kind of thing that warrants the whole sealed crypt with a castle built on top thing.
No. 365654 ID: 453e62

say you do not want it getting near you so you will back up. then both of you jump back across and regroup with everyone else
No. 365656 ID: b7bf27

Well, shit. I have a fear this guy is radiating some heavy 'totally out of our class' here Ryhn, might have to just do as he says.
No. 365659 ID: 0d7a83

Unless you've been holding out on us and you're secretly a paladin I think it's time to GTFO of Creepy's way.
No. 365661 ID: b6edd6

Ask if you may know your host's identity. Receive history lesson.

Ancients these days... They practically never properly label any of their hazardous waste.
No. 365665 ID: 1854db

Have a pleasant chat by asking him who the crap he is.
No. 365669 ID: 72d8c7

He seems like a pragmatic fellow. Ask him if this "opportunity" does or doesn't involve negotiable losses to your party, because you'd like to avoid any needless weird ghost business.
No. 365672 ID: e79d6a

"If I can have the shiny, I'll be out of your way."
No. 365677 ID: d6ae01

He'll be a LOT easier to club from behind. Let him pass.
No. 365704 ID: 573166

This guy seems like he might be a bit too powerful for you. Act cordial, and polite. If you piss him off, he could zombify the whole lot of you.
No. 365705 ID: 573166

Oh, and be sure to tell him that there is likely a massive gnoll abmush outside the tomb/ruin. Should win you some brownie points with mister lich here.
No. 365710 ID: c64d14

This thing could have all the answers to Mel's questions. Of course, at the same time it could probably kill the old man with a glance if it lost its patience with him.

But that couldn't happen, could it? Mel is the very epitome of calm, rational discussion.
No. 365711 ID: b6edd6

He probably wouldn't worry about some gnolls, though I guess we could still comment on them.
No. 365714 ID: e79d6a


Don't we have plot armor though?
No. 365717 ID: b6edd6

Even if he probably won;'t immediately kill us, he could still throw us through a wall and break some limbs.
No. 365891 ID: 8c0848
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"As long as you don't plan on killing us on the way out, I don't see any reason to stop you."

"I have no such plans. There is nothing for me to gain from it at this time."

"Okay. Umm... Good? We'll just get out of your way then, whoever you are."

"I am... Ah, yes. I am Achbanon. It has been so long since I have thought about my name, it seems to have slipped my mind."

Okay, maybe I should be careful not to remind him of the wrong things. He's probably really fucking evil, but he's not really showing it. He's been locked down here for forever. He might be super crazy or something.
No. 365894 ID: 453e62

yes, at the moment he cares more about getting out then fighting you because fighting you may slow him down enough that he loses his chance, and he doesn't want to risk it. regroup.
No. 365937 ID: 1268e6

Wait. What's that on his chest?

Don't you think something REALLY FAMILIAR could go on that socket?
No. 365941 ID: 1854db

Retreat back to your group FAST, and ask your employer if he knows this guys name. In whispers. Before he catches up.
No. 366121 ID: a43214

Inquire what was keeping him here, perhaps.
No. 366281 ID: 26b51f

Well, shit, looks like we may be paying a visit to mom again in the immediate future.
No. 366362 ID: 14428f


This. Converse without stopping him, but I'm not too keen on letting him out. Learn more.

If he does own that extremely dangerous gem, then he obviously wants it back, and may destroy or subjugate the world with it.

And the world is where you keep your bacon, Rynh.
No. 366429 ID: bccf7b

All of a sudden I'm worried just how many "children" she's had....
No. 366468 ID: f61b94

God dammit that is not the right thing are you guys idiots or what

I mean seriously the original thing doesn't even look like that and it's not a socket god damn
No. 366516 ID: d60822

>He doesn't remember life
>we have an opportunity to selectively reveal his memories thus coloring his future nature in the world above
Rynh, you need to have sex with him.
No. 366571 ID: a23df5

Letting him go is probably the best option at this point. Chances are you don't have the firepower to stop him anyway.

Once he's gone, pillage with impunity.
No. 366710 ID: 8c0848
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>Don't you think something REALLY FAMILIAR could go on that socket?

The only thing I can think of would be the gem that's in the socket right now.


This is probably a good idea. I don't want to say the wrong thing and set him off. I motion to Shera that we should back off and start back to find the others.

"HOLD. You were not thinking of returning to seal the entrance before I could take my leave, were you? Unacceptable! How dare you! I will destroy you all for your impudence!"

Like that. Shit...
No. 366715 ID: a1d7ad

Say you just wanted to make sure that others are aware of your coming and stay clear. Make sure to bow as you say it.

If it doesn't work, RUN!
No. 366726 ID: c71597

Quickly inform him that you had no such plans and just wanted to get your other accomplices to move out of his way so he has a clear path to the exit. He can even follow after you to make sure you're not going to try to seal the exit.
No. 366727 ID: a23df5

Jesus. Talk about going from zero to batshit-fucking-crazy in three seconds flat. Goddamn liches and their fucking paranoia...

Make one final attempt to reason with him and explain that you have no intention of stopping him - maybe even offering to wait behind while he leaves - then, if that doesn't work, HAUL ASS.
No. 366728 ID: e3f578

"We were just going to regroup and stuff. Probably just find some cool trinket or big wall prophecy an old guy can look at. Seriously, we're just defending an archeology guy, we don't get paid to stop you. Fuck messing with some old lichy thing, no offense. Or are you just making excuses to kill everything you see? You have got to stop."

Rynh, stop being Rynh and be the lichy thingy.
No. 366735 ID: dad164

No. 366741 ID: b6edd6

Say: "Seal you in? I doubt we even could seal you in if we wanted to!"
No. 366764 ID: e79d6a

Got any Turn Undead spells on your person?
No. 366782 ID: 4784be

emphasize that you do not plan on trying to stop him as you do not feel like dying anytime in the near future.
No. 366811 ID: 4449cc

Do you remember the part where we collapsed the entrance? We've totally already sealed him in. In case you've forgotten.

I'm guessing you didn't trap yourselves in completely and can still get out by climbing down from that upstairs place that was at the entrance or something. If so, you can tell him that you have no intent to try and trap him and will even show him the way we where planning to get out even though the main entrance hall is collapsed.
No. 366816 ID: 1854db

Set him on fire before running.
No. 366960 ID: 40cb26

Tell him you don't even know how to, you were just going to leave him be. In fact invite him to walk ahead of you. If you can get him as far as the others he'll end up surrounded.
No. 367636 ID: 8c0848
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"No no! If you want to go first, go right ahead. Don't let us stop you. We have no interest in stopping you at all. I know I'm not stopping you."

"And I have no intention of letting you stop me. Stand aside."

"Rynh, let's get out of the nice dead guy's way before he fries us with horrible death magic. I am way to hot to die here and being a zombie with a hot ass is not going to do anyone any good!"

I'm just going to stand aside and let the freaky corpse go. He's probably a little out of my league to fight outright and everyone else is NOT HERE!

He walk/floats past us without incident. Creepy.
No. 367637 ID: 453e62

follow him a distance away. when/if he sees the others then BLAST him. positive energy would work the best, the energy of life and such. undead are made of negative energy. put a powerful enough blast to push him would be enough, then yell for gustav to blast him too and thodren smash.
No. 367638 ID: 1854db

Follow him. Be ready to unleash the hurt when he inevitably finds the rest of your party and a fight breaks out because you weren't able to go ahead to warn them or plan anything at all.

Someone you know is probably going to die tonight.
No. 367655 ID: cdb8cb


Oh shit the entrance is already sealed! Damn cave-ins. He'll probably totally blame you too, since it's totally your fault.
No. 367661 ID: c71597

Ask if he needs any help in getting past cave-ins? Just so that he's forewarned that it's there and that you're willing to help. Also, ask if he will be needing any stuff that he leaves here.

You're not getting paid to stop him and he's not really your problem if he doesn't try to kill you. Once outside someone might be willing to pay though, in which case we can go at him with proper preparations and get paid a shitload of cash for it.
No. 367668 ID: 99f447

That's a lich. The thing hanging around his neck, probably a phylactery. If you want to kill a lich, you take and destroy his phylactery. Maybe you could get the kitty to steal it.
No. 367674 ID: e3aff6

Why would he wear his one weakness out in the open?

And if he was that easy to take out people wouldn't have gone through the trouble of locking him in here.
No. 367695 ID: 73eb25

Keep up with him enough to see if Thorden is going to get angry and tell him to back down. Remind him we are mercs and are not being paid to do anything to this guy.
No. 367738 ID: d6ae01

Check his undead backside for any obvious weak points! This could be important later!
No. 367818 ID: 5a5d47


Because he's confident in his ability to protect it. That's my guess, anyways. Personally I know I wouldn't leave something that important out of my sight, ever.

When you're as stupid powerful as liches tend to be, on your person is probably one of the safest places around.
No. 368045 ID: 1444d5

Assuming he is one, you don't get to be a Lich by being stupid. The Big Obvious Gem is unlikely to be his Big Obvious Weakpoint.
No. 368056 ID: 210977


no. no no no no no, do not release that lich upon the rest of the land. you fry his rotting ass right now.
No. 368364 ID: 784dcc

Nah. Like others said we aren't paid [enough] for that.
No. 370528 ID: 8c0848
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We return to the others and inform Mel about this.

"It's probably for the best. Liches are nasty customers. Usually unhelpful. Was he wearing anything distinctive? I'll get you to sketch out anything that stood out." He seems pretty calm about this. It must not be a big deal. Rushing out and trying to stab it in the back after deciding to let it go is probably suicide anyway.

The rest of the tomb is empty, except for a few straggler undead. Mel roots around in old pottery shards and broken statues for a few days, then we pack up and return to town. Not too bad, all in all.
No. 370529 ID: 8c0848
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Everything turned out just fine.
No. 370533 ID: e79d6a


Nothing could possibly go wrong now!
No. 370534 ID: 723420

And the best part is no long term ramifications!
No. 370546 ID: 453e62

oh hey, at least the gnolls are gone.
No. 370564 ID: b6edd6

That is a good point. We should look for their corpses, both for loot and for some idea of what tricks our new 'friend' has up his sleeves.
No. 370627 ID: c71597

See, he was a cool guy after all. He probably just wants to sample the cultural life and chill, not every lich has to be all doom and gloom all of the time.
No. 370653 ID: b07601

If a book is going to be written about this ask if you can be included under a pseudonym. As in not by name. If you or he can't think of anything better just suggest "Drala" as in dragon lady :P
If this turns out to be the mistake of the decade then it would be good to not have your name literally written all over it.

What are you going to do with the kobolds? You could give them some coins for being helpful. Then they can buy some food in town or something.

Also consider investing in holy water and stuff that helps kill the undead. There may be a market opening up for that kind of thing real soon... Ask Gustav if he wants to get in on that kind of plan.

Also it's been a while since you tried transforming into anything. Try to surprise Shera by turning into a catperson.
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