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258819 No. 258819 ID: ddaa88

111 posts omitted. Last 50 shown. Expand all images
No. 276468 ID: ddaa88
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Mark has already checked >cmdlist on the consoles.

>Reset Powergrid

After a moment the lights, screen, and console shut down, then restart. Mark hears a mechanical click from the trapdoor's latch. Success!
No. 276477 ID: 6a5a08

I wonder what else was released there. Now, try the Master Override command before we proceed. Maybe we'll be able to get some control over something, like turret defenses. Hah, as if it would be that easy.

On another note, this person looks like they have a ponytail. After seeing the files, I think it might be Kat.
No. 276667 ID: 815cd1

>transfusion on "Naamah"
So, they're taking blood from the patients and putting it into demons, then?

But yeah. Master Override, then get to climbing again.

Oh! Recheck Camera 1 before climbing up. Maybe the reset/override fixed whatever problem it was having.
No. 277261 ID: ddaa88
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Camera 1 is still offline

>Master Override
Connecting to Containment Room Turret System

Although damaged, Mark can see enough from the turret's feed to see a forklift, a warehouse door, and some sort of crate.
No. 277268 ID: ddaa88
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Mark climbs up through the now unlocked trapdoor.

As he emerges into another room, he finds someone waiting for him.

"So you finally made it this far, eh Marcus?"
No. 277270 ID: 1854db

Oh. Samuel. Hi.

Look around to see what would be the best direction to start running.
No. 277306 ID: 99433a

Mop him in the face. You still have the mop, right?
No. 278109 ID: 815cd1

Oh, so just because it's the weird, rich man who wormed his way into the program despite being in perfect health, everyone automatically assumes he's a threat and leaps to aggressive actions. Real logical, gaiz!


"Well, you know, there wasn't much else to do in my room, so I figured, what the hey."

Or, alternatively, "Oh, I'm being timed? Darn. I knew I should've spent less time mucking about down there!"
No. 278157 ID: 6a5a08

Samuel confirmed for Gary Motherfucking Oak

Well, may as well try to be civil. Explain that you slept in, and really have no clue what's going on.
No. 278355 ID: ddaa88
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Samuel is blocking the only door in the room.

Attack may not be the best thing outright, but just in case, Mark readies his CRUDE POLEARM.

"Uh, hello Samuel. I kind of slept in and I have no idea what's happening. Am I being timed or something?"

"Oh, heavens, no. Not officially, although the Director is a bit loony and might say some things like that. I was just expecting you sooner, like last time."
No. 278357 ID: 1854db

No. 278359 ID: 6a5a08

Ask Samuel what exactly is going on, and what he means by 'last time'.
No. 278410 ID: ddaa88
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"Um...What do you mean 'last time'?"

Samuel laughs
"Ah, but look at me getting ahead of myself already! I'm afraid you'll have to figure that out yourself. As for what's going on here...well, I'd say we're having ourselves a little game."

"W-What kind of game?"

"Think of it like an rpg. I believe you would make a fine protagonist, and the others and I are merely here to keep the game interesting. It is up to you to decide how big of a role we play."

Samuel has a very creepy smile.
No. 278413 ID: 1854db

Ask him who the red melty-face guy is.
No. 278415 ID: 6a5a08

Ask why Kat is crying.
No. 278454 ID: ddaa88
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"I saw on the camera's someone that looked like Kat was crying in one of the rooms. Would you know anything about that?"

"Oh, that. She's probably just been bullied by little Jimmy again."

"Jimmy? Is that the James Whitaker guy?"

"Yeah, such a rotten little brat."

"Is he the one going around with a melted, red face?"

"Oh no, Jimmy's just like us. The man-although I hesitate to call him that anymore- with the deformed face is...actually, you'll just have to meet him yourself."

"Anything else I should know?"

"For now? No. Now if you'll excuse me, I have to see a man about a cat."

Samuel leaves through the door.
No. 278475 ID: 6a5a08

Well, let's try to find Kat. Get to know our fellow horrific demonic experiments and all that.

Again. Since we appear to have amnesia.

For now follow Sam, it's the only door out of this place.
No. 278559 ID: 815cd1

Hey, yeah. Whatever happened to Mooshy? Last we saw she was having a staring contest with that red guy. You let her sneak back into the heating vents, didn't you?

But yeah, get on with the room leaving.
No. 278787 ID: ddaa88
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Mark follows Samuel through the door, but he's already gone. Mark enters another hallway, with two doors, a potted plant, and a giant metal seal bolted over the wall at the opposite end of the hall.
No. 278798 ID: 6a5a08


This is demon quest, so go left.
No. 278861 ID: 1854db

Look at the pot first. Could be something stashed in it.
No. 279058 ID: ddaa88
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Mark checks the pot, but it's just a plant.

Mark tries the left door, but it's locked. He hears a faint moan from the other side.


"sniff... go away..."
No. 279158 ID: 1854db

"Kat? Is that you? It's Mark."
No. 279295 ID: ddaa88
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"Kat? Is that you? It's Mark."

"Mark? Is that really you?--NO! It can't be! God damnit James! Your fucking jokes have gone too far!"

"No, Kat, it's really me."

"Damnit James, Mark is dead! Why do you have to rub that in?"

Dead? That's news to Mark...
No. 279476 ID: 815cd1

"Well, as Mark Twain once said, 'The reports of my death are greatly exaggerated.' But, if you wanna be left alone, that's fine." Then try the other door if she doesn't unlock hers.
No. 279608 ID: 6a5a08

Hi Kat! Mark, tell Kat the voices say hi.
No. 279689 ID: ddaa88
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"Well, as Mark Twain once said, 'The reports of my death are greatly exaggerated.' But, if you wanna be left alone, that's--"

Mark is cut off as Kat bursts from the room, embracing him.

"Oh my God, Mark it's really you!"

"I, uh, I...the voices say hi."

Oh look, Mooshy was in the room with her.
No. 279822 ID: 153de0

Return hug.
Then explane about waking-up and being kind of weirded out.
Lastly pet Mooshy.
No. 279900 ID: 6a5a08

Return hug.
Ask what is going on.

Also ask why/when you are/were 'dead'.
No. 279910 ID: ddaa88
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Mark hugs Kat back.

"Sniff...I, I can't believe it's really you. I thought you had died."

"Well, Kat, I need to be honest with you. You seem to know me pretty well, but I only know you from the files on the computer. I woke up this morning and I have no idea what's going on. Could you fill me in?"
No. 279952 ID: ddaa88
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Kat looks confused and opens her mouth to speak, but the plant from the hall comes out of nowhere and smashes into her temple!
No. 279997 ID: 153de0

No. 280015 ID: 6a5a08

Use MANLY REFLEXES gained from MANLY CAPE to grab the plant and try to minimize impact. Then see who threw it.

Also duck if you can't do that, and equip CRUDE POLEARM.
No. 280034 ID: 815cd1

How conveeeeenient.

Instinctively duck, then turn towards the source of the flying topiary with CRUDE POLEARM at the ready.
No. 280346 ID: ddaa88
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Mark channels the power of his MANLY CAPE, ducking to avoid any further projectiles. He turns to see the assailant disappearing through the other door in the hall.

Kat is down, but the attacker is getting away. What should Mark do?
No. 280438 ID: 75d7a9

give her a quick look, if her head has no blood then chase, if there is blood then stay with her.
No. 280444 ID: 252e1b

It is a horrible idea to leave someone with a head injury alone. Pick her up, retreat into her room, and shut the door. Then examine her injury.
No. 280458 ID: 815cd1

Yes. What sort of gentlemanly half/quarter/whatever-percentage demon would leave behind an injured damsel? The assailant will (maybe) get their comeuppance at a future date and time.
No. 280544 ID: 6a5a08

Let Karma deal with the attacker for now, and tend to Kat. Better to keep strong our alliances than to further hatreds, yes?
No. 280559 ID: ddaa88
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Mark turns to check on Kat.

She's lying unconscious on the floor where she fell. Although the injury doesn't seem too serious, Kat's breathing is heavy and labored. Mark brings her into the room she was in, which he saw on the camera before, and sets her on the table.

What now?
No. 280563 ID: 75d7a9

put your hand on her forehead thingy and try to force life energy into her.... or something to that effect.
No. 280565 ID: 6a5a08

Demonic healing? Well, it did apparently cure Mark of a terminal illness. After dying.

If that doesn't work, do your best to clean any plant bits or foreign materials out of the wound. Then tear off some of the cape or coat, and use it to bandage her up. Lock the door again so we don't get any more violent interruptions.

What else is in the room?
No. 280784 ID: ddaa88
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The abrasion seems to have healed on its own already, so Mark doesn't need to try any mystic healing. He's not even sure if he has that ability.

Mark lays Kat out on the table and tries to tear off a bit of his cape to use as a makeshift bandage.

There's nothing else in the room, other than the table and the vent above the door Mooshy came in through.
No. 280785 ID: ddaa88
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"Oh, what the hell-oh shit. Not you again. Fuck, I thought I saw the last of you, Mark. Of all the shitty luck..."

Okay, Mark is confused.
No. 280788 ID: 1854db

Great, what set of memories does she have this time?

Go ahead and ask what she's talking about. She seemed glad to see you just a minute ago, before she got hit by the potted plant.
No. 280800 ID: 252e1b


She got two demons, remember? Her split personality is probably a consequence of that.
No. 280823 ID: 6a5a08

Ask Kat if she's feeling okay, because she just took a blow to the head with a potted plant and changed hair colors.
No. 280876 ID: 75d7a9

explain calmly that someone just wanged her head with a plant. a
No. 280942 ID: ddaa88
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"Kat? Are you okay? You just got wanged pretty hard on the head with a potted plant."

"Kat? What the fuck, do you not remember me telling you not to fucking call me that? That's your little nickname for Bitchy McGoody-Two-Shoes."

"Are you, I mean, your hair's different, are you...?"

"What do you seriously not know? I'm Lillith, and my fucking retarded alter ego is the dumbshit known as Naamah. You still insist on fucking calling her Kat all the fucking time."

Lillith is very vulgar.
No. 280966 ID: 6a5a08

"Well, in that case, I guess it would be proper to call me Rahab? And no, I don't remember. I don't remember much of anything. Apparently I'm dead."
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